Sept 16 Flashcards
they answer questions unaddressed by other experiments
- “study of studies” - used to extract data and pull info from many studies to get an average effect
- AGGREGATE all the data and determine the actual EFFECT SIZE of the intervention
- more GENERALIZABLE INFO is obtained
- used to evaluate MODERATOR VARIABLES ie. demographic variables
Schmitt et al 2014 - 2 meta-analyses background
- N=144,000, correlational data (survey-based)
- N=2,600, experimental studies manipulating discrimination
focus on study-level moderators
Schmitt et al 2014 - 2 meta-analyses general findings meta analysis 1
- discrimination negatively associated with wellbeing (r = -.23 from 328 studies)
- cross-sectional effects are stronger than longitudinal effects (stronger effects of disc in short term)
- effects stronger for disadvantaged groups & mixed versus advantaged groups
- racism and sexism equally strongly associated with wellbeing (may not be the strongest, but are equally potent)
- disc more harmful for children than adults
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 1 found that disc is associated with wellbeing at…
r = -.23
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 1 found that cross-sectional or longitudinal effects were stronger?
cross sectional
meaning discrimination negatively impacts wellbeing more in the immediate
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 1 found that what two things were equally associated with wellbeing?
racism and sexism
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 1 found that discrimination is more harmful for…
children than adults
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 2 general findings
no overall effect of experimental studies
experimental manipulations didn’t do much
but depending on diff factors, did find effects in certain conditions
they were SIGNIFICANT MODERATORS (ie. interactions)
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 2 - significant study moderators
manipulations that alluded to PERVASIVENESS of disc had strong neg effects
d = 0.25, k = 23
discrimination attributed to a single event had no effect
Schmitt et al meta-analysis 2 found that pervasiveness moderates…
the relationship between experimental discrimination and wellbeing
Benner et al (2018) setup
n = 91 000 across 214 studies
self report scales
focusing on adolescents
looked at disc and a bunch of specific mental health factors
Benner et al (2018) well-being indicators
2 strongest ones:
- depression
- internalizing symptoms
- positive wellbeing
- self-esteem
- externalizing behaviours
- risky sex behaviours
- substance use
- deviant peer affiliations
Benner et al (2018) - impacts of disc on health outcomes were stronger the…
younger the Ps were
age serves as a risk factor/moderator that increases harm of disc
Benner et al (2018) - did it matter what source the disc was coming from?
ie. peers, teachers, random people at the mall?
found no evidence that the type of perpetrator moderated the intensity of impact
de Lange et al - discrimination against LGBTQ people setup
minority stress’ connection to suicidal ideation and attempts
sample: LGBTW young adults (12-25 years old)
44 studies, meta-analysis
weird conceptualization in this study:
- LGBT bias-based victimization
- discrimination
de Lange study: distinction between LGBT bias-based victimization and discrimination
LGBT bias-based victimization:
- more MAJOR events
- exposure to violence
- physical/verbal harassment
- abuse
…due to LGBT identity
- more DAILY events
- treated unfairly at home
- school
- workplace
…because of LGBT experiences
de Lange et al - discrimination against LGBTQ people findings
44 studies across all outcomes
- LGBT bias-based victimization (major events) related to greater SUICIDAL IDEATION & ATTEMPTS
- discrimination (more daily events) NOT RELATED to ideation (k = 3) - too few studies for attempts
- general victimization (not related to SGM identity) related to more ideation (k = 9) and more attempts (k = 6)
de Lange et al - discrimination against LGBTQ people - diff forms of LGBT disc…
present different levels of risk for suicidal ideation and attempts
more major disc (bias-based victimization) related to greater suicidal ideation
Mason et al - Eating Pathology meta-analysis setup
55 studies looking at relations between DISC and EATING DISORDERS
Mason et al - Eating Pathology meta-analysis findings
disc associated with greater combined eating disorder pathology
- general disc (attribution-free): r = 0.26
- racial disc: r = 0.18
- gender disc: r = 0.19
