Lauren Board Questions Flashcards
Operational CoC
Capt Ballou
CSG 10
2nd Fleet
VADM Lewis
Admiral Grady
Combatant Command (NORTHCOM)
General Vanherck (USAF)
Lloyd Austin III
The Honorable Joseph Biden
Administrative Chain of Command
Capt Whitfield
Vice Admiral Whitesel
Admiral Gilday
The Honorable Thomas W. Harper
Alternate airfield note
If an alternate airfield is required, it shall have a published approach COMPATIBLE WITH INSTALLED OPERABLE aircraft navigation equipment that can be flown without the use of two-way radio communication whenever:
- Dest lacks above described approach
- Wx at alternate is forecast <3000/3 for +/- 1 hour ETA
What’s different about AATCC (vs CATCC)?
AATC - IMC approach/dep AND status and tactical control of airborne helicopters in support of amphibious assaults
106 Spot 1
Night APPROACHES to spot 1 are not authorized.
Right seat LANDINGS on spot 1 are not recommended.
Hot refueling of engaged tail rotor helicopters on spot 1 is not recommended.
Cross cockpit 105 vs 106
- Shall not conduct cross-cockpit TAKEOFFS or LANDINGS behind engaged tail rotor aircraft.
- Cross-cockpit landings (general) SHOULD be avoided.
- Landing a helicopter on a spot immediately in front of another helicopter should be avoided whenever possible.
- Left seat slide-in visual to spot 2 not rec
- Left seat slide-in visual to spot 3 prohibited
- Left seat recoveries to 4, 5, 6 while a/c in 6 pack rep increased risk to LSE
- Cross cockpit recoveries forward of an occupied spot are not recommended.
Nonstandard Helo Landing Patterns LHA/LHD
- Cross-Deck
- Helicopter Around the Stern (call abeam port quarters, descend to 200’ by the astern position, continue up the starboard side to intercept a 45 deg angle and then straight in)
- Helicopter Modified Straight-In
LHA Case I unless otherwise drenched
Proceed to and hold in the overhead Delta and plan descent/break to meet recovery time & orderly flow into Charlie pattern
LHA/LHD Aircraft Training Sectors
4x 90 deg sectors
5NM - 50 NM
Ship flight deck heights
CV/LHA/LHD - 70’
LPD/LSD - 45’
CG - 33’
DDG - 15’
What can you use the aircard for?
Fuel, oil, services
“Into the aircraft card”
What is an SF-44?
“Cadillac chit”
- use for same purposes as air card at places that don’t accept air card.
- Has 2 different forms
Chit used at ship to pay for fuel, oil, parts
What instructions are contained in the fuel packet?
Fuel Packet instructions
Air card instructions
How to fly under nonradar control
According to a published procedure or as prescribed by the controlling agency
Traffic separation maintained by pilot position reports and modified separation criteria
In case of emergency with radar inop or unusable in opinion of CATCC officer
Positive control (105)
- <500-1
- 30 min after sunset - 30 min before sunrise or otherwise modified by CO or OTC
- Mandatory letdown in thunderstorm areas
- Wx phenomena that might cause difficult to pilots
Concurrent operations is defined as and includes H-60 _____, _______, and ______ during fixed wing flight ops.
Sequential launch and recovery of fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft in the same cycle
Ground turns, takeoffs, and/or landings
Where would you look to see if you are in a WW?
Aviation Weather website
Who is Commander Naval Air Systems Command?
Admiral Peters
What do you lose if the WOW switch does not engage on takeoff?
Heading hold All jettison switches Normal operation of the backup pump Radar RADALT/BARALT hold LAWS LOW ROTOR RPM ENG OUT warning light
Pulling the WOW cb will extinguish the WOW advisory and restore some in-flight functions. H/e, LOW ROTOR RPM and ENG OUT will be disabled and jettison circuitry will not be restored.
Know the A-Sheet blocks in order
NAMP color coding ADB
Blue - PMC Red - Down Green - Special Inspection Orange - Technical Directive 5 red stripes - needs re-tqs
What needs to be documented on a MAF when a limit is exceeded?
Any time an operational limit is exceed, an appropriate entry shall be documented on a MAF and include what limit was exceed as well as range, duration, and any other info that would aid mx personnel.
