Signals - Exceptions to Pass Fixed Signals ABS System Flashcards
What are the 3 exceptions for passing a STOP Home Signal on the ABS?
- Defective
- Track Circuited no Low-Speed Caution
- Single Line Working
What are the 2 exceptions for passing a STOP Dwarf Signal?
- Defective
- Single Line Working
What are the 3 exceptions for passing a STOP Automatic Signal?
- Stop for an UNKNOWN reason??
- To assist a Disabled train
- Special Instructions from MRS (Managers Rail Safety)
What is the Authority if a Home Signal at STOP on the ABS is Defective?
- Signallers Caution Order (SCO) if there are Points, Crossovers or Tramway
- Verbal (if there are no Points, Crossovers or Tramways)
What is the Authority if a Home Signal at STOP on the ABS doesn’t have a Low-Speed Caution?
Verbal from the Signaller
What is the Authority if a Home Signal at STOP on the ABS for Single Line Working?
Verbal from Pilot (who has Single Line Working Forms)
What is the Authority if a Dwarf Signal at STOP is Defective?
Verbal from the Signaller
What is the Authority if a Dwarf Signal at STOP for Single Line Working?
Verbal from Pilot (who has Single Line Working Forms)
What is the Authority if a Automatic Signal at STOP for all exceptions?
Rule 1 Section 3
What is the Hierarchy of Authority?
- Signal Aspect
- Train Authority
- Signallers Caution Order
- Verbal
- Rule 1 Section 3
How can Caution Orders be given to the driver?
- Handed Only (Local and Unrecorded)
- Transmitted (Recorded) or Handed
- Dictated (Remote and Unrecorded) or Handed
When can an Automatic Signal at STOP be passed if it isn’t defective?
- To assist a disabled train
- To assist with the movement of passengers from a disabled/de-railed train
- To attach to the train in the section ahead
What should a driver do if detained at a Home Signal at STOP?
- Stop the train and Sound Long Whistle if near a Signal Box
- Contact the Controlling Signaller
- Provide:
- Signal Post Number
- Position of Train - PA Announcement if required
- Contact Controlling Signaller every 5 minutes (Signaller will provide: Duration of delay, Reason for delay, If Blocking Facilities have been applied
What are Blocking Facilities used for?
To remind signallers that tracks are occupied or fouled
If detained at a Home Signal at STOP the driver should contact Train Control if?
- Driver can’t contact the Controlling Signaller
- Driver isn’t satisfied as to the cause or duration of the delay
- The delay will exceed 5 minutes
Who can’t issue an authority to pass a Home Signal at STOP?
Train Control at Metrol
What should a driver do if detained at a Dwarf Signal at STOP?
- Sound one Long Whistle
- Contact the Controlling Signaller
- The Controlling Signaller will provide:
- Duration of delay
- Reason for delay
What should a driver do if detained at a Dwarf Signal at STOP and they can’t contact the Controlling Signaller?
Contact Train Control at Metrol
What must any Signal Irregularities be regarded as by the driver?
At its safest position (STOP)
When receiving the Authority to pass a Defective Home Signal what should the driver lookout for in regards to potential causes of the defect?
- Broken rail
- Damaged rail infrastructure
A Signallers Caution Order will be given to drivers when a Defective Home Signal is?
- Protecting a Turnout or Crossover
- Protecting the Fouling point of a Crossover
- Protecting a Tramway Crossing
How many Signallers Caution Orders can be issued for a particular Signal at once?
1 at a time
How should a train move through section when using Rule 1 Section 3 or when given authorisation to go through a STOP signal?
At Extreme Caution (maximum 25km/h)
If a light is extinguished on a Home Signal, can the driver accept a Low-Speed Caution aspect?
No, it will be regarded as a PAE
What does Caution Order =
What details must a driver confirm are correct when receiving a Caution Order?
- Name of Signal Box
- Date
- Time
- Destination to and from
- Signal Post Number
- Signallers signature
What must a driver do prior to tripping past any Signal?
Make a PA Announcement (to ensure the safety of the passengers)
Must the Driver and the Signaller always exchange names for Caution Orders?
Yes, for recording purposes
If detained at a Home Signal at STOP where there is no Low-Speed Signal and the driver needs to enter the occupied section what is the furtherest a Competent Worker can be from the Home Signal?
500 metres
What is Single Line Working?
The system used when traffic of a Double Line is being worked over a Single Line due to repairs or obstruction
Can a Pilot authorise a driver to pass a Signal protecting the exit of the Section?
What is the Role of a Pilot for Single Line Working?
- Gives the driver verbal instructions to enter the Single Line Working area
- Allow the driver to read/understand the Single Line Working Forms
What system does the MURL operate under?
Bi-directional ABS Safe Working System
What Type are all Signals in the MURL?
3 Position Home Signals
Who controls all Signals in the MURL?
Area Controller at Metrol
What are the 2 exceptions to pass Disc Signals on the ABS?
- Defective
- Single Line Working
When passing an Automatic Signal at STOP, you must consider the Section ahead to be?
- Occupied
- Obstructed
- or Damaged
(Train must be driven in accordance to Visibility and being able to stop within half the distance that can be seen)
What 3 reasons allow a train to pass an Automatic Signal at Stop?
- When performing Rule 1 Section 3
- when authorised by the driver of a disabled train who is acting as a Pilot
- Where special instructions apply to the contrary
What 3 reasons allow a driver to authorise themselves to pass an Automatic Signal at Stop?
- Certain that the Section isn’t Obstructed
- The train is free of Defects that affect Braking Distances
- Visibility is suitable
If a driver encounters an Automatic Signal at STOP they must?
- STOP prior to the Signal
- Not pass the Signal if the line ahead is known to be Occupied (until the train moves out of sight or the Track Section)
- The Track must always be considered OCCUPIED, OBSTRUCTED or DAMAGED
If a driver encounters an Automatic Signal at STOP they must consider if their train unsafe to proceed because of?
- Braking ability
- Defective or Isolated Equipment
- Bad Weather Conditions
- Poor/Restricted Visibility
If a driver decides it isn’t safe to perform Rule 1 Section 3 they must?
Contact Train Control and advise them of the circumstances for not proceeding
Once an Automatic Signal at STOP improves/clears, drivers must call Rule 1 Section 3 phone number and say?
“Signal Cleared”
What must the driver provide when calling the Rule 1 Section 3 phone number?
- Name
- Motor Number
- Signal Number
What speed must a driver proceed at while performing Rule 1 Section 3?
Extreme Caution (Not exceeding 25km/h)
Extreme Caution is defined as?
- Being able to Stop the train in half the distance that can be seen ahead
- Not exceeding 25km/h or posted track speed if slower, until the WHOLE TRAIN has passed the next Fixed Signal
- Assuming the Section ahead is OCCUPIED, OBSTRUCTED or DAMAGED
What must a driver do when performing Rule 1 Section 3 through a Level Crossing?
Can trains Shunt outside of a Home Signal?
Yes, under Rule 16 Section 12
(The train behind must be at 100 metres clear of the intended limit of movement)