British empire after WW1 Flashcards
In what year did the empire reach its peak land mass? What proportion of the world’s population did this equate to?
1922 - this equated to 1/5 of the world’s population
What caused the Second Boer War 1899-1902?
- Cecil Rhodes was interested in acquiring the Transvaal and Orange Free State since he had gold and diamond interests there as well as an imperial outlook
- The failed Jameson Raid in 1895 had ignited fears of German influence spreading into the region e.g. Krueger telegram
Which party won the 1906 election?
The liberals
By 1914, what proportion of British imports came from the empire?
By 1914, what proportion of British exports went to the empire?
What response did the Boer war have from the international community?
It was condemned because Kitchener and Roberts exploited civilians in order to win it
How many British were killed or wounded during the Boer war?
How many civilians were killed in concentration camps during the Boer Wars? What did this show about the British military?
Highlighted the ineffective nature of British command and soldiers since they had to turn to killing civilians to win the war
Which two international agreements following the Boer War marked the end of ‘splendid isolation’?
An agreement with Japan followed by one with Russia and France
When did the Boers get home rule?
In 1906 - they became a self-governing state with the Union of South Africa in 1910 too
Why did the Liberals coming to power in 1906 signal a move away from imperial support?
Since there were few imperalistic figures within the party. The working class priorities, which the liberals represented more, were more to do with poverty and unemployment. Consequently, national insurance and other benefits were introduced.
What was the value of Britain’s imports from the empire each year 1915-1919? What was it previously?
£1161m compared to £714m in the preceding 5 years
How many colonials fought for the British during WW1?
Why did Britain become more dependent on the empire economically after the war?
Because it lost export markets and thus saw the empire as a lifeline to cusion the economic damage of war.
What were Britain’s exports to non-developed countries in 1867-9? 1909-13? 1927-29?
1867-9 = 58% 1909-13 = 69% 1927-29 = 75%