Special senses Flashcards
- odor dissolves in mucus surrounding the olfactory cilia (in contact with epithelium in the nasal cavity)
- receptor potential is passed to the olfactory nerves in the olfactory bulb
- impulse passes through olfactory tract into the thalamic and olfactory centers of the brain
sense of smell
receptor potential in taste buds. From chemo receptors called gustatory cells
- propagation of action potential
- transmits to the brain
sense of taste
hearing and balance involve the (3):
- external ear
- middle ear
- inner ear
- auricle or pinna: the visible portion of the ear
- external auditory canal (ear canal) tube leading to the temporal bone and tympanic membrane
- tympanic membrane
the external ear
a tiny epthelial cavity hollowed out of the temporal bone
- contains 3 auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes
the middle ear
hammer, attached to inner surface of tympanic membrane
anvil, attached to malleus and stapes
stirrup, attached to the incus
consists of a bony labyrinth, and inside the bony labyrinth, a membranous labyrinth
the inner ear
the bony labyrinth consists of 3 parts:
- vestibule
- cochlea
- semicircular canals
the inner labyrinth is inside the bony labyrinth and contains (4):
- utricle and saccule (inside vestibule)
- cochlear duct inside cochlea
- membranous semicircular ducts inside
- the bony semicircular canals
the vestibule and semicircular canals are involved with _____.
the _____ is involved in hearing
fluid filling the membranous labyrinth
fluid that suspends the membranous labyrinth inside the bony labyrinth