sarcocystis neurona Flashcards
common name
equine protozoal
intermediate host
cats, skunks, armadillos, sea otters, raccoons
definitive host
accidental host
sporulated oocyst with ___ sporocysts each with ____sporozoites
life cycle includes ___ in definitive host
_____occurs in intermediate host
how does final host get infected?
ingestion of bradyzoite cysts in muscles of intermediate host
life cycle
bradyzoites are liberated
zoites differentiate into micro and macrogametocytes
fusion of gametes
oocysts are produced
what happens in intermediate host
ingest sporocyst
sporozoites released invade intestinal wall
undergo 2 schizogonous cycles
third asexual cycle results in merozoites
merozoites enter muscle cells- bud
gives rise to bradyzoites with cyst
what is the infective stage for final host?
bradyzoite with cyst
site of infection
final host: intestines
intermediate host: muscles
final host: non pathogenic
accidental host: when nervous tissue is infected
intermediate host: due to 2nd stage schizogony in vascular endothelium
clinical signs
neurological disease, stumbling, paresis
lameness, ataxia, laying down, muscle atrophy
histopathological demonstration of EPM- postmortem
western blot test- antemortem