Flies general Flashcards
size of Haematobia irritans and Culicoides spp
size of Musca domestica, M. autumnalis, Stomoxys calcitrans
size of Tabanus spp and Crysops spp
mouthparts of Musca domestica and M. autumnalis
mouthparts of Culicoides spp, Stomoxys calcitrans, and Haematobia irritans
mouthparts of Tabanus spp and Crysops spp
slashing/ sponging
which flies eggs are found in fresh feces
Haematobia irritans
which files eggs are found in feces
M. autumnalis
Musca domestica
which flies eggs are found in decaying organic material
Stomoxys calcitrans
Musca domestica
which flies eggs are found in marshy land
Culicoides spp
Tabanus spp
Crysops spp
which species have painful bites?
Stomoxys calcitrans
Culicoides spp
Tabanus spp
Crysops spp
when in doubt place in ____% alcohol