CSAR freq
MAR 16
Jax Local MEDEVAC helo freq
Fleet TAC
Personnel you expect to see if conducting HIFR and duties
Crew Leader - responsible for using the grounding wand to discharge static electricity and for ensuring hose handler properly attaches the HIFR assembly to the hoist hook
2 Hose Handlers - responsible for minimizing the slack in the HIFR hose during the refueling operation
ELVA “missed approach point”
50’ and 100 yds vis
Landing Lineup Line and Circle
Obstruction clearance is ensured when the aircraft for which the facility is certitude lands with the main mounts (tail wheel aircraft) within the landing circle and the fuselage center line aligned with the landing lineup line.
Names of VERTREP lines 122
VERTREP Ball and T Line
CNAF Alcohol
Consumption prohibited within 12 hours of mission brief or flight planning
Special caution when flying at night, over water, IMC
Free of hangover effects prior to flight
Mission Commander defn CNAF
The mission commander shall be a properly qualified Naval Aviator or NFO designated by appropriate authority. The mission commander may exercise command over single naval aircraft or formation of naval aircraft.
The mission commander shall be responsible for all phases of the assigned mission except those aspects of safety of flight that are related to the physical control of the aircraft and fall within the prerogatives of the PIC.
Mission commander qualifications shall be outlined in the appropriate NATOPS manuals. The mission commander shall direct a coordinated plan of action and be responsible for effectiveness of the mission.
Requirements to be a HAC per NATOPS
- Complete approved HAC PQS Syllabus
2. CNAF requirements
What is required on the passenger manifest per CNAF?
Accurate list of personnel aboard the aircraft including:
- Names
- Serial #
- Status Aboard
Military additions
- Grade and service
- Duty station
CNAF limitations for orientation flights + SOP limits
- Only highly qual’d personnel shall conduct
- Local flying area/terminate at POO
- Day/VMC
- No formation flying
- No additional cost to government
- Orientation flightees can fly the air aft during non-critical phases of flight as determined by the PIC
Wing SOP: Completion of NASTP is mandatory for all orienteers unless waived in rare cases by designated approval authority per CNAF.
HSM-46 SOP Seat Belts
NATOPS Gunners Belts
Seat and gunner’s belts shall be utilized per CNAF to the max extent possible. All occupants of the aircraft SHOULD be in a crash worthy seat with seat and shoulder harness secured during takeoff and landing.
W: Gunner belts do not provide impact protection; therefore, use of those belts shall be restricted to only those occurrences when mission accomplishment requires persons to be out of their seats. Such belts shall not be worn when strapped into a seat.
RON at Civilian Airfields CNAF
Civilian airfields shall not be used for RON unless required for
- Mission accomplishment
* requires Wing/Group commander approval - Aircraft maintenance
- Emergency Divert.
What equipment are pax required to have per CNAF? Per NATOPS?
CNAF: Anti-exposure suit protection (as req’d), helmet with reflective tape (shipboard) - combat/parachutist helmet may be worn in lieu of protective helmet provided hearing protection is worn by all pax
NATOPS: ADHEELS and IHEELS for pax/non-aircrew overwater flight except in cases of emergency
Difference between ADHEELS and IHEELS
ADHEELS goes around the window
IHEELS small cartridge on the window
Detachment Concurrent Aircraft Ops
-Dets operating on single-spot ships with two manned embarked helps utilizing the RSD SHALL NOT conduct concurrent flight operations unless an emergency landing site (shore or ship) is available w/ in 50 NM for the duration of the evolution
-Applies to missions where the parent ship is the IPL for both aircraft
—>does not apply to missions scheduled for termination at other than the parent ship
—>does not apply to fly-ons for scheduled embarkation
—>does not apply for concurrent manned/unmanned ops
SOP VERTREP Power Margin
10% between MRP and max power required
HOGE/Confined Area Landings Power Available Check SOP
Prior to any HOGE (including over water, CALs, etc), a max power check shall be conducted in the vicinity of the HOGE maneuver. A 10% torque margin shall be verified to exist between calculated HOGE torque and max power available (not to exceed 120% tq, 102.2& Ng, or 903 deg C TGT) prior to entering a HOGE.
Later, specifically about CAL:
10% margin between MRP available (878 limit?) and max power required for all training and operational flights except those of op necessity
NATOPS zero oil px during rotor engagement
May indicate a no-oil-flow condition through the oil lubrications system.
Shall be limited to less than 1 minute and shall be document on a MAF
Intermediate Rated Power
30 minute power
851 limit
Contingency Rated Power
2.5 minute limit
903 deg limit
Max Continuous Power
No time limit
810 deg limit
Maximum Rated Power
2.5 minutes or 10 minutes for max power and limiter checks only
878 deg limit
Who is your reporting custodian on the DDG?
The CO of the ship
Tire, landing gear strut, and accumulator air pressures ______ as the temperature decreases.
