SAR Flashcards
When may a unit become involved in a SAR? (DISOT)
1) Distress- As a vessel or aircraft in distress
2) Independent- As a unit responding independently to persons or property in distress
3) SAR force- as a part of an organized SAR force under the direction of the regional SAR coordinator
4) OTC- As a unit of a naval task force, unit, or element under the direction of the OTC
Who is the SAR Coordinator?
The Rescue Coordination centers (RCC), which are established worldwide by geographic location, handle the function of the SAR coordinator and, if not directly involved in the search operations, shall be informed and kept abreast of the progress of the search
Who is the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC)
While the SAR coordinator generally designates the SMC for the specific SAR mission, in the case of a military search the OTC or unit designated by the OTC shall assume the duties of SAR mission coordinator. The duties of SMC are outlined in IAMSAR
Who is On Scene CDR (OSC)
An OSC shall be designated by the SMC. In a search being coordinated by an on scene SMC, the OSC duties may be handled by the SMC. Generally, the first search unit to arrive on scene or the unit with the best capability is designated OSC. The duties are detailed in IAMSAR
When does a Multiple rescue decision occur, and what are factors to consider?
A multiple rescue is when there is more than one survivor, and the rescue swimmer remains in the water, aiding in the recovery of all survivors prior to being recovered. Sea state, visibility, and location of/distance between the survivors are all factors that should be considered before tempting a multiple rescue. If this is the case, the crew should consider either recovery or short hauling the RS between multiple survivors if the following conditions exist:
1) A sea state of greater than 2 (Douglas scale)
2) Night/IMC
3) More than 25 yards between the survivors
What are the four things the HAC should consider that will endanger the RS unnecessarily? (DeSPF)
1) Debris in water
2) Sea state
3) Sea predators
4) Fire on the water
What does the term “Dressed out”mean?
The RS is properly attired and equipped for the planned rescue mission
When should Direct Deployment procedures not be used? When SHALL it not be used?
Should not be used on aviators who have ejected from aircraft, and shall not be used on aviators still entangled in a parachute
Shall not be used if survivor still has parachute attached
What were Direct Deployment procedures developed for?
Developed as a tool to use in extreme situations, such as: rescues in surf zone, heavy seas, high winds, moving (swift water), ice, etc. These procedures shall only be used when the crew has determined that it is the safest method or recovery.
What happens when RS rigs for rescue? (PEPDD)
1) P- Prepare smoke markers/matrix lights
2) E- Ensure the rescue hoist is armed and operational
3) P- Prepare rescue equipment as needed
4) D- Don the heavy duty hoisting gloves
5) D- Open cabin door IAW Natops procedures/limits
What are the components of the Rescue Hoist system? (ACCER)
1) A- Hoist Assembly
2) C- Cockpit and cabin controls
3) C- Circuit Breakers
4) E- Necessary Electrical wiring
5) R- Relays
What is the danger associated with RS’s near aircraft fires?
Inhalation of composite fibers; resulting from aircraft fires and/or aircraft material damage may be harmful to the RS. If smoke is present, the RS shall be deployed upwind, and will approach the aircraft in a manner as to avoid any smoke
When shall the RS be deployed via the rescue hoist?
During all night and IMC/low-vis operations, if any other hazards exist in the vicinity, and/or at the discretion of the HAC
When should Direct Deployment Procedures not be used?
DD procedures SHOULD not be used on aviators who have ejected and SHALL not be used on aviators still entangled in a parachute
When is a rescue strop primarily used?
On nonaviator/civilian survivors and allows for the RS and survivor to be hoisted up at the same time
What is the warning associated with the Rescue Strop?
use of rescue strop to a nonaviator survivor without the aid of a RS is not recommended and should only be performed when no RS is readily available from a nearby SRU and immediate survivor recovery is deemed necessary
What airspeed should the aircraft not exceed when executing short haul procedures?
The aircraft should not exceed 40KIAS
What are the items in the Rescue Bag?
- Chem lights (6 Hi/6 Norm intensity)
- 3 Chem straps
- 2 Gunners Belts
- Cable Grip
- Hoist gloves
- Rescue litter sling (red head, white feet)
- Quick Splice w/ double rescue hook
- Pneumatic hand tool
- Cable cutter
- Wool blanket x2
- Cranial x 3
- Life preservers (LPU-32)
- Litter strops
- Trail line assembly (120’, 450lbs break away)
- Quick Strop and Rescue Strop
16 Level A Medkit
What is required for SAR overwater?
