80T-106 Flashcards
What is the Air officer responsible for?
Visual control of all aircraft operating in the control zone, under cases I and II this may be extended to include all aircraft that have been switched to his freq. For special operations such as bombing a sled or air demonstrations, the air officer may exercise control outside of the control zone. He is also the control zone clearing authority. And agencies desiring to operate aircraft within the control zone shall obtain air officer’s approval prior to entry.
What shall the air officer’s clearance include?
- Operating instructions as required for avoiding other traffic
- Info concerning hazardous conditions
- Altitude and distance limitations to which aircraft may be operated
What are the types of control? (5)
- IFF control
- Positive control
- Advisory control
- Monitor control
- Non radar control
Describe the control zone and area picture
The control area extends 100NM (diameter) from the ship and reaches up to an assigned upper limit. The control zone extends 10NM (diameter) and extends up to 2500ft
When do lateral separation stands apply to aircraft?
- When they are controlled by designated air search radars that rotate in excess of 7rpm…
A. Aircraft operation at 50NM or more from the monitoring antenna shall be separated by a min of 5 nm B. Aircraft operating within 50NM of the monitoring antenna, and not within 10NM on a designated approach, shall be separated by a min of 3 miles C. Aircraft on designated approach or established downwind and inside of 10 miles shall be separated by a min of 2nm D. Aircraft established on final within 5nm shall be separated by a min of 1.5nm
- Aircraft provided positive separation via no radar control, utilizing a published approach/departure. Shall be separated by a min of 2mins (5nmwhen using DME)
- Aircraft provided positive control with all other radars shall be separated by a min of 5nm
What are vertical separation requirements?
Helos and tiltrotor in conversion mode shall be separated by 500’vertically. Fixed wing and tiltrotor aircraft in airplane mode shall be separated from helos and tiltrotor in conversion mode by 1000’. Within 12nm, vertical separation may be reduced to 800’.
What shall be done for and by transient aircraft?
- The controlling agency shall advise the aircraft of BRC and/or all course changes
- Transient aircraft approaching the ship for landing shall contact AATCC at least 25 NM our or when “feet wet”
What are the HEFOE squawks?
In Mode I: 0–> OK 1–> Hydraulic 2–> Electrical 3–> fuel 4–> O2 5–> Engine
Chapter 5
Condition 1/Alert 5
ALERT 5: The helicopter shall be spotted for immediate launch with rotor blades spread, starting equipment plugged in, and the LSE and starting crewman and ordnance personnel ready for launch in all respects. When the word is passed to “Standby for launch,” engines shall be started without further instructions; however, launch shall be positively controlled from PriFly. Aircraft should be airborne within 5 minutes of order to launch.
Chapter 5
Condition II/Alert 15
The same conditions apply as for Condition I, except that flightcrews are not required to be in the helicopter, and rotor blades may be folded or tied down. Aircrews shall be on immediate call, if rotor blades are folded, the blades shall be run through a unfold/fold cycle to ensure operability. Aircraft should be airborne within 15 minutes of order to launch.
Chapter 5
Condition III/Alert 30
Main rotor blades may be folded and the helicopter need not be in position for immediate launch; however, it must be parked so as to allow direct access to a suitable launch spot. A towbar shall be attached to the helicopter and a specific LSE, tractor driver, handling crew, and starting crewman shall be designated and assigned to each helicopter. These personnel must be thoroughly briefed, so that when the order is given to prepare to launch, the helicopter can be safely and expeditiously moved into position and readied for launch. Flightcrews shall be in the ready rooms or working spaces, in flight gear, and prebriefed for the launch. Aircraft should be airborne within 30 minutes of order to launch.
Chapter 5
Condition IV/Alert 60
The condition of the helicopter is similar to Condition III, except that minor maintenance may be performed if no restoration delay is involved. The aircrew shall be designated and available. Aircraft should be airborne within 60 minutes of order to launch.
Chapter 5
Helo Case 1 VMC Departure to rendezvous
This departure may be used when IMC is not anticipated during departure and subsequent rendezvous. Helicopters shall clear the control zone at or below 300 feet or as directed by PriFly. Rendezvous shall be accomplished at briefed points in accordance with squadron tactical doctrine.
