Soc 16- The Structure Of The Blood Vessles And Blood Distrubution Flashcards
Carry deoxygenated blood back into the heart
Veins 4 characteristics
Veins carry blood into the heart
Veins have much thinner walls
Veins contain many valves
Pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood
Why is the pulmonary vein is different to other veins
As it carries oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart
Why do veins contain many valves
helps deoxygenated blood flow to the heart
Arteries 4 main characteristics
Arteries takes deoxygenated blood away from the heart
Arteries have thick walls
The pulomnary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to lungs
They channel the blood flows through called the lumen can widen to allow more blood through to the working muscles
Whats the name of the channel that blood travels through in order to reach the working muscles
Lumen - can widen to allow more blood through so when you exercise it can reach the working muscle.
How is the pulmonary arterie different from other arteries
It carries deoxygented blood from the heart to the lungs
4 main characteristics of the Capillaries
Microscopic vessle- one cell thick
At one end the capillaries carry deoxygenated blood which transfers oxygen and nutrients to muscles
Capillaries are where gaseous exchange takes place
Capillaries carry deoxygenated blood into the veins, picking up waste products and taking them around the body to dispose of them
How thick are the Capillaries vessles
Microscopic just one cell thick
Immune system
The structures and process in your body that stop diseases
Substance involved in blood clotting process
The fluid part of blood
Red blood cell
A red protein in the blood that transports oxygen
A condition where there is a lack of red red cells or haemogoblin in the blood
An agent that causes disease, such a virus
Chemical that destroyd a pathogen
Blood pressure
Is a measure of the force that yout heart uses to pump the blood around your body
What are the 4 components that blood is made up of
Red blood cells
White blood cells
What do red blood cells contain
They contain haemogoblin, which stores oxygen and carbon dioxide
What do white blood cells produce
They produce antibodies to fight againts infection and diseases
What do the white blood cells do to help protect the body from diseases
The white blood cells help protect the bodys immune system from viruses and bacteria
Where are platelets formed
Blood platelets are formed in bone marrow
Tiny fragments that clump together to help blood clot and stop bleeding
What is the bodys first line of defence when repairing a wound
The blood is the first line of defence in the repair of a wound
What happens when a blood vessle gets cut
Platelets rush to the area and swell into irregular shapes, they become sticky and act as a plug
Whats the main role of the plasma
The plasma takes oxygen, nutrients,hormones and protiens to the parts of the body that need it
Where do cells up their waste prodcuts in
Cells put thier wast prodcuts into the plasma then helps remove the wast from the body
Capillaries main characteristics
Microscopic vessles
Carry oxygenated blood
Carry deoxygenated blood
Are where gaseous exhange takes place
What are the main vessles of the heat
The lungs and the body
Double circulatory system
A double chemistry sysetm is one where the blood has to pass through the heart on eah crcuit of the body
Double circulatory system
A double chemistry sysetm is one where the blood has to pass throught the heart on eah crcuit of the body
The main 2 atriums of the heart
Left atrium and right artrium
2 main ventricles of the heart
Left ventricle and right ventricle
3 main valves of the heart
Semi-lunar valves
Tricuspid valve
Bicuspid valve
4 main blood flow and air flow entrences of the heart
Pulonary artery
Pulmonary vein
Vena cava
Explain how deoxygenated blood gets oxygenated
Deoxygenated blood enters the right side of the heart, is pumped to the lungs for oxygen, then returns to the left side of the heart, which pumps the now oxygenated blood through the aorta to the body.