Selection & presentation of the news Flashcards
structural factors
- cost
- competition and globalisation
- profit
- time and space
other influences
- new social media
- role of the audience
- formal media controls
ideological factors
- influence of owners
- agenda setting
- gate keepers
- norm setting
- news values
- wages
- distribution costs
- citizen journalist videos = cheap over news cameras and reporters
news values examples
- extraordinariness
- threshold
- unambiguity
- reference to elite persons
- reference to elite nations
- personalisation
- frequency
- narrative
- negativity
new social media
- citizen journalism = help overcome suppression of stories or biased reports
Philo & Berry (GMG) - new social media
many British tv reports were over reliant on official Israeli perspectives, whereas members of the Machsom group able to post own pov on their website to counter reports
role of the audience
pluralists - content and presentation is a reaction to type of audience = audience choose what they want to see
formal media controls
some limits in UK - OfCom & IPSO
influence of owners
- instructions to editors
- fear of owners = self-censorship & producing to please owners
- drive for profit = thrive of unethical journalism
agenda setting
- media provides public with information they can discuss and make opinions on = gives control to companies = influence/push certain agendas
GMG - agenda setting
media organisations and journalists work within a dominant ideology which helps decide subjects individuals should think about and how = little choice from audience
Philo - agenda setting
media effective at channelling public anger at ‘scumbag millionaires’ (the Sun) during 2008 banking crisis and considering solutions within the existing system = ignores and stopped people discussing solutions that challenged current systems
media power to refuse to cover some issues but let others through
may occur due to lack of interest (damage to profit) or too threatening to society
e.g. benefit fraud reported on but not tax evasion of the rich
GMG - gate keeping
owners, editors & journalists construct news by acting as gatekeepers, influencing what knowledge public is exposed to
norm setting
- encourage conformist behaviour (e.g. not going on strike, reinforce gender stereotypes)
- discouraging non-conformist behaviour (e.g. sensationalised stories about violence, benefit fraud etc) - lessons given on how to behave through emphasising consequences (e.g. AIDS portrayal warned society homosexuality was unacceptable)
news values
news socially constructed by journalists operating within values and assumptions also tied up with economic pressure to make profit
more newsworthy as more rare
e.g. death of Diana
bigger the size of the event, the more likely to be reported
e.g. war or natural disaster
bad news more dramatic and exciting than good news = gets more audience