eating and unhealthy behaviours Flashcards
what is body image dissatisfaction?
- distressing or impairing preoccupation with a non- existing or a slight defect in bodily appearance
- body dysmorphic disorder
- muscle dysmorphia
what is body image dissatisfaction associated with?
- poor self- esteem
- depression
- social anxiety
- eating disorder
- exercise dependence
- health risk behaviour e.g. AAS
what is prevalence?
- frequency of occurrence within a population
what did Fallon et al (2014) study regarding body image dissatisfaction?
- longitudinal study to investigate effect of gender on body image dissatisfaction
did Fallon et al (2014) investigate differences between women and men?
- women had higher levels (13.4%- 31.8%) compared to men (9.0%- 28.4%)
what did Fallon et al (2014) suggest happens to body image dissatisfaction over time?
- plateaus or declines
what are the five predisposing factors of body image dissatisfaction?
-body image
- expectations
- comparison
- reinforcement
- psychological and cultural factors
describe body image as a predisposing factor of body image dissatisfaction
- poor body image may increase motivation to participate in PA
- source of dissatisfaction is not alleviated
describe expectations as a predisposing factor of body image dissatisfaction
- raised to a higher level than what is achievable
- social media- doesn’t represent reality
describe comparison as a predisposing factor of body image dissatisfaction
- comparing to others leads to negative evaluation
describe reinforcement as a predisposing factor of body image dissatisfaction
- reinforcement for bad coaching behaviour
- coaches dwelling on bodily appearances
describe psychological & cultural factors as a predisposing factor of body image dissatisfaction
- minority males (ethnic groups)
- adverse childhood experience
what did Tod et al (2016) review?
- literature review that explored many articles on body image dissatisfaction
what did Tod et al (2016) find to be the mean age of manifestation of dissatisfaction?
- 19.5 years old
what did Tod et al (2016) suggest that the symptoms are?
- spending 3 hours a day thinking about changing appearance
- exercise and dietary regimes interfere with lifestyle
- avoidance of social activities e.g. swimming
- camouflaging behaviour
- bulimia and anorexia nervosa
what is muscle dysmorphia? how is it different to other body image disorders?
- preoccupation that one’s body is insufficiently lean/ muscular
- look small but actually unusually muscular
- different as focuses on muscularity
what are the two types of muscle dysmorphia?
- bigorexia or reverse anorexia nervosa
what did Pope et al (2005) investigate?
- cross sectional questionnaire- based study, assessed quality of life and severity of body image concerns
how many males were used in Pope et al (2005)? how many has muscle dysmorphia and how many had BI dissatisfaction?
- 63 males
- 14 had muscle dysmorphia
- 49 had body image dissatisfaction
what did Pope et al (2005) find about muscle dysmorphia compared to BI dissatisfaction regarding quality of life, suicide attempt, AAS and substance use disorder?
- muscle dysmorphia had significantly poorer quality of life, more likely to report suicide attempt, more likely to have abused AAs and higher lifetime prevalence for substance use
what are the two types of eating disorders?
- anorexia nervosa
- bulimia
what is anorexia nervosa?
- relentless drive for thinness with a fear of gaining body weight
what is bulimia?
- characterised by binge eating followed by methods to avoid weight gain
who is more likely to suffer with an eating disorder?
- prevalent in women (8.4%) compared to men (2.2%)
- males account for 10% of patients with ED
what other groups are at a higher prevalence of eating disorders?
- athletes = 15 - 62% within sports
- between 0.5-3% in non- female athletes
what sports are at greater risk of EDs?
- ’ thin build’ sports e.g., gymnastics, dance
what did Sundogot- Borgen & Tortstveit (2010) find about ED difference in athletes vs non- athletes?
- 3316 pts (1620 athletes, 1696 non- athletes)
- 20% athletes
- 9 % non- athletes
- diagnosed with ED
who did Hinton & Kubas (2010) study? what was the measurement used and what did they find?
- 165 female athletes from 3 NCAA division 1 universities
- completed ATHLETE questionnaire
- determined five risk factors
what are the five risk factors for disordered eating? Hinton & Kubas (2010)
- drive for thinness and performance
- performance perfectionism
- social pressure on eating
- social pressure on body shape
- team trust
what did Camaselle & Quatromoni (2010) study and what factors did they highlight?
- qualitative study that interviewed 17 female athletes (mean age= 20.7 years)
- highlighted internal & external risk factors
what are the internal risk factors? Camaselle & Quatromoni (2010) - 4
- negative mood
- low self- esteem
- perfectionism/ drive for achievement
- desire for control
what are the external risk factors? Camaselle 7 Quatromoni (2010) - 4
- negative influence on self- esteem
- hurtful relationships
- hurtful role models
- sports performance
what are the symptoms of eating disorders?
- oral/ dental
- gastrointestinal
- endocrine
- neuropsychiatric
- cardiorespiratory
- musculoskeletal
- dermatological
- renal
describe oral/ dental eating disorder symptom
- eroded teeth or mouth ulcers
- due to stomach ulcers
- irritation
describe neuropsychiatric eating disorder symptom
- depression, insomnia, anxiety, ocd
describe musculoskeletal eating disorder symptom
- underweight
- dehydrated causing muscle tear
- joint problems and muscle damage
describe dermatological eating disorder symptom
- high prevalence of acne
- skin disorders