CNAF Flashcards
Exemptions/Exceptions to FAR 91
Naval aircraft shall be operated in accoradnace with applicable provisions to FAR, Part 91, except:
Where this manual prescribes more stringent requirements
Where exceptions or authorizations issued to the Department of the Navy/DOD permit deviation from FAR
FAR Exempt (Alternate Airport)
Alt. airport rq’s and alternate airport wx criteria for clearance of flights to be conudcted under IFR shall be specified in CNAF
FAR exemptions (Ops in Class A)
Authorizes USN undergrad student aviators to conduct solo flight in Class A w/o inst. rating
FAR exmpt (Lighting)
Exemption for USMC a/a for flight without lighter aircraft pos lights in order to conduct nvd flight training in USMC a/c
FAR exempt (A/C Lighting)
An exemption has been granted to DOD a/c engaged in drug interdiction flights provided the a/c has a dedicated on-board observer plus an anddition resource capable of detecting all airraft operating in the vicinity of the DOD a/c
FAR Exemptions (VFR cruising Alt or FL)
Allows ops at altitudes other than those prescibed by 91 while engaged in drug interdiction ops, only to extent necessary to obtain positive ID of suspect a/c and maintain visual contact w/ that a/c, provided the a/c has a dedicated on-board observer to watch for other air traffic, and a/c has an operating transponder witih mode C
FAR exempt (IFR Cruise Alt or Flight LVL)
Exempt from alt to be maintained in uncontrolled airspace has been granted to extent necessary to conduct MTR training.
Operational Necessity (verbatim)
A mission associated with war or peacetime operations in which the consequences of an action justify accepting the risk of loss of a/c and crew
PIC (One liner)
The pilot assigned responsibility for safe and orderly conduct of the flight
Rq’s to be HAC (6 things)
To be qual’d as a HAC, the NATOPS manual shall establish the designation for the particular model, and an individual shall:
- Have complete the rq’s for and posses to an advanced degree the knowledge, proficiency, and capabailities of 2P
- Have a min of 500 total flight hours
- have 150 total flight hours in rotary-a/c
- have pilots hours in class and model rq’d by co or higher authority to demonstrate the proficiency and judgement rq’s to ensure the successful accomplishment of all tasks of the unit mission
- Demonstrate ability to command and train the officers and enlisted members of flightcrew
- Dem. the qualities of leadership rq’d to conduct advanced base or detached unit ops as officer in charge when such duty is rq’d as part of the units mission or method of operation
Emergency and Humanitarian Ops
Naval a/c ops are authorized in emergencies such as forest fire, search, rescue, major calamities, and for humanitarian resons involving life-threatening circumstances. Notification of op shall be made to CNO or CMC as appropriate, and the responsible local Commander, but w/o delaying action when time is an essential factor. Squadron cdrs and officers in charge will operate under the direction of assigned Join Task Force cdrs perr combatant cdr polict/guidance
Embarkation of Pax (restrictions/allowances) (HMVT)
No person shall be emplaned as a pax nor shall any cargo be embarked on a navala/c unless authorization has been granted by competent authority in accordance with applicable directives.
- ) Reporting Custodians for helicopter units may authorize personnel to be embarked as passengers onboard their aircraft. This authority may be delegated to a designated detachment officer in charge when deployed or embarked. No person shall be carried in a taxiing a/c as a passnger unless such person is authorized to fly in it or has been authorized by competent authority
- Helo pax overwater flights at night are authorized subject to the folowing restricitons:
Ship luanches and recoveries shall be made during daylight hours. This may be waived by the Strike group CDR, Amphibious Squadron CDR, MAGTF CDR/OTC in case of op necessity
- In cases of MEDEVAC, a qual’d med attendant who is current in approved water survival training and has been properly briefed on egress procedures may be transferred with approval from Ship CO
- This does not preclude troop movement in support of amphibious exercises, visit board search and seizure (VBSS) level III operations, or SPECOPS training and operational missions.
- The pilots in command/mission commanders of a naval aircraft( while absent from home unit) may authorize air transportation for personnel and/or equipment not otherwise qualified for Government air transportation (i.e., civilian physicians, paramedic teams, sheriff department personnel, park rangers, search dogs, medical equipment, etc.) when required for the successful prosecution of a search and rescue (SAR), medical emergency evacuation (MEDEVAC), or disaster relief mission. This authority shall only be exercised when all practical means of obtaining authorization from competent authority in accordance with applicable directives (OPNAVINST 4630.25 and NAVSUP Publication 505) have proven unsuccessful or unavailable. Appropriate authority shall be notified of such air transportation as soon as practicable.
Static display/airshow/flyover
- Pilots selected should have proven to be familiar with flight characteristics to CO
- Flight demonstrations shall not be planned with extra hazardous or unusual maneuvers
- Precoordination with ATC shall be accomplished
- Consideration should be given to allow public acces to equiptment
- Personnel assigned to static display shall be chosen for maturity, appearance, personality, etc.
