OH&S Flashcards
When can you use mobile phones in the danger zone?
When you you use mobile phones in the rail corridor?
- When in a Position of Safety and only for Business (fault dispute for Principal Driver) or an Emergnecy
What Health and Safety Act does Victoria operate under?
Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004
What are the Employers duties and responsibilities for OH&S?
- Safe workplace
- Safe ways of doing work tasks
- Provide a Job Safety Analysis
- Safe plant, tools and equipment
- Safety information, instructions and training
What are the Employees duties and responsibilities for OH&S?
- Carrying out work safely
- Not interfering with safe operation of equipment and machinery
- Wearing PPE
- Reporting injury immediately
- Reporting faulty equipment
- Following safety laws
Who monitors compliance of OH&S Acts in Victoria?
Worksafe Victoria
Who should First Aid Injuries be reported to?
The Duty Manager
What’s the process for washing your hands?
- Wet
- Apply soap
- Rub palms together
- Clean between the fingers and back of hands
- Clean dirty nails
- Rinse
- Dry
- Use towel to turn of tap
When to wash your hands?
Before and after:
- eating
- touching sick person
- blowing nose
- treating cuts and wounds
- touching rubbish
Who should risks and hazards be reported to?
- TC at Metrol
- Co-workers
- Manager
When should PPE be worn?
When entering the Rail Corridor
What does Blue mean on OH&S signage?
What should you do if you observe a hazard?
Report it immediately
What are 5 things to take into account when writing Incident Report?
- They are Legal Documents
- Use Black or Blue pen
- Don’t use Whiteout
- Strike out and Initial errors
- Accurate, Brief and Clear
When should a driver jot down notes to prompt their memory?
When safe to do so
What 3 things should be done when submitting a report?
- Put paper copy in Manager Correspondence Box (DAO)
- Attach all relevant information
- Send a copy via email for your reference
How can a CAN Notice be received?
- Handed by station staff
- Transmitted via DTRS
What will Train Control at Metrol provide for TMM’s?
- Fault Category
- Fault Reference Number
What should a driver do if not satisfied with Fault Category provided by TC at Metrol?
Contact the Principal Driver Help Desk
Who is initially the Interim Site Coordinator?
The driver
What is the role of the Interim Site Coordinator?
- Nature of Emergency
- Appropriate Emergency Services notified
- Constant communication with TC at Metrol (every 10-15 minutes)
- Advise Emergency Services of situation
Who should Interim Site Coordinator let take over the situation?
Police or Fire Brigade
What must be done with Mobile Phones and Radios during a bomb threat?
Be turned off
Should a driver use DTRS or work mobile phone during a bomb threat?
No, find the nearest landline
What should the driver know about fire extinguishers?
- Where they are located
- Be trained to use them
What happens if there is Blood, Urine or Faeces on a train?
- Contact TC at Metrol
- Cleaners or Station staff may clean while in service
- Train may be taken out of service
What happens if you get a Needle Stick Injury?
- Wash the wound with soap and water
- Notify Duty Manager
- Go directly to the Doctor
- With 24 hours of seeing Doctor, fill out Workers Comp form
- Go on Needle Stick Registry so any Blood Born Diseases can be tracked
What is EAP?
Employee Assistance Program
What is needed to enter a confined space?
Confined Space Entry Permit