80T-105 Flashcards
What is the name of the keyhole diagram?
Helicopter restrictions during fixed wing launch and recovery
What are the three notes associated with the keyhole diagram?
- No helo operations are allowed within the shaded region without Air Officer approval
- During recovery of aircraft with forward firing ordnance, the plane guard helo shall not be placed on the starboard side between the 360-090 relative bearing within 5nm
- The air officer shall be notified immediately if the primary PG helo changes
Chap 4
Case I, II, III
Case I: when it is anticipated that flights will not encounter instrument conditions during daytime launches/recoveries, and the vis and ceiling are no lower than 3000-5 in the control zone
Case II: when it is anticipated that flights may encounter instrument conditions during daytime launches/recoveries, and the vis and ceiling are no lower than 1000-5 in the control zone
Case III: When it is anticipated that flights will encounter instrument conditions during launches/recoveries because the vis and ceiling are below 1000-5
Chap 4
What are the four degrees of control?
- Positive
- Advisory
- Monitor
- Non-Radar
Chap 4
When are each type of control used?
Positive—> <500-1, all FOPs 30min after sunset, 30min before sunrise except as modified by OTC/CO, during mandatory letdown in thunderstorm area, in other situations advisory control can expect weather to cause difficulty to pilots
Advisory—> Shall be utilized when traffic density in an area requires a high degree of control for safety of flight other than just VFR rules. Normally limited to VMC, traffic separation is the responsibility of the pilot with help from control
Monitor—> Shall be utilized under VMC when aircraft are operating outside of controlled airspace. Separation and safety of flight is responsibility of the Pilot
Non Radar—> shall be used when shipboard radar is inoperative or so degraded as to be inadequate to provide radar separation of air traffic under conditions normally requiring positive control.
Chap 6
When is advisory control provided during a Marshal
Advisory control is provided by marshal from checkin until advised of “radar contact” which indicates positive control
Chap 6
What are the approach mins for Helos?
Non Precision 300-3/4
Precision 200-1/2
Chap 4
What are the three Categories of Emergencies
- Communication failures
- NAVAID failures
- Other aircraft system failures
Chap 5
Case III departure voice reports
The folllowing calls are commonly used:
- Airborne
- Arcing
- Passing 2500’
- Established outbound
- Popeye
- VFR on top (with altitude)
- Kilo
Chap 7
What is the primary dearming spot for AGM-114/rocket pods
Spot 4 is primary, spot 3 is secondary
Chap 8
Helo Pre- Launch procedure
Helo spread, start, rotor engage, and launch shall be in accordance with appropriate NATOPS procedures and shall only occur after proper signal from LSE and under control of PriFly
Chap 8
Night/IMC Launch
Helos shall ensure their nose is aligned with angle or straight deck for launch, and Air Officer shall broadcast wind speed and direction
Chap 8
SAR Capable vs. Non SAR helo ground call
SAR Capable: will report red light fuel in HHMM local (this is when they will hit red light fuel). (e.g.“6/7XX,4 souls,1645 redlight”)
Non SAR: will report fuel state HH+MM to NATOPS minimum fuel(e.g.“6/7XX, 3 souls ,3+30 splash”).
Chap 8
High gross weight takeoffs
When multiple high gross weight helicopters are launched from Spots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 they should, to the maximum extent practical, be sequenced from forward to aft to allow for use of the landing area for departure to gain airspeed vice a side step resulting in an out of ground effect hover with inadequate power margins. The PIC may also request adjusted winds to reduce power required on takeoff or landing.
Chap 8
What is the departure procedure if you’re on spot 9
Helos should depart either port or starboard depending on the winds. If a takeoff up the angled deck is required, the helo shall request a launch up the: “LA” to tower
Chap 8
Case I/II departure procedure
Helicopters shall clear the control zone as directed by the tower. When departing for operations within the control zone (for example,SAR), they shall remain under control of the tower or other designated controlling agency.
Chap 8
Case III Departure
Helos shall remain below the clouds. If unable to remain beneath them, they shall proceed to the prebriefed fix. For unaided departures, helos shall fly 200-300’, aided departures 150-300 or as assigned by CATCC and arc within 3nm
Chap 8
Helo Lost comm Depart Procedure
Helos shall remain below 300’ and arc to enter the port/starboard delta and execute lost comms procedure
Chap 8
When is the PG helo required to remain in the Starboard Delta?
During Carrier qual landings
Chap 8
Can a SAR capable helo with ordnance be assigned PG duties?
The presence of forward firing ordnance, crew served weapons, expenditures, catm, rextorp, etc. shall not prevent an otherwise SAR capable helo from performing PG or a SAR duties
Chap 8
MH-60R with GAU installed
An MH-60R installed with a GAU does not preclude it from SAR operations, but it does present an obstacle to crewman due to its size and location. To the max extent practicable, the swingarm should be removed prior to SAR tasking
Chap 8
Helo Condition 1
Aircraft shall be spotted for immediate launch, rotors spread, starting equipment plugged in, LSE, Plane Captain, and required plane handlers. Unless otherwise directed by Aircraft handling officer, Aircraft shall have at a min 4 tiedowns. The aircrew shall be ready to launch in all aspects.
Chap 8
Helo Condition II
Same conditions as Condition I apply, but the aircrew may standby in the ready room.
Chap 8
Condition III
Main rotor blades may be folded and the aircraft need not be in position for immediate launch; however, it must be parked so as to allow direct access to a suitable launch spot. A towbar shall be attached to the aircraft and a specific LSE, tractor driver, handling crew, and starting crewman shall be designated and assigned to each helicopter. These personnel must be thoroughly briefed so that when the order is given to prepare to launch, the aircraft can be safely and expeditiously moved into position and readied for launch. Flightcrews should be briefed for the launch and be standing by in a designated location
Chap 8
Helo Condition IV
This is similar to Condition III except that minor maintenance may be performed on the aircraft if no delay in launch is involved.
Chap 8
Launch of Condition Aircraft
When in condition I, and Air OFficer gives word to launch aircraft, Engines shall be started, but rotors shall not be engaged until given word from PriFly
Chap 8
Helo Recovery during fixed wing operations
Should the last fixed wing aircraft waveoff, helos shall reposition in the pattern with direction from CATCC based off of interval of each other and the last fixed wing aircaft
Chap 8
Helo Case III Recovery
During Case III recoveries, the approach shall be flown as directed by CATCC until the pilot acquires visual contact with the optical landing aids, at which time the pilot shall “call the ball.” Control will then be assumed by the air officer, who shall issue final landing clearance. In the event of a waveoff, the pilot shall parallel the f inal bearing course and report to CATCC for control. At night, navigation lights shall be STEADY/BRIGHT and anticollision lights ON until established on the final bearing, at which time the navigation lights shall be switched to STEADY/DIM.
Chap 8
Instrument Recovery procedures
The primary set/up and holding point it 1000’ 5Nm on the 110 radial. For multiple helos, add 1nm and 500’ per helo. Holding procedures is standard right hand turns and 2nm legs.
Chap 8
- Helos with Hung Forward firing Ordnance shall not land on spot 7
- Helicopters with hung ordnance in crew served weapons on the starboard side should land on Spot 7 or 9. If recovering on Spot 9, helicopters shall land with a heading of BRC +15 degrees, with the weapon trained in a safe direction aft of the ship.
V-22 launch/recovery operations 1 spot behind any unsecured light to medium lift tail rotor helicopter (H-1, H-60)…
May cause I commanded yaw of the forward helicopter due to prop rotor down wash resulting in possible aircraft damage and/or personnel injury or death