- Either 6 MK-58 or 2 MK 58 and 4 MK 25
- Electric marine marker lights x 3
- LPUs x 3
- Electronic datum-marking device (use in fuel spills)
- Weak link per MPLR carried
Right of assistance Entry
All ship and Aircraft Commanders have an obligation to assist those in danger of being lost at sea. This duty permits assistance entry into airspace above the territorial se by A/C without permission of the coastal nation to render emergency assistance to those in danger or distress at sea
When does Right of Assistance Entry apply?
This only applies when the location of the danger or distress is reasonably well known. It does not extend to entering the airspace over the territorial sea to conduct a search, which requires the consent of the coastal state
Smoke Safety Precautions
- Red phosphorous of MK25/58 is highly caustic to the moist tissues of nose and throat. Do not breathe in
- Removal of marker pull ring from the MK-58 exposes the battery cavity. Entrance of seawater will activate the battery. Do not remove until launching is to be accomplished
- After tear strip is removed from MK 58, use care to avoid cutting hands on sharp edges of the can
- Aircraft should not fly at low altitudes over burning MK 58. Ignition of 2nd candle can be forceful with flame occasionally ejecting up to 50’
- MK-25 shall not be launched while in hover because of valve plug possibly striking aircraft or personnel.
SAR Safety precautions (Minus the smokes)
- Helos create static electricity that must be discharged by grounding the hoist prior to commencing a pickup. Avoid discharging static charge or smoke markers in a zone with survivors and possible fuel
- If a parachute remains in the area of the survivor, maintain a 1 rotor diameter separation between the canopy and rotor down wash
- Keep rescue hoist clear of all parts of helo and free from external obstacles. Cable abrasion during hoist operations may lead to failure. Should snagging occur, stop operations and inspect cable
- Swimmer shall not be required to enter the water to effect recovery of inanimate objects
- There shall be a hoist operator if swimmer is deployed
- Personnel hoist shall not be attempted with a damaged hoist
- Hoist operator shall wear heavy duty hoist gloves during all hoist operations
- Anytime the cabin door is opened, all occupants shall wear crewman’s safety harness or remain strapped in the seat. Harness shall be thoroughly checked for secure attachment to the airframe.
- While operating in salt sprays environment, TGT rise of 20C is indicative of engine degradation, 40C may result in compressor stall
In what sea state is it recommended to deploy the swimmer via the hoist?
In sea states of 3 or above (Douglas Sea State) it is recommended that the swimmer deploy on the hoist
What are the 5 basic rescue methods
- Landing to affect a rescue
- Rescue via one or two wheels
- Rescue via the hoist
- Rappelling
- Direct deployment
When shall Rescue via one or two wheels be attempted
Due to pilot workload, this shall not be conducted except in cases of operational necessity
When using the rescue hook, what shall the crew chief ensure?
They shall ensure that the hook is equipped with a rescue device that has inherent flotation
Define SAR capable
Aircraft is fully manned for SAR and is mission capable in accordance with NATOPs. One of the crewman must be capable of water entry
Define SAR Assist
Flight Crew is not comprised of the minimum flight crew for accepting a SAR mission in accordance with NATOPS, but can perform duties limited to activities such as search and OSC
Define SAR Negative
The flight crew is not compromised of the min flight crew for accepting a SAR mission in accordance with NATOPS and is unable to accept tasking for any aspect of SAR ops
What are the MK-25/58 burn times?
