80T-106 Definitions Flashcards
Air capable ship
All ships other than CV/CVN or LHA/LHD from which aircraft can take off, be recovered, or routinely receive and transfer logistic support
Advisory Control
The tactical control of aircraft by a designated control unit in which the aircraft receives directions and recommendations, but the aircraft commander is not relieved of the responsibility for his/her own safety
AATCC (amphibious air traffic control center)
The centralized air traffic control agency for LHA/LHD responsible for maintaining the status and operational control of aircraft departing the ship and recovery f inbound aircraft after a mission is completed. AATC is responsible for providing IMC approach and departure control services as well as maintaining the status and tactical control of airborne helos in support of amphib assualts as directed by TAC Air Control Center Helicoper Coordination Section.
Approach control
A control station in AOCC/HDC that is responsible for controlling air traffic from marshal until handoff to final control
Aviation Ship
Base recovery course. The ship’s MAGNETIC heading for a/c recovery
An order to an aircraft to proceed immediately to a divert field. Bearing, distance, and destination will be provided. Also, a term used by pilots to denote the point at which fuel becomes critical and return is imperative
Captive ordnance
Practice, inert ordnance that is intended to be retained on the aircraft throughout the flight
CCA (carrier controlled approach)
An approach in which azimuth and glideslope info are provided to the pilot
A collective radio call for AATCC prefixed by a ship’s code name that is used in the same manner as the shore-based counterpart
A signal for aircraft to land aboard the ship. A number suffix indicates time delay in minutes before landing may be anticipated
A pilot transmission meaning he does NOT have the visual landing aid in sight
Control area
A circular airspace with a radius of 50NM around the ship that extends wards from the surface to unlimited altitude and is under the cognizance of AATCC
A signal given to hold and conserve fuel at an altitude and position appropriate to type aircraft and case recovery in effect. also a pattern around the ship used to hold aircraft pending further clearance, assignment, etc
Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud and ceiling, are less than the minimal specified for visual meteorological conditions
Kilo Report
A pilot report indicating aircraft mission readiness
A bearing, distance, and altitude fix designated by AATCC from which pilots shall orient holding and from which initial approach shall commence
Marshal control
A control station in AATCC that is responsible for the orderly flow of inbound traffic
Mixed Ops
Simultaneous fixed-win and helo air ops. Tiltrotor involvement with either type aircraft int eh appropriate mode does not constitute mixed ops.
Military IFF/transponder
Magnetic bearing and distance from an aircraft to a specific location
A term utilized by a controlling agency indicating return to last assigned frequency if no contact experienced on newly assigned frequency
A pilot term used to indicate that his aircraft has entered IMC
Positive control
A form of air traffic control in high the controlling agency has radar and radio contact written aircraft being controlled and published approach and departure procedures are complied with, or where specific assignments regarding heading and altitude are issued buy the controller.While altitude separation is provided by pilot maintaining assigned altitude, lateral and time separation is the responsibility of the air traffic controller. Speed changes may be directed by the ATC
The controlling agency that is responsible for aircraft traffic control within the control zone
Weather conditions in which VFR applies, expressed in terms of visibility, ceiling height, and aircraft clearance from clouds along the flight path. When those criteria do not exist, IMC prevails and IFR must be complied with
An action to abort a landing, initiated by pri-fly, LSO, LSE, or pilot at his discretion. The response to a wave off signal is mandatory
Wx criteria requirements
Case I: 1000-3 for Helos
Case II: 500-1 is absolute mins for Helos
Case III: below 500-1 for helos and set by the Ships CO for special operations
Control Zone
The airspace within a circular limit is defined by 5 nm horizontal radius from the ship, extending upwardfromthesurfacetoandincluding2,500 feet unless otherwise designated for special operations, and is under the cognizance of the air officer during VMC.
Control of all electromagnetic radiations, including electronic communications, radar, and visual systems. During its imposition, no electronic emitting device within the designated bands shall be operated unless absolutely essential to the mission of the force.
Departure control
Control of all electromagnetic radiations, including electronic communications, radar, and visual systems. During its imposition, no electronic emitting device within the designated bands shall be operated unless absolutely essential to the mission of the force.
Nonradar control
A form of air traffic control in which the pilot flies according to a published procedure or as prescribed by the controlling agency. Traffic separation is provided by the controlling agency using frequent pilot position reports and modified separation criteria. This form of control is used in case of emergency, when all shipboard control radar is inoperative or, in the opinion of the AATCC officer, unsafe.