SM_94b: Learning and Memory Flashcards
Memory includes the steps of ____, ____, and ____
Memory includes the steps of encoding, retention, and retrieval
Information loss is ____, while reviewing and sleep ____ loss
Information loss is time-dependent, while reviewing and sleep mitigate loss

Describe the nomenclature of classical conditioning
Nomenclature of classical conditioning
- Unconditioned stimulus: unconditionally and naturally triggers a response
- Unconditioned response: unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to an unconditioned stimulus
- Neutral stimulus: produces no specific response
- Conditioned stimulus: previously neutral stimulus comes to trigger a learned response
- Conditioned response: learned response to previously neutral stimulus

Stimulus extinction is when ____
Stimulus extinction is when the learned response occurs less often and eventually stops as the conditioned stimulus is applied repeatedly without being paired with the unconditioned stimulus
(conditioned stimulus returns to neutral)
____ results from a failure to extinguish a stimulus
PTSD results from a failure to extinguish a stimulus
Positive reinforcement is ____
Positive reinforcement is a reward that increases behavior

Negative reinforcement is ____
Negative reinforcement is escaping an aversive stimulus that increases behavior

Positive punishment is when ____
Positive punishment is when the behavior is followed by an aversive stimulus to decrease the behavior

Negative punishment is when ____
Negative punishment is when the behavior is followed by removal of a positive stimulus to decrease the behavior

____ is reinforcement for every correct action and leads to fastest learning
Continuous reinforcement is reinforcement for every correct action and leads to fastest learning
____ reinforcement schedules lead to faster response rate / conditioning
Fixed reinforcement schedules lead to faster response rate / conditioning
____ reinforcement schedule is reinforcing after a set number of correct responses
Fixed ratio reinforcement schedule is reinforcing after a set number of correct responses
____ reinforcement schedule is reinforcing after a set time-period
Fixed interval reinforcement schedule is reinforcing after a set time-period
____ reinforcement schedules lead to more reliable response rates and are resistant to extinction
Variable reinforcement schedules lead to more reliable response rates and are resistant to extinction
____ is an unpredictable reinforcement schedule based on the average ratio of correct responses
Variable ratio is an unpredictable reinforcement schedule based on the average ratio of correct responses
(slot machine)
____ is an unpredictable reinforcement schedule based on an average time-period
Variable interval is an unpredictable reinforcement schedule based on an average time-period
(same average reinforcement but unpredictable schedule)
Describe components of the Papez circuit
Components of Papez circuit
- Subiculum: main hippocampal output, projects to medial mammillary nucleus / fornix / bidirectional to entorhinal cortex
- Fornix: fiber pathway connecting hippocampus with hypothalamus and mamillary body
- Medial mamillary nucleus: within mammillary bodies / posterior hypothalamic region, output via mammillothalamic tract
- Anterior thalamic nuclei: limbic function, projects via internal capsule to cingulate gyrus
- Cingulate gyrus: regulates emotion particularly autonomic response, receives input from association cortex, output to several deep structures
- Parahippocampal gyrus: includes severla cortical hippocampal inputs including entorhinal cortex, receives 2/3 of input from association cortex
- Entorhinal cortex: main input into hippocampus, bidirectional circuit also has afferents

Explicit (declarative memory) consists of ____ and ____ memory and is ____
Explicit (declarative memory) consists of episodic and semantic memory and is limbic-dependent until consolidated but not afterward

Implicit nondeclarative memory consists of ____, ____, and ____ and is ____
Implicit nondeclarative memory consists of priming, skills / habits, and conditioning and is limbic-independent

____ is retention of information for brief periods of time and is limited in time and capacity
Working memory is retention of information for brief periods of time and is limited in time and capacity

Working memory includes the ____ and ____
Working memory includes the phonological loop (digit span: 7 ± 2) and visuospatial sketchpad (corsi span: 7)

Memory encoding occurs in the ____
Memory encoding occurs in the frontal networks
Memory retention occurs in the ____
Memory retention occurs in the limbic memory network (Papez circuit)
Memory retrieval occurs in the ____
Memory retrieval occurs in the frontal networks