- A/c chosen for static display shall be clean, well painted, and prepared for public inspection
Nonessential Flights (BOHS)
Use of a/c shall not be authorized. Any flight open to misinterpretation by the public shall be avoided. Examples are:
- Flights of a routine business nature for which commercial or other mil trans could be more economically substituted
- Flights for any officer or group of officers, the sole purpose of which is teh convenience and/or prestige of officers concerned and not the performance of official duties or accomplishment of bona fide training
- Repeated flights to hometown area of flight personnel
- Flight coinciding with major sports events or civic celebrations
Authorized airfields
Naval A/c are authorized to operate at and land at all US mil and Joint civil-mil airfields.
When operating at other than home field PIC shall ensure they’re familiar with local PPRs and meet airfield op rq’s
When returning to US from abroad PIC shall ensure that they will be able to satisfy Customs clearance rq’s at their point of Entry Airfield.
Deviations from CNAF
Deviation from specified flight and operating instructions is authorized in emergency situation when, in the judgement of the PIC, safety justifies such a deviation
Embarkation of civilian LEOs
Embarkation of civilian LEOS is Authorized in helicopters. SECNAVINST 5820.7 provides specific guidance for authorized missions. Authority to approve flights for LEO personnel and responsibility for establishing operation procedures it delegated to COMNAVAIRLANT, CMC, CNATRA, etc for aircraft under their respective control. It may be delegated to numbered fleet commanders and type commanders
NOTE: LEO personnel
DOD civilian personnel authorized in accordance with this paragraph shall comply with aeromedical and survival training requirements set forth in paragraph 8.4 of this instruction. Contractor flightcrews governed by NAVAIRINST 3710.1 shall meet the requirements of that instruction.
Who can taxi a naval aircraft?
No one shall be permitted to taxi a helicopter except those persons who are authorized to fly helicopters
When are DOD civilian employees and contractors authorized as flight crew?
When required in conjunction with the assigned duties or contractual responsibilies.
Verbatim: Orientation flight (MOST)
What are examples? (BAMF)
Orientation flights are typically one-time events for selected participants in a particular model aircraft. Orientation flight status shall not be used to circumvent normal training requirements for individuals required to fly multiple flights in naval aircraft. Orientation flights for midshipmen participating in official training programs are an exception and may involve multiple flights. Additionally, orientation flights are stand-alone events, specifically authorized, sanctioned and planned to accomplish the purposes listed in paragraph 3.3.1, subparagraph 2. Sanctioned air transport flights — those authorized expressly for the purposes of providing point-to-point transportation and lift for personnel — are different events per OPNAVINST 4630.25, and are not typically scheduled in conjunction with orientation flights.
Individuals are selected to participate in orientation flights for one of the following purposes:
a. To familiarize them with an aircraft, its operation, capabilities, requirements, concept of employment, or limitations.
b. To Familiarize them with a base complex from the air for official purposes other than merely sightseeing or goodwill.
c. To allow FAA personnel to perform official functions that require their infrequent embarkation on naval aircraft.
d. To perform other military duties not assigned to the flight crew.
Pilot in Command (verbatim)
Pilot in command refers to the pilot of an individual aircraft. The pilot in command is responsible for the safe, orderly flight of the aircraft and well-being of the crew. The pilot in command may also be the mission commander or formation leader when so designated. Pilot in command should not be confused with the various qualifications defined in Chapter 12. If there is no NATOPS manual for a particular model aircraft or if an existing manual fails to set forth specific initial qualifications and currency requirements, a pilot shall not be designated as pilot in command unless the pilot has made at least two takeoffs and landings and logged 5 hours of pilot time in the same model aircraft within the preceding 90 days. Also, lacking NATOPS guidance for a specific aircraft, 10 hours first pilot time in model is required for initial qualification. Pilots meeting the criteria may be considered qualified in model and phase and are then eligible for designation as pilot in command. In the absence of direct orders from higher authority cognizant of the mission, responsibility for starting or continuing a mission with respect to weather or any other condition affecting the safety of the aircraft rests with the pilot in command. The authority and responsibility of the pilot in command shall not be transferred during flight. It shall not be transferred to another individual except as required by emergency, operational necessity, or as directed by the commanding officer of the unit to which the aircraft is attached. The authority and responsibility of a pilot in command is independent of rank or seniority in relation to other persons participating in the mission or flight except for the following (OTC/OTC embarked)
OTC Embarked (verbatim)
Wing, group, or squadron commander, if embarked on a mission involving aircraft of their command, retains full authority and responsibility regarding command, including the mission in which participating.
Flag or General officer embarked (verbatim)
The pilot in command of an aircraft with a flag or general officer eligible for command at sea or in the field embarked as a passenger shall be subject to the orders of such flag or general officer in accordance with U.S. Navy Regulations. When such an embarked passenger exercises authority to command the aircraft, that passenger thereby assumes full responsibility for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight. The embarked passenger shall give due consideration to the judgment of the pilot in command regarding items of flight safety such as hazardous weather and aircraft/crew limitations. Flying rule violations, accident reports, and any other actions arising out of the flight will be referred to the embarked passenger as the responsible commander of the aircraft.
The provisions of paragraphs and shall not be used to circumvent normal NATOPS qualification procedures if the officer desires to physically pilot the aircraft. Flights that require a NATOPS-qualified crew shall not be physically piloted by any individual not so qualified; however, the flight may be directed by an officer in tactical command embarked who is not NATOPS qualified
What is a mission commander and what can they exercise command over, an what are they responsible for?
