SEMAINE 3 Attitudes, perceptions et différences individuelles Flashcards
Allport (1935) defined an attitude as “a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive and dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related” (p. 810).
L’attitude est l’« état d’esprit » d’un sujet ou d’un groupe vis-à-vis d’un objet, d’une action, d’un autre individu ou groupe.
An attitute includes three components: an affect (feeling), a cognition (thought or belief) and a behavior (action).
Les attitudes se forment avec l’expérience, l’imitation, les connaissances, et elles peuvent se mesurer et se moduler.
Comment changer attitude? questionner les émotions et les cognitions. Ex: providing new information (exercice lower colesterol, give more energy, give focus)
Changes take time!! Developed over lifetime, and started to form in childhood, family values, social context, etc. Socialization process.
Cognitive dissonance
Conflict between someone’s emotions and action, or between attitudes, because of the interactions with the social world. Cognitive dissonance refers to an inconsistency someone perceives between two or more attitudes, or between one’s behavior and attitude.
Dissonance motivates people to do something about it, but does not predict what (i.e. smoking)
La perception est l’activité par laquelle un sujet fait l’expérience d’objets ou de propriétés présents dans son environnement. Cette activité repose habituellement sur des informations délivrées par ses sens, et fait sens selon ses expériences passées. Peut être complètement différent des autres perceptions et de la réalité.
4 stages du processus de perception: stimulation (stimulus), registration, organization, and interpretation.
Théorie de Broadbent (theory of selective attention). La prise de conscience et l’acceptation d’un stimuli influence la perception. Réceptivité sélective et limitée selon croyances, valeurs, attitudes, expériences, etc. Tendance à voir stimuli qui conforte (perceptual vigilence) et non stimuli qui cause anxiété (perceptual defense).
Attribution theory
Attribution theory
Heidler - two behavioural motives: the need to understand the world around them, the need to control the environnement.
Weiner - justification cognitive: internal -external, controllable - uncontrollable, stable - unstable factors.
Self serving bias: attribuer succès sur causes internes et attribuer échec sur facteurs externes.
Modal of attribuation theory Kelley’s - three attributions: consensus, consistency, distinctiveness.
Social perception
How individual sees others, and how others see him.
Halo effect: classifying on a single caracteristic (opposite if horn effect)
Contrast effect: evaluating by comparison to other
Projection: perceiving in a way that reflect the perceiver atitudes and interests
Stereotyping: judging on a perception of a group in which the person belongs
Pygmalion effect: expectations influence performance. Positive expectations influence performance positively, and negative expectations influence performance negatively.
Galatea effect: expectations we have for ourselves influence our performance.
Impression management
Impression management: what we do, what we say, how we influence how people perceive us, etc. Controlling information they receive to controle their perception. Talking about success, avoiding talking about failure.
Self handicaping: place obstacles in their way so if they succeed, they brag they succed despite the obstacles, if they don’t, they blame the obstacles.
Employee selection
Psychometrics tests human ablity, potential, and attitude.
Job analysis: tasks, abilities to perform the job
Context specific test: application of skills
Goals: identify the abilities and skills to perform the tasks, design test to meausre levels for doing tasks, dminister and score tests, determine applicant most suitable for a given position.
Five factors of personality “Big Five”
Five factors of personality “Big Five”
1. openness
2. conscientiousness
3. extraversion
4. agreeableness
5. neuroticism