Soc 17- Structure Of The Respiration System Flashcards
Breathing in air 20% oxygen + 0.4% carbon dioxide
Breathing out : 16% oxygen + 4% carbon dioxide
Vital capacity
is the greatest amount of air that can be pass into
and out of the lungs by the most forceful inspiration and expiration.
Tidal volume
Is the amount of air inspired and expired with each breath
Gaseous exchange
The process of oxygen and carbon dioxide moving between the lungs and blood this exhange occur at the aveoli in the lungs
Oxygen debt
The amount of oxygen needed at the end of a physical activity to break down any lactic acid
VO2 max
The volume of oxygen an athlete can consume while exercising at maxiumum capacity
John is an elite 400m runner. Explain why having a efficient
cardiorespiratory system is important for his sport (3).
John’s cardiorespiratory system is important for his race performance. During the race, his breathing rate will increase to get more oxygen to his muscles, like the Gastrocnemius, Hamstrings, and Gluteals. If he doesn’t supply enough oxygen to these muscles, he’ll fatigue faster, finish the race weakly, and get a slower time.
How the cardiovascular and
respiratory systems work
An efficient respiratory system provides oxygen to the muscles and removes carbon dioxide, helping the cardiovascular system. During exercise, the body needs to take in enough oxygen and remove the carbon dioxide produced by the working muscles.
What are the 10 main components of the respiratory system?
Intercostal muscles
Left lung
Diaphragm muscle
Anaerobic exercise
Working at a high intensity level without oxygen
The movement of air from outside the body into the cells within tissues
The primary muscle used in the process of inspiration, inhalation. A dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest from the rest of the body cavity
The tube that takes air into the chest, also known as the windwipe
Tube along which air passes from the trachea into the lungs
Smaller branches coming off the bronchi
A type of protien found in every blood cell