If hangar space is available, the aircraft should be kept in a heated hangar when OAT is forecast below ____.
0 degrees Celsius
Composite Warfare Commander (CWC)
B (AB)
Principal Warfare Commanders (5 or 6)
AW - Air Defense Commander (ADC) AP - Strike Warfare Commander (STWC) AQ - Information Warfare Commander (IWC) AZ Sea Combat Commander (SCC) —>AX - Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander (ASWC) + AS - Surface Warfare Commander (SUWC)
Functional Warfare Commanders (5)
AJ - Maritime Interception Operations Commander (MIOC)
AG - Mine Warfare/Mine Countermeasures Commander (MCMC)
Operational Deception Group Commander
AN - Screen Commander (SC)
Underway Replenishment Group Commander (URGC)
Warfare Coordinators
AR - Air Resource Element Commander (AREC)
AL/AH - Helicopter Element Coordinator (HEC)
Airspace Control Authority (ACA) Crypto logic Resource Commander (CRC) Force OTH Track Coordinator (FOTC) Force Track Coordinator (FTC) Submarine Operations Coordinating Authority (SOCA) TLAM Launch Area Coordinator (LAC) TLAM Strike Coordinator (TSC)
During IMC or night with no visible horizon, free stream recovery _________. __________ should be initiated.
Should not be attempted
Sonar Cable Cut emergency procedure
What are the major risks of shutting down without the APU?
No indication of an internal engine fire
Loss of AFCS after securing the generators
No lights to ensure the droop stops were seated
The pilot can override any yaw trim force by…
Applying opposite pedal firmly and then turning off trim
The SAR/MEDEVAC litter can be used in all aircraft configurations, but in the ASW configuration…
No seats will be available
Hover checks per NATOPS
Check TGT/TQ
State OEI intentions
Why do we use the port trap on an offset approach?
To ensure landing gear fits on the deck
Where are the waveoff lights installed on an ACS?
One on either side of the SGSI
Do we need to set flight quarters for engine water wash?
No, not if det personnel have access to firefighting equipment. OOD shall be notified prior to starting engines.
Who is reporting custodian when you are on the DDG/CG?
Ship CO
What four things do the wave hazard plots not account for? What kind of operations are wave hazard plots used for?
Don’t account for:
- Wave run up on the hull
- Sea spray due to wave impact on the hull
- Wake-wave turbulence
- Rudder action
They are used for steady-state, non-maneuvering operation.
Except in extreme emergencies, the ship shall not change course while…
- Helicopter is being launched/recovered
- Helicopter is engaging or disengaging rotors
- Traversing
- Being towed/pushed about the flight deck
Data Link Standoff
L16 Standoff
(122) When do you expect the ship to be steady on course for day/night VMC recoveries? Emergencies?
Day VMC: a/c at 1/4 NM, wind and ship dynamics within appropriate envelope
Night VMC: a/c at 3 NM ON FINAL, wind and ship dynamics within appropriate envelope
Emergency: Ship will turn to BRC when a/c is within 3 NM (4 NM for night/IMC)
Is the HIFR hose going to be precharged?
NATOPS: Both the NHC and NI HIFR hoses shall be hoisted to the helicopter unpressurized, but full of fuel. An NHC hose not filled with fuel poses a hazard to flight deck crew and the helicopter.
Yes, you want it precharged so it has weight to it when you hoist it up. If not, it’s going to swing everywhere when it is hoisted. Hose gets connected to the rescue hoist.
During landings on DDG 79 class ships, the forward sloping of the flight deck will contribute to the aircraft rolling forward ________ with the __________.
6-8 inches
Parking brake on
Staging Ordnance (122)
Staging areas are used for ready service only, not for protracted stowage. Weapons in staging areas shall be on mobile trucks or skids.
Staging areas shall be:
- Convenient to jettison locations
- Accessible by at least two clear routes
- Covered by the sprinkler system and/or manned fire hoses
- Located as far as practicable from oxygen and fueling stations
- Manned and with provisions for physically securing weapons
Use the following priorities when locating ordnance staging areas
- Flight Deck
- Hangar Deck
- Vehicle storage (or other designated HERO safe assembly/disassembly area)
Sequence for loading/arming aircraft
- Mechanical latching prior to engine start
- Engage rotors
- Stray voltage checks
- Arm/remove safety pins and switches
- Chocks and chains (AO grabs chocks/chains)
Missed approach point TACAN ACS
200’, 0.5
Primary Marshal: 150, 2-3 DME, 200’