MK-25–> NTRP= 13.5-18.5min
3-50= 10-20 min
MK 58–> NTRP= 40-60min
3-50= at least 45 min
What is “safing the survivor?” (ELLF)
The following conditions must be met before survivor is considered “safe”
E: The survivor is completely free of Entanglement and not attached to a parachute
L: The survivor is breathing and has no apparent, immediate, Life threatening injuries
L: If at night, the RS should attach a Lighting device to a survivor
F: The survivor is wearing operable Flotation, or is in an operable life raft
When may a RS decide to Safe and disengage from a survivor? (MIM)
M: There are Mixed survivors such as mishap helo aircrew and pax /troops
I: The RS needs to recover and Inflate life rafts/flotation devices deployed by SRU
M: The Medical or survival equipment condition of another survivor suddenly degrades to a point in which that survivor needs immediate assistance
When Not to safe a survivor
R: If Rescuing the survivor would be quicker than “safing”them
A: If the survivor has Apparent, Immediate, life-threatening injuries
E: Environmental concerns such as sea predators, heavy seas, temp, restricted vis, etc
Types of Search Patterns
- Sector Search- most effective when the position of the search object is accurately known
- Expanding Square- most effective when the location of the object is known with relatively good accuracy
- Track Line Search- normally employed when an A/C or vessel has disappeared while encountering from one point to another
- Parallel Sweep- normally used when uncertainty in the survivors location is large, requiring a large area to be searched with a uniform coverage
- Creeping Line- The same as parallel sweep except the search legs are parallel to the short sides of the rectangle vice the long sides
Open Ocean SAR Jumps
- Night/IMC open ocean RS deployment is permitted only during actual SAR/mission essential evolutions
- Day/VMC open ocean RS deployment/training is permitted for proficiency and qualification. The CVN or present vessel shall be in close proximity
Where are the SAR Areas?
- NAS Jax
- NS mayport
- OLF Whitehouse
- Camp Blanding
- Rodman (R-2906)
- Pinecastle (R-2910)
- W-157/158/159
—> To a max radius not to exceed 100NM from coastline. This radius is provided as a guidance and is not to preclude the sound judgement of HAC
What are the two types of uncooperative survivors?
- Combative
2. Panicked
What is a combative survivor? What do you need in order to rescue them?
A combative survivor may not initially desire to be rescued, and may actively resist assistance from the RS. The combative survivor may intentionally try to harm the RS and/or themselves when approached. Indications that a survivor might be combative are:
- Prior mentally unstable behavior, voluntarily jumping into water, suicide attempt
- Suspected or known enemy, foreign personnel demonstrating hostility to Americans, or suspicious personnel aboard vessels being detained
Helicopter recovery of an enemy or hostile survivor should only be used under conditions of operational necessity.
What is a panicked survivor?
A panicked survivor normally desires to be rescued, but is uncomfortable with the situation. The best way to handle this is usually verbal assurance of the situation.
Stokes Litter
The Stokes litter, also referred to as the rescue litter, can be used over land or water.
This is the litter that the ships carry. Most AWR’s say they can fit one in the aircraft, but it will be a tight fit with it coming up the tunnel
MEDEVAC litter
It has a low and narrow profile, floats with the patient’s head slightly reclined from the vertical, and is able to be hoisted vertically with its own sling, or horizontally using the standard rescue litter sling and trail line assembly. The litter folds in half for shipboard movements, rappelling, backpacking, or stowage.
What are the minimum Helo SAR equipment (18 items)
- Rescue strop
- One (1) hoist quick splice plate
- One (1) cable grip with its own crewman’s safety belt
- One (1) rescue hand tool
- Crewman’s safety belts
- Six (6) general-purpose, and (6) six high-intensity chemical lights
- Three (3) chemical light straps
- One pair of heavy-duty hoisting gloves
- Three (3) additional cranial assemblies
- Two (2) wool blankets
- One (1) helicopter rescue equipment bag
- One (1) trail line assembly
- One (1) rescue litter sling assembly (2 pieces)
- One (1) Level “A” medical kit NTTP 3-50.1
- One (1) rescue litter or SAR MEDEVAC litter assembly
- One (1) Level “B” medical kit (SAR corpsmen use only)
- One (1) SAR medical oxygen system (SAR corpsmen use only)
Items required for overwater SAR
- Two (2) MK-58 smoke flares
- Four (4) MK-25 smoke flares 3. Three (3) electrical marine marker lights
- One (1) electronic datum-marking device (when available)
- Three (3) LPP-1/1A, or three (3) LPU-32/P, preservers
- One (1) MPLR weak link per MPLR carried.
SAR Readiness Conditions
Same as 105/106
Primary and Secondary UHF SAR Frequencies?
Life Flight Frequency?
- 8 and 345.0
123. 025
Ch 2
Two types of hovers for hoisting personnel from ship
Plumb Hover (directly over the deck, trail line use is not necessary)
Trail Line Hoisting (helo in portside hover, trail line and rescue device are lowered, patient loaded in rescue device, rescue device lowered as ship personnel tend the trail line and guide the rescue device up and over the side of the ship)
Plumb = directly below
What kind of life rafts do we carry? What are they used for? What color are they?
Single person life raft