Positive Impact on Periphery Flashcards
What did the British empire mean for slavery? Which figure cracked down especially on it in Nigeria?
It meant the outrooting of slavery
Which figures can be used to show the expansion of railways under British rule in India?
1860 = 838 miles of railway 1880 = 15,842 miles of railway
In which country was Sharia law restricted under British rule?
Nigeria under Lugard
Which colleges and universities were set up to export British education and values in India?
Madras, Bombay and Calcutta all had universities set up in 1857
Colleges included Mayo College, Rajkumar College and Bombay’s Cathedral school
What proportion of investment was Britain investing in low income countries in 1913?
What criteria does Niall Ferguson use to explain why the British empire was a force for good?
He says it was better than the alternatives e.g. the British empire was the only one that believed in free-trade, the movement of capital and exporting values
What happened to the GDPs of Canada, Australia and New Zealand compared to the US under colonial rule?
They grew quicker
What is the rebuttal of pro-Imperialists to arguments about problems during and after imperial rule?
They claim that the problems existed before the British came e.g. caste system
They argue that problems are bad in the former-colonies now because they are no longer being colonised e.g. no oversight for Mugabe in Zimbabwe
How do pro-Imperialists view the role of the Indian Civil Servants?
They view them as highly beneficial - well-educated and intelligent people who managed to rule over 400m people
How can divide and rule be seen in Nigeria under Lugard? What principle does this show?
He kept the muslim north separate from the increasingly christianised south
Rule by law instead of of law
What did Victorian writer Anthony Trollope point out about patterns of work in Africa as a result of British rule?
The African “has been taught to work for his bread, which of all teaching is the most important”
How did colonisers help the movement away from subsistence farming? Where were British subsidies stopped in the early C20th due to effective agricultural exports and taxation?
Taxation - this encouraged farmers to grow commercial crops to be able to pay the taxes off.
Subsidies from the treasury were stopped in Uganda.
When did Britain set up Famine Commissions in India? When did they establish the Famine Disaster Fund?
1867 and 1878-80 for famine commissions
1881 for Famine Disaster Fund
In what period were drought and famine minimal in India?
What did Britain construct in Egypt to store annual floodwater to support greater irrigation development? When was it built?
Aswan Low Dam 1898-1902
Where did British troops free royal slaves from in 1897? Why is this less indicative of a crackdown on slavery?
Edo (capital of Nigeria)
This was done as a means of punishing the Edo ruler for his earlier attack on them. Shows slavery crackdowns were out of political reasons rather than gentlemanly ones.
Where did Indentured labour have a positive impact on countries economies? What railway line did indentured labourers construct in East Africa in 1901?
The Caribbean, South Africa, Fiji and East Africa
Mombasa to Lake Victoria Railway
How did the mortality rate compare between Indian emigrants and Indians who remained in the country?
It was lower amongst emigrants
Who pointed out that “nationalism is essentially an anti-feeling” against foreign rulers?
Where was violence towards natives particular prominent, which could support Ferguson’s argument that the British empire was the best alternative?
In the Belgian Congo
When did the Gold Coast achieve an elected legislative body?
When was the first Sudanese Parliament inaugarated?
When did Britain establish cabinet government in Jamaica?
What was the benefit of indirect rule according to district officer Kenneth Bradley in Northern Rhodesia?
Locals were able to preserve their culture and ancestry first before adopting any British imposed customs
What, from 1923, demonstrates a potential willingness to enact Trusteeship?
The Devonshire Declaration
During the interwar period, which nations did the British empire prevent coming under the highly racist policies of South Africa?
Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland
Which language became the dominant language of the church and state in the Lake Victoria Region?
What were Chinese businessmen (e.g. in Hong Kong) encouraged to dress like to preserve indigenous culture?
Confucian Mandarins
When did Britain legally abolish infanticide in India?
When was the age of consent set to 12 years in India? When did Britain attempt to raise this to 14?
1891 = 12 years 1929 = 14 years
Whose study of Malaya has shown that women had a crucial impact on advancing education and challenging gender based assumptions there?
Janice Brownfoot
When was a law passed to criminalise adultery in Southern Rhodesia?
How economically sufficient were Nairobi prostitutes in the empire?
Quite sufficient since they could earn and save enough to buy houses according to a local Kenyan study
Which woman supported Indian rule and backed indigenous causes and campaigns?
Annie Besant
How many schools were built for the education of girls in the Gold Coast by 1930? What was the negative aspect of these education?
Girls pursued domestic science courses and hence their gendered role was consolidated through education. They were not emancipated.
How many attendances had been registered at medical clinics in Kumasi (Gold Coast) by 1936? What positive impact is this wider evidence of?
Approximately 50,000 by 1936 in Kumasi
Wider evidence of the expansion and development of free hospitals and midwives in the Gold Coast under British Rule
Which Scottish missionary arrived in Southern Nigeria in 1876 and worked at removing twin infanticide?
Mary Slessor
What did the Mombasa-Lake Victoria Railway (1903) mean for the East African economy?
It meant that greater trade and shipping was facilitated. This helped improve the export trade of the colony
When did the Indian parliament provide for English as the indefinite official language? Why was this positive?
It helped break down the tribal, regional and linguistical divisions within India
What proportion of British emigrants went to the White Dominions between 1915-1949?
How did British investments in the empire increase between 1918 and 1939?
They went from 2/5 to 2/3 of overseas capital
Which historian argues that the growth of cinema in the 1930s in South East Asia and Africa contributed to the growing modernity and national identity in these colonies?
James Burns
How did Mary Carpenter help improve women’s education in India?
Within her 4 visits to India between 1866 and 1875, she established a corps of British teachers to work in India. She opened a college to train female Indian teachers in 1868 (Normal School). Set up girls schools in Bombay and Ahmedabad
When did New Zealand become the first country in the world to give women the vote?
What was “imperial maternalism”?
The process by which several British women helped to alleviate the situation of colonised women through missionary work, education and medicine.
What did Lord Kitchener’s men build during their campaign in Sudan?
A railway
When was the telegraph station in Alice Springs, Australia set up?
By 1890, which were the only territories to not have cable?
Fiji, British Honduras, Tobago, the Falkland Islands, Turks Islands and New Guinea
When was the Bombay Gravitation Scheme completed?
When were sewage projects began in Singapore and Sri Lanka began?
When did The King Institute of Preventive Medicine, Madras open?
What vaccination program was carried out effectively in India?
What was the name of the teaching hospital set up in the Gold Cost? When?
Korle Bu Teaching Hospital
What was remarkable about Ceylon and Malaya’s public health expenditure by 1958?
They had the highest public health expenditure of all South Asia as a result of the colonial focus on it.