SIKHISM and CHRISTIANITY (summer exam) Flashcards
Who is Guru Nanak?
Guru Nanak is the founder of Sikhism.
He is known for:
- rejecting the caste system, teaching equality, and introducing the three principles:
- Nam Jap (meditate on God’s name), Kit Karo (work hard), and Wand Shack (share with others).
What is the Mool Mantra?
-The Mool Mantra is the Sikh morning prayer that describes the nature of God
-It was Guru Nanak’s first words after his revelation and is recited daily by Sikhs.
What does Waheguru mean?
Waheguru is the Sikh name for God.
What is the significance of Diwali for Sikhs?
Diwali celebrates Guru Hargobind’s release from prison and symbolizes bravery and equality.
Who is Guru Gobind Singh and what did he do?
-Guru Gobind Singh was the 10th Guru who founded the Khalsa
-Introduced the 5 Ks, and emphasized equality and fighting against injustice.
What are the 5 Ks introduced by Guru Gobind Singh?
Kirpan (sword), Kesh (uncut hair), Kara (steel bracelet), Kanga (comb), Kachera (special shorts).
What is Vaisakhi?
Vaisakhi is a festival that celebrates the formation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh.
What is Sewa and its types?
A: Sewa is selfless service.
Types of Sewa are:
- Man (mental service),
- Tan (physical service)
- Dhan (material service).
What is Langar?
-Langar is a free community meal served at a Gurdwara to promote equality
-Selfless service.
What is the significance of Jesus’ birth in Christianity?
Jesus’ birth is important because
- it signifies God becoming human (the incarnation)
- and Jesus’ miraculous birth by the Virgin Mary.
What are some of the miracles performed by Jesus?
-Examples include feeding the 5,000 with loaves and fish
-raising Jairus’s daughter from the dead.
What is the Holy Trinity?
The Holy Trinity is the belief in one God existing in three parts:
-Father (creator)
-Son (Jesus)
-Holy Spirit (guide).
How did Jesus respond to the temptations in the desert?
Jesus resisted the devil’s temptations by quoting scripture and staying true to God.
What is the meaning of Jesus’ crucifixion?
Jesus’ crucifixion was his death on the cross for humanity’s sins.
What is the significance of the resurrection?
The Resurrection is Jesus coming back to life, showing he is God and has eternal life.
What is ascension in Christianity?
Ascension refers to Jesus rising to heaven after his resurrection.
Define ‘Atonement’.
The belief that Jesus dying on the cross resolved the problems between humans and God.
What is Original Sin?
Original Sin is the belief that all humans inherit a sinful nature due to Adam and Eve’s disobedience.
What is meant by ‘Incarnation’?
Incarnation is the belief that God became flesh in the form of Jesus.