scurte Flashcards
nu am fost pusa in situatia*
Nu am fost niciodată pusa în poziția
I wasn’t put in the situation/position/state/place
I was never put in the position
I have not been put in the position
documente justificative
5 feluri
supporting documents
justifying documents
- Supplementary materials
- Additional evidence
- Backup documentation (dociumenteisan
documents/evidence/materials/documentation/ papers
sumele mari trebuie justificate cu documente justificative
large amounts must be justified with supporting documents
justifying documents
If you’re going to be charging large amounts to your account you’ll need to bring
la momentul actual
at the moment
- Currently
- Presently
- Right now
- For now
avand in vedere ca * 3
considering that
given that
stau mai bine pe partea de.. citit si inteles
I am doing better on the reading and understanding side
I’m better on the side of reading and understanding
I sit better on the side of reading and understanding English.
I’m better at reading and understanding
nu as putea sa continui in engleza
I couldn’t continue in English
I couldn’t go on in English
îți stau la dispoziție
I’m at your disposal
I’m at your service
i am available to you
nu aș putea spune că am putea continua să vorbim în engleză
I couldn’t say that we could continue to speak in English
I wouldn’t say we could go on speaking English
I wouldn’t say we can continue to speak English.
nu aș* putea spune
I couldn’t say
I wouldn’t say
pe care nu am avut o înainte
which I didn’t have before
that I’ve never had before
that I never had before
este un lucru minunat să lucrez cu cifrele
it is a wonderful thing to work with numbers
Cum pot datele contribui la decizii strategice
How data can contribute to/help strategic decisions
Dacă un număr se schimbă toată povestea se schimbă
If one number changes the whole story changes
Sunt interesată de o analiză detaliată financiară
I am interested in a detailed financial analysis
am aflat despre aceasta companie
I found out about this company
Ei erau foarte mulțumiți* de această companie
They were very satisfied with this company
inclusiv* în scris
including in writing
nu mă va avantaja
it will not benefit me
will not be to my advantage
jobul nu a presupus* să vorbirea în limba engleză
the job did not involve speaking in English
cartea de identitate si cartea de identitate
identification card and identity card
trebuie să mă descurc la locul de munca
I have to manage at work
I have to do well at work
I have to handle my job.
cu ajutorul tehnologiei
with the help of technology
using technology
compania dă sfaturi altor companii pentru ca ele să ia cele mai bune decizii
the company advises other companies /
company gives advice to other companies
to make the best decisions
So that they make the best decisions.
For them to make the best decisions.
(nu exista advices)
atât în vânzări cât și în zona de analiză
both in sales and in the analysis area
rezultatele au fost mereu peste măsura așteptărilor șefilor
rezultatele au depășit întotdeauna așteptările șefilor
the results were always beyond the expectations of the bosses
the results have always exceeded the bosses’ expectations
Jobul a presupus*
a implicat
the job involved
(required, needed, necessitated, called, demanded, implied)
urmărirea* clienților și recuperarea de debite
tracking/follow-up of clients and recovery of debts
customer tracking/follow-up and debt recovery
watching, follow, keep an eye, keep in sight
reușeam să recuperez
I was able/managing to recover
fie prin înțelegerea cu clientul… fie prin acordarea* 5 unui credit
either by/through agreement with the client
or/either by granting a loan
according, giving,providing, offering
analiza dosarelor* 3 în lucru*
analysis of files in progress/in work
folder/dossier (do
file analysis
mă ocupam de verificarea în bazele de date externe de la biroul de credite
I was checking external databases from the credit bureau
I was in charge of/dealing with checking the external databases at the credit bureau (byur
check=review, look over, check over,, look at, examine, verify, take a look at
checking ( verifying), verification of
credite pentru finanțarea* tratamentelor medicale *
loans for financing medical treatments
Medical therapies
credite imobiliare*
real estate (property) loans
pentru că nu am cu cine vorbi
because I have no one to talk to
because I’ve got no one to talk to
Because I don’t have anyone to talk to.
urmărirea periodică a clienților dacă au plătit sau nu
Regular tracking/follow-up of customers, whether they paid or not.
regularly tracking customers whether they have paid or not
regular follow-up on whether customers have paid or not
regular follow-up of customers whether they have paid or not
frequently, repeatedly, on a regular basis, at regular times or intervals.
recuperarea de debite
recovery of debts
debt recovery
in mod regulat *5
frequently, repeatedly, on a regular basis, at regular times or intervals.
analiza este făcută* atât de sistem cât și cu ajutorul experienței mele
the analysis is done/made both by the system and with the help of my experience
servicii de bancă la distanță
remote banking services
transferuri de bani, plăți de facturi, plata ratelor la credit
money transfers, bill payments, credit installment payments (credit payments)
payment of bills/invoices
payment of loan/credit installments
transferuri de bani mai rapide*
faster money transfers
-more rapid
plata rapidă* a facturilor*
quick/fast/rapid payment of bills/invoices
bill payment
plata ratelor la creditele de consum
payment of consumer loan installments
payment of instalments on consumer loans/credits
instalment englezi
credite și
operațiuni bancare
loans and banking operations
nu mai trebuie toată lumea să vină la bancă
everyone no longer needs to come to the bank
not everyone/everybody has/needs to come to the bank anymore
a verifica*
check, check over,
review, verify, examine
look over, look at, take a look at
tracking, follow-up, follow,
keep an eye, keep in sight
regularly, frequently, repeatedly
on a regular basis, at regular times or intervals.
de la biroul de credite
from the credit bureau
plata rapida* a
fast/quick payment of