Customer Service and Responding To Emergencies Flashcards
What 5 things does the Equal Opportunity Act prevent discrimination against?
- Race
- Religion
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender
- Age
Where can MTM policies on Anti- Discrimination, Privacy and Confidentiality be found?
An intranet system called “The Depot”
Who can drivers direct passenger enquires to?
Station staff
Who can drivers discuss processes, policies and procedures with?
Depot Managers or Principal Drivers
When should Public Address Announcements be made?
- Pre-departure announcements from terminating locations
- When train is delayed by 2 minutes
- When automated announcements are inoperative
- For planned occupations or unplanned closures of lines
- Altered stopping conditions
- Transposals at FSS
- When leaving the cab for any reason
When should Pre-departure announcements be made?
2 minutes before departure
What should Pre-departure announcement contain?
Destination and stopping conditions of the service
What is a Train Transposal?
A last minute alteration of a service
Who advises drivers of Train Transposals?
Train Control at Metrol
An announcement should be given to the passengers when a train is delayed for?
2 minutes or over
During extended delays, when should update announcements be given?
Every 5 minutes
Who is a passenger with Special Needs?
- A person who needs a seat due to age, disability, illness or pregnancy
- The carer of a person who meets the above criteria
What carriage must passengers who required assistance from the driver travel in?
The leading carriage
What must drivers do for passengers who require a ramp?
- Find out what station the want to go to
- On arrival provide ramp for their use
What must drivers do for non verbal passengers who require assistance?
- Establish how the passengers says YES and NO
- Read out a list of station names in order to confirm where they want to get off
What should driver put in the cab in a visible position if a passenger who requires a ramp is travelling?
A sticky (post it) note saying which station the passenger wants to get off the train
What are 5 examples of people who might need the ramp to get on and off the train?
People who use:
- Wheelchairs
- Walking frames
- Crutches
- Prams conveying children
- Mobility aids
What are the primary doors on Comeng and X’Trap trains?
Doors 1 and 6
What are the secondary doors on Comeng and X’Trap trains?
Leading Motor Car Doors 2 and 5
What are the primary doors on Siemens trains?
Doors 1 and 4
What are the secondary doors on Siemens trains?
Leading Centre Motor Car Doors 1 and 4
What must a driver do on a terminating Comeng train with a special needs passenger?
Brake controller must moved to and left in EMERGENCY until passenger is assisted and the cab is isolated
What must a driver do on a terminating Siemens or X’Trap train with a special needs passenger?
Activate the EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON until the passenger has been assisted and the cab is isolated
What must a driver do if a ramp is found broken?
Exchange it with ramp in a Leading Centre Motor Car and report it as a fault
Can drivers lift Motorised Wheelchairs?
Can station staff assist with deploying a ramp?
What to do if a “Near Miss Incident” happens?
- Brake handle into EMERGENCY, bring train to a stand
- “Am I ok to continue”
- TEC call to Train Controller (possible REC)
- If not ok to continue ask for relief
- If ok to continue travel at reduced speed until you feel more comfortable
- At FSS not ok, DAO will cover shift
- Submit incident report at end of shift
What to do if there is an Unruly Passenger?
- Get to a safe place
- TEC or REC call to Train Control
- Wait for Police if necessary
What are the two most common dangerous goods trains encounter?
- Flammable
- Explosive
What should a driver do if there is an incident involving a vehicle carrying dangerous goods?
- TDN, Origin/Destination, Location
- Nature of the Emergency (lines obstructed etc)
- Emergency response (state items on placards, hazchem codes)
- Identify any additional hazards
Dangerous Goods Label contains?
- Chemical name
- Class of dangerous goods
- Contact information
- HAZCHEM action code
- U.N. ID number
Where is Dangerous Goods Documentation kept on Trains?
In the leading cab
What is Dangerous Goods Documentation kept in on Trains?
A white vinyl bag with red lettering marked Dangerous Goods Documentation
Where is Dangerous Goods Documentation kept on Road Transport Vehicles?
In the drivers side door pocket
What dangerous goods must passengers not bring on trains?
Flammable or Combustible Chemicals
What must drivers do if dangerous goods are brought on trains by passengers?
- Ask passenger to get off train over the PA system
- Inform Train Control at Metrol
When dealing with an incident involving dangerous goods a driver must?
- Stay upwind of gaseous leakage
- Avoid contact with dangerous material
- Avoid inhalation
- Ensure there are no sources of ignition
If a minor hazardous substance spill occurs what is the initial action?
- Check for spill kit, which will contain a substance to absorb the liquid product
- Notify Train Control at Metrol
- Ensure drains and water course are protected from any runoff
What should be conveyed to Train Control during a dangerous goods emergency which could help emergency services?
Information regarding emergency service access and requirements
What should a driver do if they are trying to prevent a collision with a person or object?
Use the Emergency Brake and Whistle/Horn
After an incident what should a driver do to protect adjoining lines?
- Make a REC call
- Display Red Marker Lights on the front of the train
- Flash headlights between high and low beam
- Use sharp short whistles to alert oncoming trains
- Display a red flag on front of train
- Fit an Emergency Track Circuit Jumper cable (only if overhead has not been disarranged)
What is the emergency situation procedure for incidents that require emergency services to attend?
- Initiate REC/TEC call
- Protect adjoining lines
- Public Address Announcements
- Ask for assistance
- Preliminary breath test
- Police statement at the scene
- Getting relief
- Transportation from the scene
What must a driver provide in a statement to Police after an emergency incident?
- Full name
- Address
- Grade or Departmental Number
- Date of Birth
- Length of service including time served
- Direction of train travel
- Whether vehicle was stationary or moving in which direction
- Whether pedestrian was (walking, lying, or fell etc)
- Name of any witnesses
- Whether warning devices were operating at the time
Passengers must be evacuated from a train if it can’t be moved to a platform after?
- Outside the MURL if train can’t be moved in UNDER 30 MINUTES
- Within the MURL if train can’t be moved in UNDER 15 MINUTES
When evacuating a train in an emergency drivers must evaluate?
- Personal Safety
- The safety of passengers
- The safety of Metro assets
An emergency evacuation is?
A situation on the train which endangers human life (eg. a fire)
Controlled emergencies are?
- Driver is informed by Train Control or Emergency Services to do so
- A severely inconvenient situation for passengers where evacuating is easier for them
- When a train is disabled and all other methods of solving the fault fail
Evacuating passengers should take into account Flora, Fauna and Heritage sites because?
State and Commonwealth Legislation protect those areas
What should the driver do if the train is not at a platform during an emergency incident and a special needs person needs to be evacuated?
Move the passenger to a safer part of the train and wait for assistance from emergency services
What must the driver not provide in a police statement after incident involving emergency services?
Don’t provide the speed the train was travelling
Where are dangerous goods placards located on road vehicles?
- Rear left on back of truck
- Front left side of load
- Front right side of load
Where are dangerous goods placards on bulk loads?
- Front right side of the load
- Back left side of the load
What colour is signage for Flammable and Explosive dangerous goods?
Flammable = Red
Explosive = Orange