A mission commander shall be a properly qualified naval aviator or NFO and they exercise command over a single aircraft, or formations of aircraft. They shall be responsible for all phases of the assigned mission except those aspects of safety of flight that are related to the physical control of the aircraft and fall within the prerogative of the PIC. The mission commander shall direct a coordinated plan of action and be responsible for effectiveness of the mission.
What are the 7 skills of Decision Making (AVIAMTE)
- Assessing the situation
- Verifying info
- Identifying solutions
- Anticipating decision consequences
- Making the decision
- Telling others of the decision and rationale
- Evaluating the decision
What are the 7 skills of CRM? (DAMCLAS)
- Decision making
- Assertiveness
- Mission analysis
- Communication
- Leadership
- Adaptability/flexibility
- Situational awareness
ORM process (IAMIS)
- Identify Hazards
- Assess hazards
- Make risk decisions
- Implement controls
- Supervise
Three levels of ORM process (TDI)
- Time critical
- Deliberate
- In-depth
Four principles of ORM (AAAM)
- Accept risk when benefits outweigh the costs
- Accept no unnecessary risk
- Anticipate and manage risk by planning
- Make risk decisions at the right level
What is the crew composition required for an FCF?
FCF shall be conducted with the min crew required safe for flight. Passengers shall not be carried, and the FCP shall be designated by the CO as a FCP for a full system check, or a partial system check
What is the weather criteria for a FCF?
Shall be conducted using daylight hours within the local flying area in VMC. If necessary to complete the assigned mission, unit commanders may authorize check flights under conditions other than the above if in their option the flight can be conducted with an acceptable margin of safety under the existing conditions. The authority shall not be delegated.
If found flying in violations and regulations, what will happen?
There will be an investigation and that belongs to the immediate superior in the chain of command of the individual involved. The investigation will be in official JAGMAN format.
What is the definition of “Intent”
Lack of intent does not in itself constitute the absence of culpability. One can be so grossly negligent as to equate omission with commission. The question is whether the PIC or the form leader could reasonably have been expected to avoid the violation.
What shall commanding officers ensure in regards to cross country flights?
COs must ensure these flight contribute t the mission of the command an d the naval service, achieve training requirements, and can be completed safely. CO’s shall ensure a thorough risk assessment has been conducted for the proposed cross-country flight.
What is a non standard operation defined as?
An urgent requirement exists to fly a short-notice mission in support of a humanitarian, contingency, MEDEVAC, special access or sate department requirement. Commanders (O-8 or above) exercising OPCON of aircraft operating in support of nonstandard operations are responsible for mission risk assessment and therefore may waive the requirement for a TERPs review of a non-USG instrument procedure.
When/who should submit an ASAP: (P,A,F,X)
- One report per flight shall be completed. It is the responsibility of the PIC/Mission CDR to ensure this requirement is met. For flights in which there was no issue to report, a “No Event”report shall be completed, to include the command climate assessment, survey questions, etc.
- It’s the responsibility of aircrew members to submit additional reports for all issues which impacted the safe and orderly conduct of the flight/mission
- For formation flights, open report per section/division is sufficient if no event occurred
- For cross-country or multiple leg flights, one report at the completion of the day’s flight operation is the min requirement. If events occurred on multiple legs, individual ASAP reports should be completed for each those events.
What is the required documentation for an authorization of flight, and what must it have at the minimum? (CAPTENDD)
Authorization for a flight shall be documented by a published flight schedule or other similar directive signed by COs or their delegated authority. As a min the document shall contain:
- Chain of command for formation flight in the even of an abort by designated flight lead.
- Aircraft model assigned
- Point of depart, destination, and en route stopover points
- Total mission or requirement code
- ETE or ETA
- Names and flight functions of all flight personnel
- Date and ETD
- Designation of the PIC, MC, and/or for leader as appropriate
Prior to ___ ___ in ___ ___, commanders ___ ensure that the person designated as ___ is in all respects qualified for flight in model ad that minimum flight crew requirements are met
Authorizing flight, naval aircraft, shall, PIC
Min Flight crew requirements for naval aircraft are set forth in ___ ___ ___ manual for individual aircraft models. ____ may modify such requirements and the requirements set forth below as necessary for training purposes.
The applicable NATOPS, CNATRA
Insufficient NATOPS Guidance (Verbatim)
The minimum flight crew requirements for naval aircraft are set forth in the applicable NATOPS manual for individual aircraft models. Where individual NATOPS manual guidance is lacking, the minimum flightcrew requirements for multipiloted aircraft are as follows:
- Apilot in command possessing a valid instrument rating designated in accordance with paragraph 3.7.
- A copilot qualified to perform all the assist functions required for the flight conditions and mission. If passengers are embarked, the copilot shall be qualified in model.
- Other flightcrew necessary for the safe conduct of the flight.
What must any naval helicopter that is assigned the primary mission to operate as a rescue vehicle over water have?
It shall have as a member of its crew one aircrewman who is completely outfitted for water entry and has completed an approved CNO/CMC rescue simmers school.
What shall the aircrewman be prepared for where there is a SAR/plane guard briefed as a primary mission?
