Smart book- Cardiovascular Flashcards
What nerves innervate the carotid baroreceptors?
aoritc arch baro?

what physiologic responses contribute to symptoms of heart failure
Sympathetic Nervous symptoms, Renin-angiotensin, ADH
which vessel has the least amount of oxygen in it compared to the highly oxygenated aorta?
coronary sinuses
What is orthostatic hypotension
which blockade causes this?
drop in blood pressure on standing from the supine postion. Causes pooling of blood in veins below the heart
Alpha blockers
which mutation is associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (leading to sudden cardiac death)?
mutation in the B-myosin heavy chain (sarcomere protein)
what is a cause of an S3 heart murmur
where is it best heard?
Associated with increased-left ventricular systolic volume
(blood left over in LV)
rapid ventricular refilling
-over the APEX in left decibutis postion at end expiration
Whats diastolic HF characterized by?
- normal ejection fraction (since systole works fine)
- normal end diastolic volumes/increased ED pressure
- decreased ventricular compliance (cant dialate well)
whats pulmonary arterial hypertension (familial type/gene mutation)
why does it happen
HTN in the pulmonary artery
inactivation of BMPR2 gene - causes vascular smooth muscle proliferation
when do you use a chi square test?
used to test the association of 2 variables with 2 different outcomes.
2x2 tabe
CT of the heart
whats derived from the embyro cardinal veins

Superior venacava

which HF is it assocaited with
cant breathe when laying flat
which class of Anti HTN drugs cause peripheral edema?
CCB’s (-dipines or verapamil/diltiazem)

How do nitrates work
what should you avoid using when taking nitrates?
they Incr. cGMP w/ smooth muscle relaxation
-Erectile dysfunction drugs (Sildenifil)
What drug do you use in coronary heart dz when aspirin cant be tolerated?
which drug do you give when ACE inhibitors produce cough?
(losartan, candesartan,valsartan)
What are vericose veins?
what can these lead to?
dilated, tortuous veins resulting from impairment of venous valves
-venous stasis ulcers
congenital abnormality thats asymptomatic at birth
holosystolic murmur heard at left lower sternum
Which cell type creates the collagen matrix inside a atherosclerotic plaque?
Vascular smooth muscle cells synthesize collagen
what are the arteries of the head? (pic)
what is the middle menningeal artery a branch of?

What can cause retinal occlusion (which arteries starting with internal carotid)
internal cartoid, ophthalmic, retinal
What causes beri beri? what are the symptoms?
Thiamine (B1 deficiency)

Whats pulsus paradoxus
and its relation to Kortokoff sound
what causes pulsus paradoxus
-decrease in systolic pressure with inspiration
-if you hear K sounds all throughout phases of breathing you can diagnos pulsus
-pericardial dz
most important steps to prevent Catheter infection?
proper hand hygiene
full sterile drapping
chlorhexidine skin disinfection
avoidance of femoral artery
what are the STEMI ecg lead locations?
Aneteroseptal (LAD): V1-V2
Anteroapical (Distal LAD) V3-V4
Anterolateral (LAD or LCX) V5-V6
Lateral (LCX) I, avL
InFerior (RCA) II, III, avF
Posterior (PDA) V7-V9
Bad car crash, where would a person most likely damage the aorta causing it to rupture?
due to the Ligamentum arteriosum it will pull and rip open the aorta. at the Aortic Isthmus just pass the left subclavian

a patient has BPH and Hypertension
what would be the best drug to give him
alpha blocker - Doxazosin
aortic arches

characteristics of Abdominal aoritc aneurysm
Transmural inflamation of the aortic wall
loss of elastin
Which organ is spared in Polyarteritis nodosa?
Selected inherited disorders and their Heart effects

How does adenosine work as a cardiac drug
It works on phase 4 by acting on K channels to prolong repolarization
which part of the heart is the most anterior
Right ventricle
Lowering PaCO2 decreases ICP
via cerebral vasoconstriction
Concentric vs Eccentric heart growth
Concentric is due to pressure overload
(Hypertension / Aortic stenosis)
Eccentric is due to volume overload
(Aortic or mitral regurg / Dilated cardiomy / MI)
what substances are the two major modulators of coronary blood flow?
Adenosine and NO
Left vs Right coronary dominance is judged by which coronary atery supplies the PDA (posterior decending artery)
Most people are Right coronary dominant
(so their right CA supples the av node)
if youre left dominant then your left circumflex supples the PDA along with the av node
what are the most common cause of subungual splinter hemmoraghes?

microemboli due to vegatations on heart valves from
whats the symptoms of Kartageners syndrome
lack of dynein arms
infertitility, situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, bronchietasis
Whats myocardium hibernation
chronic myocardial ischemia that leads to decreased contractility (LV systolic function)
when a person has an TIA/infart/brain hemoraghe with a known DVT
Paroxsymal embolism
when the thrombosis goes from venous (duh) into arterial circulation via ASD or shunts
Fixed splitting