Plants Flashcards
Primitive plants that lack vascular tissue & must live in moist environments as they need to absorb & transport water by osmosis
Mosses, liverworts, hornworts
Tracheophyte with seeds
Conifers with modifications to resist wind, cold & drought
Tracheophyte with seeds
Flowering plants
Subdivided into monocots & dicots
Grasses; wheat, corn, oats, lawn grass, rice
Daisies, roses, carrots & most flowering plants
Oak, walnut, cherry & most trees
Primary Growth
The elongation of plant into soil & up into air
3 Zones; cell division, elongation, differentiation
Zone of Cell Division
Contains meristem cells that are dividing & responsible for producing new cells that grow down into soil
Zone of Elongation
Cells elongate & push root cap downward & deeper into soil
Zone of Differentiation
Cells undergo specialisation into 3 primary meristems that give rise to 3 tissue systems in plant; epidermis, ground tissue, xylem & phloem
Secondary Growth
Lateral growth or an increase in girth
Woody plants, responsible for enlargement of trunk
Covers entire surface of root & is modified to absorption
Storage, consists of parenchyma cells containing plastids for storage of starch, etc.
Select what minerals enter vascular cylinder (stele) & body of plant
Network of cells walls & intercellular spaces within plant body
Permits extracellular movement of water within plant
Continuous system of cytoplasm of cells
Supply water & minerals to older regions of roots of plant that lack root hairs
Fixes nitrogen gas from air into form of nitrogen plant requires
Single, large root that gives rise to lateral branch roots
Fibrous Root System
Holds plant firmly in place
Adventitious Roots
Roots that arise above ground; aerial & prop roots
Aerial Roots
Type of adventitious
Trees growing in swamps or marshes have aerial roots that stick up out of water to aerate root cells
English Ivy - clings to building
Prop Roots
Roots that grow aboveground out from base of stem to help support plant, like corn
Allow leaves to receive most light
Transport water & minerals from soil, & nutrients from leaves to rest of plant
Waxy Cuticle
Part of leaf
Made of cutin, minimize water loss
Guard Cells
Part of leaf
Modified epidermal cells that contain chloroplasts
Control opening of stomates in response to change in water pressure
Palisade Mesophyll
Tightly packed, photosynthesis
Spongy Mesophyll
Loosely packed, photosynthesis
Diffusion & exchange of gases into & out of these cells
Part of leaf, located in mesophyll
Carry water & nutrients from soil to leaves & carry sugar from leaves to rest of plant
Dermal Tissue
Outer protective covering of plants, usually consists of signle layer of epidermal cells
Vascular Tissue
Transports water & nutrients up & down plant
Xylem & phloem
Ground Tissue
Makes up all plant tissues besides dermal & vascular tissues
3 cell types; parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma
Support plant & transport water & nutrients
No energy required
Carry sugar from photosynthetic leaves to rest of plant by translocation
Requires energy
Vegetative Propagation
Asexual reproduction in a plant where a piece of root, stem, or leaf produces an entirely new plant genetically identical to parent plant
Ex: grafting, cuttings, bulbs, runners
Brightly colored, modified leaves
Attract animals that will pollinate plant
Green, resemble leaves
Enclose bud before it opens & protect flower as it develops
Female part of flower
Produce female gametophyte; each consists of 4, 6, 7
Swollen part of pistil
Contains ovule where 1/more ova are produced by meiosis
Within ovary where ova (female gametophyte) are produced
Long, usually thin stalk of the pistil
Sticky top of style where pollen lands & germinates
Male part of flower
Made up of anther & filament
Male part of flower Where sperm (pollen) are produced by meiosis
Threadlike structure
Supports anther
Alternation of Generations
Produce sperm, develops on gametophyte
Alternation of Generations
Produce eggs, develops on gametophyte
A haploid adult plant
Alternation of Generations
Produced by large female cones
Will develop into female gametophytes
Alternation of Generations
Produced by small male cones
Will develop into male gametophyte or pollen grains
Alternation of Generations
Branching, 1-celled-thick filaments produced by germinating moss spores
Becomes gametophyte in moss
Alternation of Generations
Located on tip of mature sporophyte
Where meiosis occurs, producing haploid spores
A diploid adult plant
Alternation of Generations
Raised spots located on underside of sporophyte ferns, clusters of sporangia
Growth hormones in plants that are responsible for phototropisms & apical dominance, the preferential growth of a plant upward (toward sun) rather than laterally
Plant hormones that promote stem & leaf elongation
Gaseous plant hormone that promotes fruit ripening
Abscisic acid (ABA)
Plant hormone that inhibits growth & promotes seed dormancy
Enables plant to withstand drought
The growth of a plant toward/away from a stimulus
Touch, gravity, light
Result from unequal distribution of auxins that accumulate on side of plant away from light as auxins cause growth, cells on shady side of plant enlarge & stem bends toward light
Result from interaction of auxins & statoliths, specialized plastids containing dense starch grains\
Have transport vessels, include ancient seedless plants that reproduce by spores & also modern plants that reproduce by seeds
Multicelled, eukaryotic, photosynthetic autotrophs
Positive Tropism
Growth toward stimulus
Negative Tropism
Growth away from stimulus
In primitive plants, a protective jacket of cells in which gametes & zygotes develop & which prevents drying out
Tough polymer that is resistant to almost all kinds of environmental damage & that protects plants in a harsh terrestrial environment
Found in walls of spores & pollen
Meristem Tissue
Plant tissue that is always dividing
Apical Meristem
Constantly dividing growth layer located at buds of shoots & tips of roots
Absorb nutrients from the soil, anchor the plant & store food
Parenchyma Cells
Have primary cell wall that is thin & flexible, they lack a secondary wall
Collenchyma Cells
Have unevenly thickened primary cell walls but lack secondary cell walls
Sclerenchyma Cells
Have thick primary & secondary cell walls that are fortified with lignin
Casparian Strip
Continuous band of waxy material that is impervious to water & dissolved minerals
Wraps around endoderm cell
Vascular Bundles
Vascular tissue that runs the length of stem in strands
Each bundle contains xylem on inside, phloem on inside & meristem tissue between
Organized to maximize sugar production while minimizing water loss
Openings in leaves to exchange photosynthetic gases; water vapor, carbon dioxde, oxygen
Loss of water (evaporation) from a leaf through stomates
Tiny, spikelike projections on some leaves for protection
Water molecules are attracted to each other & stick together
Transpirational pull-cohesion tension theory
For each molecule of water that evaporates from a leaf by transpiration, another molecule of water is drawn in at the root to replace it
A fragment of a chromosome becomes attached to a non-homologous chromosome
Becomes lower part of the stem & the roots
Becomes the upper part of the stem
Radicle (Embryonic Root)
First organ to emerge from the germinating seed
Alternation of Generations
Haploid (n) & diploid (2n) generation alternate with each other
Food for the growing embryo in a monocot seed
Cells that make up the endosperm are triploid (3n)
Alternation of Generations (Mosses & other Bryophytes)
Gametophyte generation dominates life cycle, sporophyte is dependent on the gametophyte
Alternation of Generations (Ferns)
Sporophyte generation is larger & is independent from gametophyte
Sustain themselves
Alternation of Generations (Seed Plants)
Gametophyte generation exists inside the sporophyte generation & is totally dependent on sporophyte
Plant Hormones
Help coordinate growth, development & response to environmental stimuli
Plant hormones that stimulate cell division & cytokinesis
Delay aging