They shall be prepared for immediate water entry
CNAF Chap 4
For preflight planning, the ___ ___ be familiar with all ___ ___ appropriate to the intended operation. Such info should include, but is not limited to: (DRAFTTNW)
PIC should, available information.
- Available weather reports and forecasts
- TFRs
- Fuel requirements
- Terminal instrument procedures
- Alternatives available if flight cannot be completed as planned
- Traffic Delays
CNAF Chap 4
DOD Airfield Facilities
- Naval aircraft are authorized to operate at and land at all US military and joint civil-military airfield. When planning to operate at other than home fields, OLFs, PIC shall ensure that they are aware of and meet airfield operating requirements.
- When returning to the US from abroad, PIC shall ensure that they will be able to satisfy US Customs clearance requirements at their point of entry airfield.
CNAF Chap 4
Landing at Civilian Airfields (CAI)
Naval aircraft are permitted to operate at civilian airfields listed in the DoD Enroute Supplement when such operations contribute to mission accomplishment, add value to training, or are otherwise in the interests of the government and taxpayer. Pilots in command and other authorizing officials should consider the issues set forth in paragraph 3.12 of this instruction when planning operations at civilian airfields. Civilian airfields shall not be used for RON unless required for mission accomplishment. In such cases, approval by the appropriate Wing/Group Commander is required. RON is authorized if required for aircraft maintenance or following an emergency divert.
CNAF Chap 4
Land at other than airfield locations (such as:) (MSL). What does the Note underneath the list say?
Fields, highways, and parks
- A military requirement exists for such landing
- Adequate safeguards are taken to permit safe landing and takeoff operations without hazard to people or property
- There are no legal objections
COs are authorized to waive the provisions above when dispatched helicopters, tiltrotor, or VSTOL/STOL aircraft is engaged in SAR operations.
CNAF Chap 4
Are naval aircraft authorized to land at closed airfields?
“Naval aircraft are prohibited from taking off or landing at closed airfield except in the case of an emergency”
CNAF Chap 4
What are the three rules for airfield operations outside published hours/closed control tower airfield operations? (CO,Authorized,Crash)
- COs of airfields are authorized to extend airfield operating hours beyond those published in the Digital airport/facility directory without opening the control tower. The command officer shall take into consideration requirements of 80T-114
- NAval aircraft are permitted to operate from a closed control tower airfield when both the aircraft reporting custodian (unit commander) and the commanding officer of the airfield have specifically authorized such operations
- Naval aircraft are permitted to operate from a closed contro0l tower airfield without the crash crew being present with concurrence of the reporting custodian (unit commander) and the commanding officer ofthe airfield.
CNAF Chap 4
When do we use a DD-175, and when don’t we need to?
We use a 175 for other than local flights originating from airfields in the US at which a military operations department is located. We don’t need to use one if there is a daily schedule authorized by the approval authority when the flight will be conducted within the established local flying area and adjacent offshore operating/training areas.
CNAF Chap 4
What allows a daily flight schedule to take place of a 175? (SFCIA)
- Sufficient info relative to the flight is included to satisfy the needs of local ATC/FSS facility that guards the flight
- Facility operations maintain cognizance of each flight plan and are responsible for initiating any overdue action or issuing in-flight advisory messages as specified for handling point-to-point flight plan messages in accordance with the FAA. Termination of local flights at facilities other than the point of departure is authorized only in those cases where local flight plans may be closed out by direct station-to-station communication.
- Completed flight schedules are retained in operations files for 3 months
- The flight shall not be conducted in IMC within controlled airspace except as jointly agreed to by the local naval command and the responsible ATC. When making such agreements, naval commands shall ensure that hey do not conflict with policies and directives established by the CNO
- When an abbreviated 175 is used, there are rq’d items to be filled in and the term local may be used in the route of flight. For flights penetrating the ADIZ, the time of penetration shall be entered into the remarks section.
CNAF Chap 4
Submission of the flight plan for Pilot In Command (RANFEWPI)
Except when a daily flight schedule is used in lieu of a flight plan form, the pilots in command/formation leaders shall submit a flight plan for their flight (including remote filing via the Flight Weather Briefer (FWB) system). For multipiloted aircraft, the pilot in command/formation leader may choose to delegate this responsibility to a NATOPS qualified pilot/NFO. Regardless, the pilot in command/formation leader is responsible for compliance with items a. through h.
R: The pilot in command acknowledges responsibility for the safe and orderly conduct of the flight
A: The flight has been properly authorized.
N: Adequate flight planning data, including NOTAM service, was available for complete and accurate planning.
F: The flight will be conducted in accordance with governing directives and adherence to criteria for fuel requirements and weather minimums.
E: Each pilot in a formation flight has received the required flight route weather briefing (in accordance with paragraph 4.6.3).
W: Proper weight and balance forms, if applicable, have been filed
Passengers have been properly briefed and manifested
I: The pilot in command/each pilot in a formation flight possesses a valid instrument rating if any portion of the flight is to be conducted under IMC or in positive control areas or positive control route segments.
CNAF Chap 4
What does a signature by the reporting custodian or other appropriate authority on the daily flight scheduled (when used in lieu of a flight plan) signify?
Items 1-8 (the items a signed 175 cover (RAWFWPIE)) “shall be ensured” prior to flight.
