Sleep disorders - Circadian Rhythm Phase Disorder Flashcards
What is a Circadian Rhythm Phase Disorder?
a disruption in ones sleep-wake cycle that causes sleeping issues
individual cannot sleep when needed/desired
What are the 3 circadian phase disorders?
Adolescence Cycle ‘Shift’
Shift Work
Jet Lag
What factors can cause sleep disruption?
Naturally occurring biological malfunctions
Mismatch in biological sleep-wake cycle compared to work/school timelines
Mismatch in biological cycle and environments day/night cycle
What is a limitation of using hypnograms?
when measuring ones sleep it is done in clinic environments
the participants sleep pattern will not be normal and can disturb data
What problems does insufficient sleep cause in adolescents?
harder to concentrate, think and learn
emotional/behavioural mood swings
inattentive and unmotivated
What biological influences happen in an adolescents sleep?
Melatonin secretion peaks later in the 24-hour cycle for adolescents, it makes the adolescent sleepier 1 to 2 hours later than normal
This change in the timing is known as a ‘sleep–wake cycle shift’ , it affects an adolescent’s ability to fall asleep at the earlier times
What is a ‘Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder’ ?
a 1-2 hour set back in the sleep pattern, seen in adolescents
meaning teens feel sleepy later into the night that other ages
What is ‘Sleep Debt’ ?
The ‘owed’ amount of sleep
Difference between amount of sleep required and amount of sleep had
What psychological influences happen in adolescent sleep?
Teens like to rebel or be independent
usually results in going to bed later because sleeping early is ‘childish’
What social influences effect adolescent sleep?
Adolescents have a 1-2 hr shift and sleep later
however school/work/homework/partying can get in the way
this results in having a harder time getting up in the morning
What is shift work?
a job that requires one to work at abnormal hours
these jobs can be overnight, super early, or super late
Why is an overnight shift job bad for sleep?
the quantity and quality of sleep is worse
lots of sleep debt is accumulated
the circadian rhythm is disrupted because we’re supposed to sleep at night
What side effects occur when working shifts?
excessive napping or sleeping twice a day
its more difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep, won’t sleep as deeply
workers will go to daytime routines on days off, disrupting cycle further
moods and satisfaction will also be more unpredictable
What impaired performances can occur from shift work?
reduced awareness
compromised reaction time and cognition
can be unsafe when functioning on low sleep
Why are rotating shift schedules bad for sleep cycles?
rotating shift workers have more sleep disturbances
fixed schedules allow for routines to be put in place
What is jet lag?
a sleep cycle disturbance caused by rapid travel between time zones
mismatch between biological clock and environment (because body is used to timezone at home, not new location)
What are the effects of jet lag?
Sleep problems Feeling unwell Sleepiness Reduced daytime alertness Impaired concentration Digestive problems
What effects doe jet lag have on sleep cycles?
Greater number of arousals
Greater percentage of NREM Stage 1 during first 2-3 sleep episodes
Second half of sleep is disrupted
Why is travelling west better?
‘following the sun’ day is lengthened
results in less difference between timezones and biological cycle
Why is travelling east worse?
Goes away from the sun, day is shortened
results in much larger difference between time zones and biological cycle
What ways help overcome jet lag?
While in transit environmental cues can be made to match the destination times
eg. flight attendants will feed you at all hours to match destination eating times
minimises the effects of jet lag on arrival