self determination theory Flashcards
what is the self determination theory?
- concerned with why people are motivated or demotivated
what is intrinsic motivation?
- comes from within
- autonomous
what is an example of intrinsic motivation?
- I exercise because it’s fun
what is identified motivation?
- when an activity is important to someone
- autonomous
what is an example of identified motivation?
- I value the benefits of exercise
what is introjected regulation?
- motivation because they feel guilty not doing it
- controlled motivation
what is an example of introjected regulation?
- I feel ashamed when I miss an exercise session
what is external motivation?
- motivation due to pressure from others
- controlled motivation
what is an example of external motivation ?
- I feel under pressure from my friends to exercise
what is amotivation?
- lack of motivation at all
what is an example of amotivation?
- I think exercising is a waste of time
what motivation is the most beneficial?
- autonomous as enhances long term motivation
- positively associated with higher levels of PA
what is the benefit of fostering autonomous motivation?
- positive implication for promoting physical activity/ exercise behaviour change
what is Owen et al 2014 study?
- systematic review of meta- analysis
- 46 studies; 15,984 pts
- synthesise studies in order to examine global evidence for relationship between quality of motivation and physical activity
what were the results of Owen et al 2014 study?
- people with increased autonomous motivation engaged in PA more
- people with increased controlled motivation= less PA
what is Dishman et al 2015 study?
- longitudinal study looks at activity changes in kids study
- examines associations of quality of motivation and daily time spent exercising
what were the methods used in Dishman et al study? what did the results show?
- 352 pts, 11-13 years
- height and weight, questionnaire and GT3X actigraphy accelerometer
- intrinsic, identified and introjected had positive effect on PA
what are the three basic psychological needs?
- autonomy, competence and relatedness
what is autonomy?
- personal control+ volition, feeling of freedom
what is competence?
- feeling efficacious
what is relatedness?
- feeling connected and cared for
what supports the basic psychological factors?
- autonomous motivation
what undermines the basic psychological factors?
- controlled motivation
what are autonomy supporting behaviours?
- accepting feelings
- asking questions
- opportunities for choice
what are autonomy preventing behaviours?
- controlling language
- rewards
- interrupting
what are competence supporting behaviours?
- praise
- acknowledging effort
- focus on solutions
what are competence preventing behaviours?
- making fun of someone
- punishing a mistake
- focus on past
what are relatedness supporting behaviour?
- positive
- friendly
- introducing people
- engaging
- relatable
what are relatedness preventing behaviour?
- cold
- restrict interaction
- only talk to people during activity
what was Sabire et al 2014 study?
- cross sectional study that investigated the relationship between children’s basic psych need satisfaction, PA motivation and objectively measured daily mod- to- vigorous activity
what methods were used in Sabire et al study?
- PNS measured using adaptive PNS scale
-Motivation measured using adaptive behavioural regulation in exercise scale
-PA measured using a accelerometer
what were the results of Sabire et al study?
- PNS strongly associated positively with intrinsic motivation
- PNS strong positive association with identified regulation
- PNS moderately associated positively with introjected regulation
what was the only motivation in Sabire et al study that associated with PA levels?
- Intrinsic motivation associated positively with PA levels
what is the social environment?
- immediate social setting in which people live incl. culture, people and institutions with whom they interact
autonomy supporting behaviour
- promotes choice and understanding
- provides rationale for choices made
- input into decision making
controlling environment
- exerts pressure and is cohesive
- limits choice/ devalues the individual
- negative conditional regard> withdraws attention from player if they have done wrong
describe the Yu et al study
- cross sectional study of 335 pts w rheumatoid arthritis
- investigated relationship between autonomy support, BNS, motivation regulations with self reported PA and psych wellbeing
what were the results of the Yu et al study?
- increased autonomy supportive environment increased autonomy, competence and relatedness