Factors leading to the creation of Israel Flashcards
What was Britain’s adopted approach towards Jewish immigration in Palestine during the war?
They forbade it and instead placed Jewish refugees in detention camps in Mauritius
What was the Jewish response to Britain in Palestine during the war?
They supported the British e.g. Haganah and Britain arranged a cease fire in 1940. However, they continued to smuggle Jewish immigrants into Palestine despite this being forbidden.
How did the Arabs respond to Britain in Palestine during the war?
Most Arabs supported Britain during the war and some even signed up for the British Army. Others however, such as the exiled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem declared a Jihad against the allies in November 1941
How important was Palestine during the second world war?
It was of a smaller importance because it was not a major theatre of war.
What were the four main factors that led to the creation of Israel?
- Jewish Terrorism
- UN
- US Lobbying
- Sympathy and Guilt
When did the UN agree to the creation of Israel? When did this officially come into place?
November 1947 - UN GA passed the resolution for the partitioning of Palestine
May 1948 - Zionist leader Ben-Gurion announced the establishment of Israel
How many Jews immigrated to Israel between 1948 and 1951? What proportion of Jewish displaced persons in Europe ended up in Isrel?
700,000 in total
2/3 of Jewish displaced persons ended up in Israel
What was the UN’s published plan for Palestine in 1947? What were the problems associated with the geographical divisions made in the plan?
The creation of an Arab State, a Jewish State and the City of Jerusalem.
The Jewish state contained however a large Arab minority and there were still some Jews in the Arab state drawn up
Which political figure was a strong backer of the UN’s proposed partition plan?
President Truman
What raised Palestine $75m in 1947? How did this help convince Britain to follow Truman’s stance on Palestine?
The 1947 United Jewish Appeal in the USA
This showed how many dollars that Palestine brought into the sterling zone. Hence, Britain had an economic incentive to share Truman’s intentions for Palestine
How many petitions were delivered to the White House in support of a Jewish state?
What was the recommendation of an Anglo-American Committee of Enquiry at the end of the war?
That 100,000 Jews be immediately admitted to Palestine
Who said: “No words can express the horror which is felt by Her Majesty’s government” about the Holocaust
Winston Churchill
Which report from August 1945 solidified British sympathy for the plight of the displaced Jews at the end of the war?
The Harrison Report
By 1946, how many Jewish refugees were in displaced camps in Europe?
Why were Jews hesitant to go back to their homeland after the war?
- It was often emotionally difficult to do so
- They had often lost their homes and belongings
- They no longer had a Jewish community to be with there
- It could also be dangerous
Which country saw particularly many Jewish pogroms after the war? Give an example
Kielce Pogrom
What was the name of the Jewish refugee ship in 1942 which Britain refused entry into Palestine? What happened to the ship?
Struma Ship
The ship blew up after having been turned round and everyone on board died
The rejection of which Jewish refugee ship increased international pressure on Britain to allow free Jewish immigration into Palestine? When was this?
The Exodus in 1947
When did Britain begin troop withdrawal from Palestine? Why?
Early 1948 because there was increasing fighting and violence undertaken by Jewish paramilitary groups campaigning for increased Jewish settlement
What was Operation Nahshon?
An offensive operation by Hagannah against Arab villages which prompted the fleeing of many Palestinians
How many Arabs had fled Palestine by May 1948?
When did Irgun first declar a revolt in Palestine?
February 1944
When did the Jewish Resistance Movement form? How did this contribute to the creation of Israel?
Autumn 1945 when Haganah began collaboration with Urgun and Lehi.
The terrorist action caused politicians in Britain to consider that Palestine was too difficult to control. Thus, they handed Palestine over to the UN in 1947.
What action did Irgun carry out in July 1946 in an attempt to encourage more Jewish refugees to be allowed to settle in Israel? Why was this move slightly counter-productive?
They exploded the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which killed 88 people (including 15 Jews)
It broke their alliance with Haganah however.
When did Britain hand over control of Palestine to the UN following too much internal unrest?
February 1947
How much did it cost Britain to govern Palestine 1945-47?
How many British soldiers died fighting in Palestine after the war?
How had Britain’s influence as a world banker declined following WW2?
- Bretton Woods agreement set up the IMF and World Bank which were alternative bankers to Britain
- Only the dollar became tied to gold and the pound was set against the dollars. This reduced confidence in Britain’s currency and many countries thus converted their sterling reserves into dollars
- Britain had to make the pound sterling freely convertible to dollars at a fixed rate by Spring 1947 (there was huge demand for this conversion)
When was Britain forced to devalue the pound following high balance of payments deficits? By how much?
Why did British trade fall off after WW2?
- Since many countries adopted the dollar as their reserve currency, this removed the advantage of trading in a sterling zone without exchange controls
- Britain’s economy was geared for war and hence couldn’t accomodate the high international demand for consumer goods. The USA could.
- The devlaued currency in 1949 made imports much more expensive for Britain.
Where was there notable Arab violence prior to the creation of Israel?
- December 1947: Arab riots in Jerusalem
- February 1948: Arabs detonated explosives in Jerusalem, killing 60
Who did Lehi kill in Cairo in 1944?
Lord Moyne - the highest ranking British official in the Middle-East at the time
What was the Sergeant’s affair? What was the reaction?
The execution of two British sergeants by Irgun in reprisal for the execution of 3 Irgun militants in July 1947. It brought widespread condemnation from the British public and the authorities carried out arrests and forbade Palestinian Jews from leaving the country.
What were the principle targets of Haganah’s resistance actions?
British immigration control and the railway system
What had Britain established at the end of WW2 which stoked Zionist paramilitary opposition?
Military courts and the death penalty for essentially any crime associated with the paramilitary groups (e.g. smuggling/possessing weapons, belonging to organisation)
How many British soldiers were stationed in Palestine by 1947?
When did Irgun set fire to an oil refinery in Haifa?
March 1947
What was the political factor leading to Britain referring the Palestine problem to the UN?
In September 1946, the British called a conference of Jewish and Arab leaders in London. When this ended in deadlock in February 1947, they were forced to turn to the UN for the solution.
When and what was operation Agatha?
Jewish Agency offices and buildings were raided in June 1946 and arms caches discovered. Led to the arrest of many Jews suspected to be involved in terrorism.