Small Test 2 - Additional questions Flashcards
What is approved names used for?
Give an example
Used for prescribing Official and Prepared medicines
(named by the active ingredient)
Other names for Proprietary name
Give example
Licensed, Brand, Trade or Proprietary name
Eg. Betamox injection, Clamoxyl injection
= Fantasy names
Who gives the Proprietary name
- can differ a lot from chemical name
Who gives the Approved name
Pharmacopoeia Commision
- can be derived from the chemical name
- Usefull in the orientation among trade names
Who gives the Chemical name
International Naming commision
Date - validity RX (superscription) Inscription - authorized (fantasy, dose, strength) Subscription Signature WP = even if 0 days Vet own signature + qualification Repeat information
Prescription of an OFFICIAL formulated medicine
Oxytetracycline Tablets 100mg (BP)
BP = formulated form - Pharmacopoeia
“ in a suitable box”
Prescription of an OCCATIONALLY Prepared medicine
Oxytetracycline hydrochloride 2,5 g
Simple ointment base up to 10g
Prepare ointment in total 10g, dispense in a tube.
For external use only
No WP?
Prescription of an AUTHORIZED (proprietary) medicine
Nizoral Oral SUSPENSION = shake well before use
Send 1 original package, 100mg
Sig. Give 5ml during meal once daily orally for 5 days.
Special prescription requirement of schedule 2 and 3 drugs
- Indelible (or computer)
- Signature = INK or electronic prescriptionform.
1. Name and adress of owner
2. Date
3. Name, form & strength of preparation
4, Total QUANTITY or the number of dosage units = in BOTH words and figures!
5. dose to be administered
6. Prescribers signature, qualification and RCVS regnr.
7. Animal or herd under the vets care
Special prescription requirement of schedule 2 and 3 drugs
NO latinisation or abbreviations (signature or label)
Special prescription requirement of schedule 2 and 3 drugs
Valid for 28 days (also S4)
S5= 6 months
Special prescription requirement of schedule 2 and 3 drugs
NOT permitted
if preprinted = must be crossed out
Special prescription requirement of schedule 2 and 3 drugs
Buprenorphine - SCHEDULE 3
Does not need to be recorded in CD register, but SAFETY CUSTODY DOES REPLY
Special prescription requirement of schedule 2 and 3 drugs
Pentobarbital Sodium 2g (two grams)
Water up to 100 ml ( hundred millilitres) in a children resistant bottle (or suitable package).
Label: Give one dessertspoonful twice daily for five days. NOT SIG!?
Labeling dispensed veterinary medicine
If the product contains eg
- ASPRIN or similar = Unsuitable for cats
Asprin within a red rectangle. - HEXACHLOROPHENE for oral administration
SHEEP = Protective clothing
CATTLE= Not for use in lactatiing cattle
Labeling dispensed veterinary medicine
Label must include
- Name and address OWNER & VET!
- Date of dispensing
- External use only = Topical use
- WP (relevant WP)
- hexachorophene + aspirin
- Animal treatment only - unless too small package
- Keep out of reach of childres
Labeling dispensed veterinary medicine
Good practice to also include
- Drug name, Concentration & amount of dispensed medicine
- Information about the application
- Recomended use of mechanical letters
- Both container and outer packaging should be labeled.
MFS prescription
= Food producing animals in large scales
Minerals and Vitamins
3 copies
- Veterinarian
- Owner - WP!!
- Compounder
- Inclution rate
- Proove efficacy of MFS
Valid for
3 months or shorter
Information should be provided according to data sheet requirement - such as
1, inclution rates
- Target species
- WP
When and by whom may medicines be incorporated in animal feed stuff
By appropriately REGISTERED PERSON
- Only if product has a relevant PRODUCT LICENCE
or an
ATC - Animal test certificate
MEdicinal products to be included in feed must be
LICENCED for in-feed use - exeption veterinarian
How long will the treatment with MFS be sufficient
Only one course of treatment
- Reevaluate and revisit
All MFS prescriptions follow a specified formate and should include
- Name and adress of person prescribing
- Qualification enabeling the person to prescribe
- Name and adress of the keeper of the animals treated
- Animal species, identification and nr of animals
- Different adress than the keeper?
- Date of prescription
- Signature or other authentications of the person prescribingg
- Name and amount of the product prescribed
- Dosage and administration instructions
- Warnings?
- WP
- Manifacturer/distributor of feeding stuff
- If validity exceeds 1 month - statement that not more than 31 days supply may be provided at any time
- Name,type and quantity of feeding stuff
- inclution rate
- Special instructions
- % of prescribed feeding stuff to be added to daily ration
- Prescribed under the cascade
Powder for external use
- Active substances
Antibiotics Anticeptics Antimycotics Ectoparasites - Repellent not allowed in cat