Science- 3rd Qrt - Lights camera action! Flashcards
Do you think this statement is true: “Science defines energy as the ability to do work.”
Yes, it is true.
Different forms of energy?
chemical energy
electrical energy
sound energy
radiant energy
The primary source of energy on Earth is the _______.
The heat and light from the sun is called _______.
solar energy.
Heat is a form of energy associated with fast and continuous movements of tiny particles in matter called _______.
Heat may be transferred in three ways:
____ is the transfer of heat between particles that are touching or in contact with each other.
Conduction takes place in _______
solid materials
Materials that allow heat energy to be transferred within them.
Examples of of conductors.
Materials that do not allow transfer of energy are _________.
Examples of nonconductors.
It is a heat transfer by mass motion (up and down movement) of gases and liquids.
Convection happens in
gas or liquid.
A method of heat transfer process by which energy is emitted as either particles or waves. This heat transfer does not have any medium.
Light energy is formed by ________.
electromagnetic waves
Waves that have both electric and magnetic fields.
electromagnetic waves
Is an electromagnetic wave that enables you to see things. This is the only form of light that is visible to the human eyes.
visible light
Other forms of light energy are invisible to your eyes such as ____
infrared, microwaves and x-rays
The different electromagnetic waves can be found in the ________.
electromagnetic spectrum
True or False: Radio waves have the longest wavelength, while the gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.
Different properties of light?
Light can be transmitted
Light can be reflected
Light can be refracted
Light can be absorbed
A property of light occurs when light passes through a surface is called ______.
Materials that transmit light are _____.
transparent materials.
Is a type of material that allows only some light to pass through.
translucent material
Examples of translucent materials.
frosted window
tinted plastic cups
waxed paper
Is a type of material that do not allow light to pass through at all.
opaque material
A _______ is formed when light rays hit an opaque object.
Is the bouncing back of the light from the surface it hits.
True or False: Objects that are usually smooth and have shiny surfaces are good reflectors of light.
Is the bending of light as it passes from one transparent substance into another.
This happens when the light gets converted to another form of energy. This occurs when light disappears as it passes through another medium.
Is the absence of color?
Presence of all colors
True or False: Dark colored materials absorb more light energy than the light colored ones.
The best defense against excessive heat is ________.
_____ energy is produced by the vibration of objects.
The matter that transports the sound is called the _____.
Is it true that sound cannot travel through a vacuum or an empty space?
Yes, it is true.
Characteristics of Sound.
Sound can be reflected.
Sound can be refracted.
Sound can be absorbed.
Is a reflection of sound, arriving at the listener some time after the direct sound. Sound waves bounce off the vertical surface, and are reflected back toward the source.
True or False: Reflection of sounds can detect objects underwater like a submarine or a missing sunken ship.
Is the bending of waves when they enter a medium where their speed is different.?
_____ takes place when a sound wave hits an object, part of the energy of the wave is transferred to the particles making up the object.
True or False: High frequency sound waves are absorbed more rapidly than low frequency sounds.
Is the science that deals with the production, transmission, and effects of sound.
The basic properties of sounds are _______?
The number of vibrations a sound energy creates is called _________.
Determines the pitch of a sound?
frequency of sound
Describes how high or how low a sound produced is?
True or False: Sound with less vibrations has a lower pitch, while that with more vibrations has a higher pitch.
The height of the wave is referred to as the ___________.
Determines the loudness or softness of a sound?
amplitude of a sound
True or False: Higher amplitude means a louder sound, and lower amplitude means a softer sound.
Sets the amplitude of a wave?
vibration of a source.
True or False: The loudness of a sound is a also determined by the sensitivity of the ear.
Is a measurement of loudness that ranges from the threshold of hearing, 0 dB (silence), to the threshold of pain about 140 db.
decibel (db)
The normal average conversation sound is between?
60-65 dB.
When does a sound becomes a noise?
When one’s ear could not tolerate the loudness.
Examples of common causes of noise nuisance _____.
dogs barking
neighbors’ loud music
loud speech
Is the measure of the quality of sound wave?
Uneven sound waves create?
True or False: Sounds with regular pattern is music to our ears. The more irregular the vibrations, the more jogged or uneven the sound wave is.
What can you do to protect yourself and other people from too much noise?
Minimize the time you are exposed to loud sounds.
Avoid visiting places with very loud sounds such as airports
Wear ear protectors like ear muffs or ear plugs whenever exposed to loud sounds.
List ways on how to protect oneself from excessive light and heat.
Avoid staying under the direct heat of the sun. Stay indoors or stay in a shady area during very hot days
Use an umbrella, visor, or cap to protect you from the heat and light of the sun.
Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the glaring sun.
Stay in a well-ventilated place to avoid fainting due to heat.
Make sure that your house is properly ventilated.
A quick shower or bath can keep your body temperature normal during very hot days.
Drink plenty of water. Do not wait until you are thirsty before your drink.
Avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, or large amount of sugar. These drinks cause dehydration.
Wear lightweight, light-colored, and loose clothing.