An employee who is the witness or subject of sexual harassment should clearly and promptly report the incident to their supervisor in no event later than __ days after the incident.
If the immediate supervisor was involved, then the employee should report to their ___.
10 days
Manager, Commissioner or Department Head
First step: any supervisor who receives notice of a sexual harassment complaint will promptly report the incident to his/her ________, who will in turn notify a representative of the Office of ___ ___ ___ ___.
The Complaining Party or the City official receiving the Complaint shall reduce it to __.
Manager, Commissioner or Department Head
Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance
All supervisors, Managers, Commissioners or Department heads shall:
- Take action to __ and __ sexual harassment. 2. Take responsibility for reviewing with staff the ___ procedures for this policy.
- After investigation is complete, take effective and appropriate further action, which includes, but not limited to, ___, __ __ referral.
Any decision for further action shall be made by the __ __ or his/her designee, after consultation with the __ __ Director.
prohibit and prevent
reporting procedures
discipline, Employee Assistance referral
Appointing Authority
Human Resources Director
It shall be the the responsibility of the Office of ________ to provide overall enforcement of the City of Toledo’s Sexual Harassment policy, and:
- ___ this Policy to every department, division and agency head.
- Provide ___ to every employee.
- __ personnel actions and r__ any situation that violates this Policy.
- Compile __ and/or __ on sexual harassment complaints.
Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance
Monitor personnel actions, remedy situations
Compile information and/or data
Upon the report of an incident of sexual harassment the __________ shall, in conjunction with the __________, conduct an investigation into the matter. The investigation shall be conducted in a f__, c__, i__ and s__ manner.
Their responsibilities will include:
1. Determining the __ and/or ___ of the incident, including ascertaining __ from the reporting individual and the alleged harassed in a ______ manner. Determine the f__ and t__ of alleged harassment, including details of __ and ___. Interview ___, if any.
2. the appropriate r__ or ___ action, up to and including ___, and;
3. Compile a w__ r__ outlining the outcome of their investigation and, c__ action taken, both regarding the __ incident and measures taken to ___ future like instances.
Manager, Commissioner or Department Head
Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance
fair, confidential, impartial and speedy manner
veracity and/or severity
ascertaining facts
non-judgmental manner
frequency and type
details of times and locations
interview witnesses
response or disciplinary action…termination
written report
corrective action…present incident…prevent future like instances
Upon receipt of a complaint under this Policy, the Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance will promptly investigate such Complaint. Absent the presence of __ __, such an investigation should be completed within ___ days of the date the Office receives the notice of the Complaint.
extenuating circumstances
30 days
The final written report will be sent to the office of the __ and the employee shall be informed of the outcome of the investigation and the written report will be made available to them upon request.
In the event of an incident, the ________ shall inform the affected employee of their ___ options, if any are necessary and/or available.
All ________ are responsible for disseminating, complying and adhering to this Administrative Policy and Procedure.
Office of Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance….counseling
Manager, Commissioner or Department Heads