- weigh disc: r = 0.34
^ strongest effect
Mason et al - Eating Pathology meta-analysis - strongest effect found between…
weight discrimination and eating disorder pathology
r = 0.34
shows that the type of disc you experience moderates the impacts of experiences on health
discrimination and substance use
- gay-related victimization and general victimization associated with substance use in LGB youth
- racial disc relates to more substance use among racially minoritized Americans
- teacher based racial disc associated with substance use among racially minoritized Americans
teacher based racial disc associated with substance use among youth - effect is stronger for…
- younger kids
- black youth
compared to Latinx or Indigenous youth
meta-analysis of teacher-based racial-ethnic disc
- wellbeing
- substance use
- academic outcomes
- teacher based disc overall related to worse academic outcomes (r = -0.16, k = 138)
- effects stronger in schools with FEWER racially minoritized students
academic outcomes from Benner’s 2018 meta analysis
measured academic wellbeing indicators
- achievement
- school engagement
- motivation
vicarious racism - parental exposure
second-hand racism
living vicariously
systematic review of parental racism experiences and child outcomes - maternal experiences of racism pathway
pre-birth, maternal pathway
- depressive symptoms
- gestational age
- ethnicity (Hispanic)
lead to Child/Youth Health Outcomes:
- preterm birth
- cortisol reactivity
- birthweight
systematic review of parental racism experiences and child outcomes - vicarious racism pathway
post-birth, caregiver pathway
- parental mental health
- undesirable parenting practices
- child/youth distress
- parental ethnic group attachment
- parental acculturation
- child/youth cultural socialization
lead to Child/Youth Health Outcomes
systematic review of parental racism experiences and child outcomes - Child/Youth Health Outcomes
- physical health
- mental health
- socioemotional health
- child/youth development
- health care utilization
racism is related to _______ physical health
stress neurobiology and racial discrimination
via a couple diff pathways
Berger & Sarnyai - HPA pathway by which discrimination leads to poor physical health
HPA axis activation = cortisol
3 possibilities
a. normal response
b. exaggerated response (too much)
c. blunted response (too little)
pathways by which discrimination leads to poor physical health
- HPA axis activation > cortisol
- heart rate variability (HRV) decreases
- disrupted brain networks
Berger & Sarnyai - HRV mechanism through which discrimination leads to poor physical health
heart rate variability
changes in beat-to-beat intervals, caused by a balance between your symp and parasymp NS
it decreases with age
low HRV = linked to higher risk of stroke, heart failure, other bad cardiovascular outcomes
racial disc = associated with low HRV
cortisol and HRV contribute to…
inflammatory processes that result in ALLOSTATIC LOAD
allostatic load
biological wear and tear
Berger & Sarnyai - disrupted brain networks - how discrimination leads to poor physical health
- pre-frontal cortex dysregulation: emotion regulation and stress response
- decreased grey matter in anterior cingulate cortex: emotion, impulse control, decision making
case example study with minority stress & cortisol setup
daily diary study looking at minority stressors
how do daily minority stressors relate to initial cortisol, cortisol awakening response, and diurnal cortisol in SGM young adults?
N = 58 SGM young adults (not from metropolitan areas)
daily dairy study across 7 days
4 cortisol samples per day
- waketime
- 45 mins after waking
- 12 hours after waking
- bedtime
case example study with minority stress & cortisol findings
- minority stress associated with HIGHER WAKING CORTISOL (bad)
- NO IMPACT on cortisol awakening response
- no diffs 12 hours after waking
- no diffs at bedtime
- NON-MINORITY STRESSORS predict greater evening cortisol
case example with minority stress & cortisol takeaways
- exposure to minority stressors contributes to HIGHER CORTISOL at WAKETIME
- may be the body anticipating/prepping for high stress exposure - CORTISOL AWAKENING RESPONSES (CAR) is normal (good)
- cortisol levels back to normal by evening & bedtime DESPITE HIGH MINORITY STRESS
- non-general stress adds on and leads to higher evening cortisol in this sample, however - nonetheless, study demonstrates DISRUPTION and OVERPRODUCTION of CORTISOL AT WAKETIME for those experiencing minority stressors
^may have longer term implications