Scientists Flashcards
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
First to observe & document living cells with lenses he crafted
17th century
Robert Hooke, 1665
Developed a microscope that enabled him to study cork tissue
Coined the term cell
Matthoas Schleiden, 1838
Studied living tissue & concluded that all plants are made of cells
Theodor Schwann, 1839
Stated that all animals are made of cells
Rudolf Virchow, 1855
“Where a cell exists, the ust be a preexisting cell”
Gregor Mendel, 1850s
Bred garden peas to study inheritance
3 laws
Griffith, 1927
Discovered bacterial transformation = ability of bacteria to alter their genetic make up by absorbing foreign DNA molecules from other baterical cells & incorporating foreign DNA into their own
Avery, MacLeod, McCarthy 1944
Published that Griffith’s bacteria was transferring DNA
Hershey & Chase, 1952
Proved that DNA is molecule of inheritance Tagged bacteriophages (viruses that attack bacteria)
Rosalind Franklin, 1950-53
Carried out X-ray crystallography analysis of DNA that showed DNA to be a helix
Watson & Crick
Correctly described the structure of DNA to be a double helix
Meselson & Stahl, 1953
Proved W&C, that DNA replicates in a semiconservative fashion
Cultured heavy & light nitrogen
Inheritance of acquired traits & use and disuse
Survival of the fittest
Francesco Redi, spontaneous generation
Maggots arose only where flies were able to lay their eggs
Stephen J Gould & Niles Eldridge, Punctuated Equilibrium
New species appear suddenly after long periods of no change
Louis Pasteur, Spontaneous Generation
Microorganisms appear only as contaminants from air and not spontaneously
Fixed action pattern, stickleback fish
BF Skinner
operant conditioning
Konrad Lenz
Karl von Frisch
Honeybee communication & bee waggle dance
G.F. Gause, Competitive Exclusion Principle
Two species cannot coexist in a community if they share a niche, compete for the same resources