CNAF Chap 4
Who is authorized to approve a flight plan for their proposed flight or modification thereof?
The Pilots in Command of a naval aircraft or the formation leaders
CNAF Chap 4
What is the order of preference when receiving weather briefs?
- Online through fwb, its satellite components, or within the Marine corps weather services
- If operating without access to FWB, 1-888-pilotwx or via a FSS or thru Air Force weather and marine corps services where available
- Commercial weather forecasting but they must meet:
A. Utilize national weather service and ICAO approved we info
B. Comply with all ICAO, FAA,FAR and joint aviation req. on commercial air transportation req’s
C. Be an approved FAA qual’d internet comm provider
CNAF Chap 4
When and how long are 175-1’s valid for?
Briefs are only valid for 3 hrs past briefing/FWB delivery time or ETD plus 30min .
CNAF Chap 4
Why are canned local area/route weather briefs available on FWB?
They are available in accordance with local instruction for military airfields to streamline support for local flight ops using stereo routes, canned routes, local training routes, or MTRs.
CNAF Chap 4
What shall flight plans be filed based on? (AED)
- Actual weather at the point of departure at the time of clearance
- The existing forecast weather for the entire route of flight
- Destination and alternate forecasts for a period of 1hr before ETA until 1 hr after ETA
CNAF Chap 4
When shall IFR flight plans be filed?
They shall be filed and flown whenever practicable as a means of reducing midair collision potential.
CNAF Chap 4
When is an alternate airfield required? What is the Note associated with this statement?
When the weather at the destination is forecast to be less than 3,000’ceiling and 3SM vis during the period 1hr before ETA and 1hr after ETA.
NOTE: If an alt airfield is rq’d. It shall have a published approach compatible with installed operable aircraft navigation equipment that can be flown without the use of two-way radio communication whenever either one of the following conditions is met:
- The designation lacks the above described approach
- The forecasted weather at the alternate is below 3000’ceiling and 3SM vis during the period 1hr before and after ETA.
CNAF Chap 4
Know alternate mins… What does the asterisk at the bottom of the table say in regards to ALT Wx= published mins +300-1 or 200-1/2?
In the case of single-piloted or other aircraft with only one operable UHF/VHF transceiver, radar approach (PAR/ASR) minimums shall not be used as the basis for selection of an alternate airfield.
CNAF Chap 4
Except for ___ ___, ___, and flights involving ___-___ research projects, or ___ ___, pilots shall not file into or through areas for which the Storm Prediction Center has issued a WW.
Operational necessity, emergencies, all-weather, weather reconnaissance
CNAF Chap 4
What are the exceptions for filing into or thru WW?
- Storm development has not progressed as forecast. For air ops originating/terminating at Naval/DOD installations, CO’s/Wing commanders may authorize this flight based on a determination that storm development has not progressed as forecast under the determination of a DOD Forecaster of FSS. In any case:A. VFR filing is permitted if existing and forecast weather for the planned route permits such flights
B. IFR flight maybe permitted if aircraft radar is installed and operative, thus permitting detection and avoidance of isolated thunderstorms
C. IFR flight is permissible in controlled airspace if VMC can be maintained, thus enabling aircraft to detect and avoid isolated thunderstorms - Performance characteristics of the aircraft permit an en route flight altitude above existing or developing severe storms.
CNAF Chap 4
Min Fuel Requirements
“All aircraft shall carry sufficient useable fuel considering all meteorological factors and mission requirements as computed below
- If an alternate is required, fuel to fly from takeoff to destination airfield, plus a reserve of 10% of planned fuel requirements.
- If an alternate is required, fuel to fly from takeoff to the approach fix serving destination and thence to an alternate airfield plus a reserve of 10% planned fuel requirements
- In no case shall the planned fuel reserve after final landing at destination or alternate airfield, if one is required, be less than that needed for 20 min of flight, computed as (turbine helos): Fuel consumption based on operation at planned flight altitude.
- Min fuel, reserve requirements for specific model aircraft shall be contained in the NATOPS manual.
CNAF Chap 4
NOTE: Does the cancellation of an IFR plan meet the requirement for closing out the flight plan?
No. The flight plan will be considered closed out when a landing report has been properly delivered.
CNAF Chap 4
Aircraft Commander Requirement (OATT)
An aircraft commander (paragraph shall be designated for the following multipiloted aircraft missions:
- Operational/tactical missions.
- Administrative missions in helicopters/tiltrotors.
- Training flights, except those that are within the capabilities of pilots of lower classification and which, in the opinion of the commanding officer, are best suited to teach such pilots self-reliance and command responsibility.
- Flights in which the transport of passengers is involved.
CNAF Chap 4
Position lights
Standard position lights shall be displayed during the period 30 minutes before official sunset until 30 minutes after official sunrise or at any time when the prevailing visibility as seen from the cockpit is less than 3 statute miles. During these conditions, they shall be displayed:
- Immediately before engine start and anytime the engine(s) is running.
- When the aircraft is being towed unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated.
- When an aircraft is parked and likely to cause a hazard unless the aircraft is otherwise illuminated or marked with obstruction lights.
