Science- 4th Qtr -Weather you like it or not! Flashcards
Is the condition of the sky from time to time. Thus, it changes all the time.
Is the average weather pattern in a given region.
Scientists who monitor weather conditions are called?
Several elements of weather.
cloud cover
amount of sunlight
wind speed and direction
amount of rainfall or precipitation
Are a collection of condensed water vapor in the sky?
In the environment, the _______ causes the water from lakes, streams, and oceans to evaporate.
heat of the sun
True or False: Temperature and wind affect cloud formation?
Is it true or not, that on warm days, evaporation rate is faster?
It is the point where the air contains maximum amount of water that it can hold at a particular temperature?
saturation point
Four types of clouds based on appearance?
Prefix (Cirro) means?
curl; high
Prefix (Cumulo) means?
heap of cotton or pile up
Prefix (Nimbo) means?
rain; precipitation
Prefix ( Strato) means?
sheetlike or layer-like
Classification of clouds around to height or their distance from the ground?
low-level clouds
middle-level clouds
high-level clouds
Is a type of clouds that consist of liquid water droplets and ice particles or snow during cold weather; appears to move faster than other clouds?
low-level cloud
Is a type of clouds that are made up of liquid water droplets or ice crystals; forms when the weather is cold?
middle-level cloud
Is a type of clouds that are composed of ice crystals; often appears as thin, streaky, white clouds.
high-level cloud
Low-level clouds include?
stratocumulus cloud
stratus cloud
cumulus cloud
cumulonimbus cloud
Is a type of low-level clouds that are low-lying, uneven rolls, and patches of cloud across the sky? Their appearance usually indicates fair weather?
Stratocumulus clouds
Is a type of low-level clouds that appear as a uniform, dark gray layer of cloud and cover the entire sky? They often bring drizzle or snow grains. They are form when fog and mist rise?
Stratus clouds
Is a type of low-level clouds that appear white, cottony, and fluffy. They may look like cauliflowers in the sky. Their presence indicates a sunny day or a fair weather?
Cumulus clouds
How does cumulus clouds form?
They are form due to the movement of air. The warm air from the ground begins to rise. As the air rises, the temperature drops causing humidity to rise.
Is a type of low-level clouds that are tall and dense. These towering clouds bring thunderstorm and heavy rain. Sometimes they may also bring hail.
Cumulonimbus clouds.
Is a form of precipitation composed of irregular lumps of ice.
The tallest cumulonimbus cloud can reach the cold, upper air above ______?
20,000 ft.
Is a type of clouds that are enough to cover the sky. These dark gray clouds bring heavy rains or snow?
Nimbostratus clouds
Middle-level clouds include?
altocumulus cloud
altostratus cloud
Is a type of middle-level clouds that are characterized by fluffy waves of gray clouds. They usually form between 2 to 7 km from the ground. This type brings rain or thunderstorm when it becomes heavier.
Altocumulus clouds
Is a type of middle-level clouds that are gray or blue-gray shapeless layer of cloud. It can cover the sky. The sun may be dimly visible as a round disk in the thinner areas of the cloud. When it appears early in the morning, this indicates that a thunderstorm will come.
Altostratus clouds
High-level clouds include?
cirrus clouds
cirrocumulus clouds
cirrostratus clouds