Motor Action and Control Part 1 Flashcards
What are the two basic aspects of movement control?
Sensory and Motor
What does the Final Common Pathway involve?
Lower motor neurons
What is the function of sensory processing?
To create an internal representation of then outside world or state of the body
What is proprioception?
The conscious aware of body position and movement
What are Pain and Thermal Sensations?
Tissue Damaging and the Slowest Impulses
What does motor processing begin with?
Internal Representation - having a particular idea of the desired movement
What is psychophysics?
The relationship between the physical characteristics of a stimulus and the attributes of its perception.
What are the four basic stimuli?
- Electromagnetic Waves (light)
- Mechanical Air Vibrations (sound)
- Internal and External Chemicals
- Mechanical Deformations
What does electromagnetic waves influence?
Reflexes, reactions and conscious decisions
What does mechanical air vibrations influence?
Head Position and Equilibrium.. sense of balance (ears)
What do external and internal chemicals influence?
External - Olfaction (sense of smell)
Internal - Metabolic End products (lactic acid)
Muscle Fatigue - Force Decrease, Pain/Swelling
What does mechanical deformations influence?
External - Skin Stretch or Compression
Internal - Muscle Force and Stretch Speed
What are the four elementary attributes of sensory psychophysics?
1.) Modality
2.) Intensity
3.) Location
4.) Duration
What is Motor Psychophysics?
Motor Response to Sensation and Perception
What is Modality (quality)?
Touch (stretch, force), vision, etc.
What is Intensity?
Proportional to the Type and Number of Neurons Discharged
What is Location?
Body part location, depth perception (vision)
What is Duration?
Sensory Accommodation; i.e, fast adapting vs slow adapting
What are the three types of motor actions?
1.) Reflex Responses
2.) Rhythmic Motor Patterns
3.) Voluntary Movements
What are reflex responses?
- Least affected by voluntary control
- Rapid, Stereotyped Movements
- Controlled by the eliciting stimulus
What are the rhythmic motor patterns?
- Walking, Running, Chewing
- Combines features of Reflexive and Voluntary Actions.
What is Voluntary Action?
Initiates action
What is reflexive actions?
Maintains the initiated actions
CPGs.. central path generators.
What is Voluntary Movements (Motor Acts)?
Purposeful.. goal oriented (not rhythmic)
Learned.. skill improves with practice and its practice comes less conscious direction
What are Motor Acts continuously updated with?
Sensory Information, proprioception, visual and auditory
What are 3 tasks of the motor system?
1.) Must convey accurately timed commands to MANY motor neurons
2.) Must consider body mass distribution, plan postural adjustments
3.) Must consider the state of the motors
What works to convey accurately timed commands to MANY motor neurons?
Agonists and Antagonists