CNAF Chap 4
Anti-Collision Lights
Anti-collision lights shall be used immediately before engine start and at all times when the aircraft engine(s) is in operation, except when the use of such lights adversely affects ground operations (i.e., arming and dearming, refueling operations, etc.). They may be turned off during flight through clouds when the rotating light reflects into the cockpit. The use of green anti-collision lights for the specific purpose of identifying airborne tankers is authorized, provided that standard position lights are also displayed
CNAF chap 4
Final Approach Abnormalities During Radar Approaches
The controller shall issue instructions to execute a missed approach or to climb and maintain a specific altitude and fly a specified course whenever the completion of a safe approach is questionable because one or more of the following conditions exist:
- Safe limits are exceeded or radical aircraft deviations are observed.
- Position or identification of the aircraft is in doubt.
- Radar contact is lost or a malfunctioning radar is suspected.
- Field conditions, conflicting traffic, or other unsafe conditions observed from the tower prevent approach completion.
CNAF Chap 4
Pre flight planning (DRAFTTNW)
Before commencing a flight, the pilot in command shall be familiar with all available information appropriate to the intended operation. Such information should include but is not limited to available weather reports and forecasts, NOTAMs, Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFR), fuel requirements, terminal instrument procedures (to include proper use of non-DoD approaches), alternatives available if the flight cannot be completed as planned, and any anticipated traffic delays. In addition, the pilot in command and mission commander (when there is one designated) shall conduct a risk assessment prior to the flight.
CNAF Chap 4
DOD airfield facilities
- Naval aircraft are authorized to operate at and land at all U.S. military and joint civil-military airfields. When planning to operate at other than home airfields, local training airfields or OLFs, pilots in command shall ensure that they are aware of and meet airfield operating requirements and, when necessary, have satisfied PPR requirements. PPRs need not be obtained for planned alternate fields or emergency divert airfields.
- When returning to the United States from abroad, pilots in command shall ensure that they will able to satisfy U.S. Customs Service clearance requirements at their point of entry airfield.
CNAF Chap 4
Unit commanding officers shall ensure that appropriate security and force protection plans can be implemented whenever an aircraft is left unattended away from its home field. Wing/Group Commanders shall only authorize planned RON stops at civilian airfields if the security and force protection requirements set forth in applicable directives can be satisfied.
CNAF Chap 5
Unusual maneuvers in airspace
Pilots shall not perform or request clearance to perform unusual maneuvers within class B, C, or D airspace if such maneuvers are not essential to the performance of the flight. ATC personnel are not permitted to approve a pilot’s request or ask a pilot to perform such maneuvers. Unusual maneuvers include unnecessary low passes, unscheduled fly-bys, climbs at very steep angles, practice approaches to altitudes below specific minimums (unless a landing is to be made), or any so-called flat hatting wherein a flight is conducted at a low altitude and/or a high rate of speed for thrill purposes.
CNAF Chap 5
Required items in Inst bag (FANN)
The following items constitute the minimum required articles to be included in instrument navigation packets. Additional items may be included when required by local operating procedures.
- Appropriate FLIPs.
- Appropriate aeronautical charts.
- Navigation computer.
- Navigation flight log forms.
CNAF Chap 5
Special Inst Takeoff
Only an Aircraft Commander with a special instrument rating, who is also on the flight controls, is authorized to make departures from an airfield when weather conditions are below minimum.
CNAF Chap 5
Approach criteria for multipiloted aircraft
When reported weather is at or below published landing minimums for the approach to be conducted, an approach shall not be commenced in multipiloted aircraft unless the aircraft has the capability to proceed to a suitable alternate in the event of a missed approach.
CNAF Chap 5
Practice autos
Practice autorotations shall be conducted within the limits of the field boundary over a surface upon which a full autorotation can be safely completed and that is readily accessible to crash, rescue, and firefighting equipment. Practice autorotations shall require the specific approval of the tower.
CNAF Chap 5
Noise sensitive areas
These areas shall be avoided when at altitudes of less than 3,000 feet AGL except when in compliance with an approved:
- Traffic or approach pattern.
- VR or IR route.
- Special use airspace.
CNAF Chap 5
Flat hatting or any maneuvers conducted at low altitude and/or a high rate of speed for thrill purposes over land or water are prohibited. Any acts conducted for thrill purposes are strictly prohibited.
CNAF Chap 5
Jettisoning fuel
Wheneverpracticable, fuel shall not be jettisoned (dumped) below an altitude of 6,000 feet above the terrain. Should weather or emergency conditions dictate jettisoning at a lower altitude, every effort shall be made to avoid populated areas. When under positive control, the pilot in command should advise the air traffic control facility that fuel will be jettisoned
CNAF Chap 5
Expenditure of airborne stores
Pilots of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft are only authorized to expendordnance, fire missiles, or drop other airborne stores through cloud cover sufficiently extensive to preclude visual clearance of the air and surface area under the following conditions:
- When operating over the high seas, provided area air and surface clearance can be ensured through radar surveillance or visual means. The operational commander conducting the exercise is responsible for the safeguarding of airborne and surface traffic. The fact that the firing is conducted in a warning area or that a NOTAMhasbeen issued does not relieve the operational commander of his/her responsibility.
