Somatosensory System Part 2 SN Flashcards
What is a Motor Unit?
A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibres it innervates
What is an Alpha Motor Neuron?
- Located in ventral (anterior) horn of gray matter in spinal cord.
- Innervates extrafusal muscle fibres
- Force generating muscle fibres
What is a Gamma Motor Neuron?
Smaller and less numerous than alpha motor neurons
Innervates intramural muscle
What is a Muscle Spindle?
Long Thin Fibres surrounded by extrafusal muscle fibers
Where are muscle spindles the greatest concentration in?
In the Hand and Neck
Why are Muscle Spindles the greatest concentration in hands and neck?
The most position (and velocity) sensitive areas.
How many muscle spindles in the human body?
25,000 to 30,000
How many muscles spindles in each arm and leg?
Average of about 4,000 in each arm and 7,000 in each leg
What is the Number for the Rough Guess of Muscle Spindles?
38*(Muscle Mass)^1/3
What is the function of muscle spindles?
Detect how fast a musle changes or lengtens (stretch receptors)
What are Group Ia Afferent?
Reference to sensory muscle (not skin)
- Sensory, large, myelinated, fast
What is Extrafusal Muscle Fibres?
Outside Muscle Spindles
- Force Generating Muscle Fibres
- Innervated by alpha motor neurons
What are Intrafusal Muscle Fibres?
Located inside the Muscle Spindles
- Controlled by gamma motor neurons
What does Stimulation of Intrafusal Fiber Lead to?
Elongation of Muscle Spindle (maintains sensitivity to stretch) due to equitorial region lengthening
What are Nuclear Bag Fibers?
Thick and contain nuclei within central region
Contains Group Ia and II afferents