Independence Movements Flashcards
When did Malaysia gain independence? What territories made up this nation?
Made up of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore
What were Britain’s main interests in Malaya?
Economic interests in rubber, tin and palm oil
Which Malayan group formed in 1942 in an attempt to collaborate with the Japanese to gain independence? Was this group successful?
Kesatuan Melayu Muda
Such groups were not successful as Japan lost the war
What was the initial role of the Malayan Communist Party? How did this role change after the war?
The MCP became the backbone of the Malayan Peoples’ Anti-Japanese Resistance Army during the war.
After the war, the MCP focussed on asserting Chinese dominance and trying to bring about a Marxist Revolution
What examples of success for the MCP are there?
- They prevented Malay nationals getting independence through Japan
- They succeeded in assassinating the British High Commissioner, Sir Henry Gurney, in October 1951,
Why was the MCP ultimately a failure in the fight for nationalism?
- The group alienated a lot of moderate Chinese as well as the Malay people through the use of guerrilla tactics and violence after 1947
- In 1948, the declaration of a State of Emergency led to the mass resettlement of Chinese into repressive villages and the banning of the Malayan Communist Party. The group was forced into the jungle.
Why was there strong opposition by the Malays to Britain’s plan for a Malayan Union in 1944?
- Since the union would weaken Malay rulers and grant citizenship to ethnic chinese and other minorities
What was UMNO? Who led it?
United Malays National Organisation formed in 1946 which aimed to give Malays independence in a state run exlusively run by Malays (and not chinese)
Dato Onn bin Jaafar
What was the MCA? Who led it?
Malayan Chinese Association set up in 1949. It served as a vehicle for moderate chinese opinion against the MCP. Led by Tan Cheng Lock who favoured collaboration with UMNO to win independence
How was a constitutional settlement for independence reached in 1956 in Malaya?
The MCA collaborated with UMNO to set up a state with Britain where all races would have equal citizenship. The MCA agreed to have Malay as the official language and the head of state to be drawn from the ranks of the Malay Sultans. This appeased UMNO’s demands.
When did South Africa gain independence? Why was this territory important to Britain?
It was important to Britain through economic interests (diamonds and gold in the Transvaal) and strategic interests (along the Cape trade route to India and there was rivalry with Germany there)
How had the Boers gained independence in 1881?
Through winning the First Boer War
What was the Bambatha Rebellion? Why did it take place?
A rebellion by Zulus in 1906, during which 4000 of them lost their lives due to a coercive British response. It took place due to Zulu grievances against onerous tax legislation, black segregation and the Chinese immigrants in the region who kept wages low.
What were the major grievances of the Afrikaaner National Party?
- British economic exploitation of the country. Boers were often poor farmers despite the major mining ventures and foreign capital
- British attempts to anglicise the Boers through the imposition of English as the official language in schools and the workplace
How did the Afrikaaner National Party bring about independence in the territory? When?
It negotiated for several years with the British and came to an agreement in 1909 - the South Africa Act. Accordingly, the Union of South Africa (Cape province, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal) was set up in 1910.
What happened in 1931 which consolidated South African independence?
The Statute of Westminster
When did Britain acknowledge Sudan’s independence? Why had the territory been important to Britain?
January 1956
It was important for securing Britain’s interests in Egypt and the Suez Area. It likewise prevented French expansion eastwards. Overall, this served to secure trade route to India.
How had Egypt gained independence in 1922?
Mass demonstrations and uprisings from March 1919 forced the UK Government to unilaterally declare Egypt’s independence. Previous attempts to reach an agreement had failed when Curzon was unable to convince the cabinet or Dominion Delegates to agree to nationalist proposals.
When was the first major attempt by Sudan to combat British rule? What were their grievances?
1923 with the White Flag League.
These Sudanese military officers disliked British rule and Egyptian Independence since they wanted the “Unity of the Nile Valley”
How successful was the White Flag League uprising?
Not very since the uprising was crushed by the British military
What nationalist group in Sudan formed in 1942? How did they go about trying to achieve independence?
The Graduates’ General Conference (educated Sudanese)
They presented the government with a memorandum: this would grant a pledge to self-determination after the war, an end to the separate curriculum in southern schools and an increase in the number of Sudanese in the civil service
How successful was the Memorandum of the Graduates’ General Conference?
- It was not accepted
- However, the governor general agrred to a supervised transformation of indirect rule into a modernised system of local government
How did the British position towards Sudanese independence change between 1943 and 1946?
In 1943 - Britain began preparing North Sudan for self-government through the North Sudan Advisory Council
In 1946 - the policy was reversed and south and north Sudan were integrated under one government