- When operating over land (including over territorial waters), provided that the firing or drop is conducted within an activated restricted area and the impact is within a designated surface target/range. The restricted area controlling authority must specifically approve such usage and is responsible for coordination of airspace and target/range scheduling to ensure protection of other restricted area users and target/range personnel. The operational commander conducting the exercise is responsible for ensuring the firing or drops are conducted in the specified airspace and impact the scheduled surface target/range.
CNAF Chap 5
Emergency jettisoning
Nothing in the above precludes emergency jettisoning of external stores through extensive cloud cover; pilots are directly responsible for their actions and must take every possible precaution to minimize danger to other aircraft and persons/property on the surface.
CNAF Chap 6
Minimum fuel is an advisory term indicating that in the judgment of the pilot the fuel state is such that no undue delay can be accepted en route to the destination. It is not an emergency situation, but undue delay may result in an emergency. If at any time the remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, the pilot shall declare an emergency and report fuel remaining in minutes. Both minimum fuel advisories and emergency fuel state shall be reported each time control is transferred to a new controller
Pilots declaring minimum fuel should not expect special handling from controllers
Safety belts and shoulder harnesses (TLAMS)
Each persons safety belt and shoulder harness shall be worn and tightened prior to takeoff and shall be worn until completion of the flight except when necessary activities require temporary removal. Inertia reels, where provided, shall be manually locked for all takeoffs and landings and at all other times when high g forces may be encountered except where the procedure is detrimental to safe operation. The number of persons over 2 years of age embarked in a naval aircraft for flight shall be restricted to the number for which there are adequate seats and safety belts. During takeoffs, landings, and at other times as specified by the pilot in command, each person over 2 years of age on board transport aircraft shall occupy a seat or berth and be secured with the safety belt provided for that purpose. Cabin seating requirement for C-2/COD aircraft, helicopters and tiltrotors may be eliminated when operational environment or aircraft configuration/load requirements dictate for the accomplishment of essential training and operations with the following guidelines:
- Applies to SPECOPS training and missions.
- Applies to dedicated lifesaving efforts, including humanitarian and SAR operations.
- Not to be used for routine operational training or personnel transfers. Applies only when tactical or procedural requirements exist for a specific mission or exercise.
- When seats are removed, passengers will be restrained by an appropriate alternate means.
- If mission profile requires removal of seats/seatbelts/restraints for one part of the mission, then passengers will, if possible, use seats/seatbelts/restraints for all other phases of the mission.
CNAF Chap 7/8
Life rafts
On overwater flights the number of persons in an aircraft shall not exceed capacity of the liferafts carried except as dictated by operational necessity.
Liferafts of sufficient capacity to accommodate passengers and crew shall be provided in all aircraft when there would be a significant risk of water entry in the event of a mishap. Officers in tactical command may waive this provision during troopmmovements between sea and shore when they deem it appropriate and adequate SAR resources are available. Waiver decision will be based on ORM analysis
CNAF Chap 7
Battery powered devices
Crew/passengers shall not operate electronic equipment/battery powered devices such as radios, tape players, razors, calculators, etc., without approval of the pilot in command while the aircraft is in flight. Cellular telephones shall not be operated in naval aircraft while airborne.
CNAF Chap 8
Anti exposure suits
Antiexposure suits — Final determination with regard to actual wearing of antiexposure suits shall be made by the commanding officer (CO) or officer in charge (OIC) of the aviation unit concerned. The decision will be based on an operational risk management (ORM) analysis and take all pertinent factors into account
The latest available type continuous-wear or quick-donning antiexposure suits, as appropriate, shall be provided for flight personnel of naval aircraft when in the event of a mishap there would be a significant risk of water entry and when either of the following two conditions prevail:
a. The water temperature is 50 °F or below.
b. The outside air temperature (OAT)is 32°F or below (based on the wind chill factor corrected temperature
- Actual determination as to when anti-exposure suits must be worn by flight personnel shall be determined by the CO or OIC. However, it is strongly recommended that anti-exposure suit use be mandatory when either of the above two criteria are met. The threat of lethal cold shock is very significant under these conditions and occurs within the first two to three minutes following immersion.
- Flight personnel have the option to wear the provided anti-exposure suits as a personal decision whenever they deem circumstances merit their use.
- Rescue swimmers shall not be deployed unless equipped with anti-exposure protection when water temperature is 60 °F or below and/or OAT is wind chill factor corrected at 32 °F or below.
CNAF Chap 8
Hypothermia WARNING
Immersion in water with a temperature of between 50° and 60° for as little as 2 hours can result in unconsciousness be cause of hypothermia.
CNAF Chap 7
Conduct of flight (VERBATIM)
Pilots shall conduct their flights in such a manner as to avoid all unacceptable risks as determined by following the ORMprocess. Each pilot must exercise prudent judgment and take proper action (including modifying NATOPS procedures) when dictated by emergencies that endanger life or property. The decision to abandon aircraft should be tempered by the pilot’s responsibility for the safety of lives that may be endangered by subsequent flight of a pilotless but controllable aircraft. It is the responsibility of the pilot/crew to aviate, navigate, and communicate, in that priority, throughout all aspects of both routine and unusual circumstances. The aircraft commander shall ensure that a current NATOPS Flight manual and/or NATOPS Pocket Checklist is carried onboard aircraft and readily available during ground and flight operations. If digital flight manual equivalent is utilized, paper back-up shall be available.
