Smart book CNS & psych Flashcards
Where craniopharyngioma come from?
what embryonal layer
Rathke’s pouch - anterior pituitary
surface ectoderm
What drug class is used to treat Alzhiemers
which drug specifically?
AchE inhibitors
Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine
Which toxin is contained in mushrooms (when you eat them) that can cause bad effects like throwing up?
Muscarine which is a muscarinic agonist
incr. parasympathetic
Activation of _______ promotes synthesis of nitric oxide
M3 receptors
A collection of snRNPs and other pre mRNA proteins are called ______
whats its function?
remove introns by cleaving
What is incidence?
The number of NEW cases of a illness each year
whats the triad for meningitis?
Fever, neck stiffness, altered mental status
what type of speech is involved in Broca? what other finding would you see?
nonfluent speech and right hemiparesis

Whats the function of the cerebellar hemispheres
what are the three signs of a lesion here?
Motor Planning and coordination of ipsilateral extremeties
-dysdiadochokinesia (impaired rapidly alternating movements)
-limb dysmetria, intention tremor
cognitive tests

whats the triad for Wernickes encephalopathy
what part of the brain is involved?
Confusion Ataxia Neurologic symptoms
Mamillary bodies
What is anterograde (from axon to skin) axonal transport mediated by?
whats Akathisia
extrapyramidal side effect of antipsychotics
restlessness inability to sit still
what are the side effects of antipsychotics

when a patient is on isoniazid what should you give along with it?
b6-pyridoxine to prevent isoniazid neuropathy
patients with major depressive episodes should be screened for what before starting antidepressents?
SHould be screened for manic episodes
this is to rule out/differentiate between MDD and bipolar disorder
starting antidepressants in bipolar do can induce mania
what are the symptoms of PKU
due to decr. phenylalanine hydroxylase or tetrahydrobipterin
-mental retardation, seizures, growth retardation, fair skin, musty odor
whats the function of the obturator nerve
Adduction of thigh
cutaneous innervation of medial thigh
What are the symptoms of west nile virus
Encephalitis, meningitis, flaccid paralysis
(+) ssRNA flavi virus
what are the prenatal tests to check for Neural tube defects?
Incr. AFP & AchE
Whats the deficient in each nerve injury
Common peroneal
Superior gluteal
obturator- leg Adduction/medial cutaneous
Femoral - leg extension/thigh flexion
C. peroneal - foot drop
Tibial - cant curl toes/ foot everted
S. gluteal- pelvis tilts
what is fragile X caused by?
Trinucleotide CGG repeat on FXMR1 (fragile X mental retardation) gene
Hypermethylation and inactivation of gene
what does rabies bind to in that leads to infection?
Ach receptors

what are the serum findings in wilson dz
how do you treat it?
Low Ceruloplasmin
high Copper
what all bio reactions is thiamine involved in?
A-ketoglutarate, Transketolase, Pyruvate dehydrogenase
How would B12 deficiency present?
Megaloblastic anemia (impaired DNA synthesis) and
nuerologic deficits
Subacute combined degeneration of dorsal column/lateral corticospinal
What symptom is permanent even after treatment in Wernicke encephalopathy?
Memory impairment
whats the first line drug for status epilipticus
How does Fragile X syndrome present?
FMR1 gene mutation (Methylation –> inactivation)
CGG repeat
Fragile X has eXtra large jaws, ears, testes

whats the physical presentation of downsyndrome?
Low ears, short neck, epicanthic folds

whats the physical presentation of Marfans syndrome
Arachnodactyl (long skinny fingers), scoliosis, lens dislocation

Whats the physical presentation of Fetal alcohol syndrome
Thin vermillion border( thin upper lip), smooth philtrum (dip on upper lip) microencephaly,