Chapter 5
Case II, Visual Meteorological Conditions to Visual Meteorological Conditions On Top
Weather at the ship not less than 500-foot ceiling and 1-mile visibility. Helicopters shall depart via Case I departure and maintain flight integrity below the clouds. Weather conditions permitting, departure on assigned missions shall also comply with Case I procedure. If unable to maintain VMC, helicopters shall proceed in accordance with Case III departures.
Chapter 5
Case III, Instrument Meteorological Conditions
Whenever weather conditions at the ship are below Case II minimums, or there is no visible horizon, or when directed by the commanding officer or OTC, helicopters shall launch at not less than 1-minute intervals, climb straight ahead to 500 feet, and intercept the 3-mile arc. They shall arc at 3 miles to intercept assigned departure radials. Upon reaching the assigned departure radial, turn outbound and commence climb to assigned altitude. Figure 5-18 illustrates Case III departures. Departure radials shall be separated by a minimum of 20°.
Chapter 5
What is a mandatory call when in IMC
When in IMC, POPEYE is a mandatory report for single aircraft upon reaching assigned departure altitude or FL 180 for fixed wing. This report alerts the departure controller that further instructions are required.
Chapter 6
Helicopter Case I Approach Procedures
Case I maybe used whenit is anticipated that aircraft will not encounter IMC at any time during descent, break, and pattern established on the port side of final approach. Weather minimums of 1,000 foot ceiling and 3 miles visibility are required in the control zone.
Flights shall check in with AATCC as in paragraph 6.2.1. Pilots shall report ship in sight when visual contact with the ship is gained VMC;AATCC shall switch aircraft to PriFlyf requency by5nm(VMC).Unless otherwise directed by PriFly, flights shall proceed to and hold in the overhead Delta pattern and plan their descent and break to meet the designated recovery time and maintain an orderly flow of traffic into the Charlie pattern.
Chapter 6
Holding patterns
- The overhead Delta pattern is a VFR left-hand racetrack pattern established in the vicinity of the ship. It is oriented on the BRC and close aboard the starboard side at an optimum airspeed. During heavy traffic periods additional Delta patterns may be utilized as assigned by PriFly.
- The Charlie pattern is a left-hand racetrack pattern on the port side of the ship. The upwind leg parallels the BRC. All aircraft shall enter the Charlie pattern as depicted in Figures 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 unless otherwise directed by PriFly or AATCC. Landing interval shall be established or adjusted upwind so as not to extend the downwind leg.
- Aircraft cleared to prep Charlie shall conform to normal Charlie pattern entry procedures and once established in the pattern, conform to the racetrack pattern depicted in Figures 6-1 through 6-3 until cleared by PriFly.
Chapter 6
Helicopter Case II Approach Procedures
CaseII procedures shall be used whenever weather or meteorological conditions at the ship are below Case I minima, but greater than a 500-foot ceiling and 1 mile visibility. During Case II, positive control shall be utilized until the flight leader/pilot reports the ship in sight. AATCC shall be fully manned and ready to assume control of Case III in the event weather deteriorates to below Case II minimums.
Chapter 6
Can Case II recoveries be conducted concurrently with Case III departures?
No they cannot
Chapter 6
Helicopter Case III Approach Procedures
Case III procedures shall be used whenever weather conditions at the ship are below Case II minima, or when no visible horizon exists, or when directed by the commanding officer or OTC. Positive control shall be provided by AATCC from letdown through final approach until the flight leader/pilot reports ship in sight and requests to proceed visually. Case III formation recoveries are not authorized except when an aircraft experiencing difficulties is recovered on the wing of another aircraft. Formation flights by dissimilar aircraft shall not be attempted except in extreme circumstances when no safer recovery method is available. A straight-in, single-frequency approach shall be provided in all cases. Precision radar shall be used whenever available. The procedures below are mandatory for all Case III helicopter recoveries.
What are the Fox/Hotel flags used for
Hotel- Helo flight ops (square with white half on right, red half on left)
Fox- fixed wing or mixed ops (red diamond in the center of the white square)
Chap 6
What are the four reasons to waveoff?
- Upon voice command with PriFly, or lost comms with PriFly
- Upon command from LSE
- Upon loss of Visual with LSE while on Final
- Any time the crew feels the approach cannot be safely completed
Chap 6
What are the four things pilots shall do if recovering with ordnance prior to entering the ship’s control zone
- Determine if all ordnance has been expended upon completion of firing event. A visual check amongst all aircraft shall be made of rocket launchers
- In the event of hung ordnance, every effort shall be made to fire/jettison as appropriate. Consideration should be given to diverting to a land base
- The ship shall be notified as soon as it becomes apparent that ordnance must be brought back. In no case shall hung or unexpended ordnance be brought into the ship’s control zone without clearance from AATCC or PriFly. Initial notification shall include the amount and type of hung/unexpended ordnance and, for hung ordnance, the time of last release attempt.