CNAF Chap 8
Crew rest (VERBATIM)
Sailor and crew rest is the non-duty time before a duty day, watch, or flight period begins. Sailor and crew rest includes free time for meals, transportation, rest and shall include an opportunity for eight hours of uninterrupted sleep for every 24-hour period. Sailor and crew rest does not begin until after termination of official duties and is required prior to reporting for duty, to assume the watch, and preflight preparations. Sailors and flight crew shall not be scheduled for continuous watch, duty, alert, and/or flight duty (required awake) in excess of 18 hours. However, if it becomes operationally necessary to exceed the 18-hour rule, 15 hours of continuous off-duty time shall be provided prior to scheduling the member for any duties. All Sailor’s, flight crew and flight support personnel’s schedules shall be made with due consideration for watch standing, collateral duties, training, and off-duty activities. Sailor and crew rest can be reduced to less than 12 hours in order to maintain a 24-hour work/rest schedule, but a shortened Sailor or crew rest period (for example to maintain circadian rhythm) shall always include an opportunity for eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
CNAF Chap 4
What are the two scenarios at which a flight plan does not have to be submitted (it’s a shall otherwise)?
- Flights of operational necessity
- Student training flights under the cognizance of CNATRA conducted within authorized training areas. CNATRA shall institute measures to provide adequate flight following service
CNAF 3-3
Who is authorized to pilot Naval Aircraft?
When qualified in accordance with current directives, the follow personnel may pilot Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft:
- Regular and Reserve Personnel on active duty under appropriate orders to duty in a flying status
- Other Military Personnel
- Civilian Aircraft Pilots who have been cleared by COMNAVAIRFOR
- Foreign Military Personnel
CNAF Chap 8
Unpressurized aircraft
In aircraft where oxygen systems are not available (such as helicopters), it shall be determined that it is mission essential by the CO/OIC or mission commander for flight altitude to exceed 10,000 feet. Time above 10,000 feet without supplemental oxygen shall not exceed one hour and altitude shall not exceed 13,000 feet.
Who is authorized to pilot Naval Aircraft? (3.1.3)
When qualified in accordance with current directives***, the following personnel may pilot Navy and Marine Corps aircraft:
Foreign Military Personnel
Other Military Personnel
Regular and Reserve personnel on active duty under appropriate orders to duty in a flying status
Civilian Aircraft Pilots
CNAF Chap 4
Who is responsible for the closing of a flight plan? At military installation, at nonmil?
It is the responsibility of the PIC/Form leader to ensure that the proper agency is notified of flight termination
Military: The pilot either shall verbally confirm the closing of the plan with tower or base ops, or deliver a copy of the flight plan form to base ops
Nonmil: The pilotshall close the flight plan with flight service through any means of comms available
Examples of eligible participants for orientation flight? (3.3.3)
Active duty and reserve personnel (improve job performance/best interest of Navy/USMC), federal and local government officials, foreign officials, members of Congress and their staff, legislators, senior government executives, etc
CNAF Ch. 3
Mission Commander
- Properly qual’d naval aviator or NFO designated by appropriate authority
- may exercise control over single naval aircraft or formations of naval aircraft
- responsible for all phases of the assigned mission except those aspects of safety of flight that are related to the physical control of the aircraft and fall within the prerogatives of the PIC
- shall direct a coordinated plan of action/responsible for effectiveness o the mission
CNAF Ch. 4
An aircraft commander shall be designated for the following multiplioted aircraft missions:
- Operational/tactical missions
- Administrative missions in helicopters/tilt rotors
- Training flights, except those that are within the capabilities of pilots of lower classification and which, in the opinion of the CO, are best suited to teach such pilots self-reliance and command responsibility
- Flights in which the transport of passengers is involved
Military Exigency Clause
In the tactical environment, military exigency may require on-site deviations from instructions/procedures contained here. The existing risk of deviation must continually be weighed against the benefit of deviating from this manual. Deviation from specified flight and operating instructions is authorized in emergency situations when, in the judgement of the PIC safety justifies such a deviation.
When are we exempt from passenger manifest requirements?
Helicopter and tiltrotor pilots engaged in:
- SAR missions
- Lifting reconnaissance parties
- Outposts during field problems
- Patrols
Are released from manifest responsibilities when there is no proper agency available with whom a passenger manifest could be deposited.
Theater Indoctrination Training
Prior to operating at other than US airports, commands/dets shall receive specific training for the theater in which the unit will operate to include use of non-DOD instrument approach procedures, required instrumentation, wx, and local area procedures
Tactical environment
In the tactical environment, military exigency may require on-site deviations from instructions/procedures contained here. The existing risk of deviation must continually be weighed against the benefit of deviating from this manual. Deviation from specified flight and operating instructions is authorized in emergency situations when, in the judgement of the PIC, safety justifies such a deviation
CNAF Chap 8
Crew Rest NOTE
If continuous awake duty time exceeds 16 hours, performance efficiency begins to drop. After 18 hours, performance efficiency rapidly declines to 75 percent of effectiveness or less.
FAR Exemptions (Acronym)