- Properly safe all weapons systems
Chap 6
Recovery of armed Helo
Winds permitting, the nose of the helicopter should be pointed away from the island during landing. The helicopter shall be landed with the nose pointed away from the island or other aircraft. All nonessential personnel shall remain clear of the flight deck area during these evolutions.
An H-60 attempting to land with forward firing ordnance may inadvertently cross the safe parking line if the landing is executed with excessive right drift or yaw
Chap 6
EMCON Recovery
Each aircraft shall have anticollision lights on, and position lights on bright when within 10 nm of the ship.
Once established in the Delta pattern, the position lights shall be set to flashing. The pilot shall receive a flashing green Aldis lamp signal at the abeamposition in the Delta pattern. The pilot shall acknowledge by turning navigation lights to steady-bright leaving the anticollision lights on and descending to the Charlie pattern. At the abeamposition, the aircraft shall receive a steady green Aldis lamp signal, conform to normal lighting procedures, and continue with the approach.
Chap 9
Who is required for the movement and handling of Aircraft on the flight deck?
The min deck crew for movement of aircraft on flight deck or hangar consists of two safety observers, a qual’d plane director, two chock handlers/tiedown men. The cockpit of the aircraft shall be manned by a pilot, plane captain, or brake rider.
Chap 9
Aircraft Tiedowns
- Initial (Four point Tiedown)-This configuration is required for all aircraft prior to launch, upon recovery immediately after an aircraft is parked, or immediately preceding movement of an aircraft.
- Permanent (Eight-Point) Tiedown- This is required when not at flight quarters or when the aircraft is not expected to be moved for respot. Permanent tiedowns are applied by plane captain/crew chief
- Heavy Weather (Twelve-Point) Tiedowns- required when an increase in aircraft security is required during high winds/sea state, ship maneuvering, or for prolonged periods of heavy maintenance
What does HERO stand for?
Hazards of Electromagnetic radiation to Ordnance
Chap 9
When is the arming of a Helo conducted?
Shall be done after the pilot has signified he is ready for takeoff, and tiedowns/chocks have been removed
Chap 9
Maintenance on loaded aircraft
Maintenance shall not be conducted on aircraft loaded with weapons; however, routine servicing and minor maintenance that would ready the aircraft for the next launch may be conducted with the following restrictions:
- Weapons shall be safed to the max degree
- If a WARNINGplacard and/or control stick cover is displayed prominently in the cockpit, the maintenance or servicing of loaded aircraft that requires application of electrical power is limited to:A. Refueling
B. Replacement and checkout of COMM/NAV
C. Replacement and checkout of engine.
performance and flight instruments.
D. Engine turnup/rotor engagement for checkout.
E. Flight control and hydraulic system checks. - Maintenance requiring the application of electrical power to the armament or weapon release and control circuitry shall not be performed while weapons are loaded or are being loaded/downloaded.
- An aircraft requiring extensive troubleshooting engine removal, complete jacking, and so forth, is not considered readily available for flight and shall be downloaded prior to commencement of the required maintenance.
Chap 10
Safety Boat
Unless otherwise stated, a safety boat shall be ready during all flight operations and loaded with a crash kit containing the equipment delineated in NTTP 3-20.31
Chap 10
Plane Guard
When at sea the HSC detachment shall designate a plane guard helo to be maintained during daylight/night hours, when feasible in Condition IV for MEDEVAC contingencies.
Chap 10
SAR equipped helo
- Operable hoist with a rescue device
- Operable searchlight (night rescue)
- Sufficient life rafts to support passenger rescue requirements
Chap 10
What shall SAR Helos have operable for night rescues
SAR Helos SHALL have an operable stabilization and automatic hover equipment or have sufficient external references, natural or artificial, to allow pilot to stabilize in a steady hover
Chap 10
When shall NVD’s be used?
NVDs shall be used during Case I and Case II procedures. NVDs may be used in determining a visible horizon
Chap 10
Who is on the recommended list for distribution of NVDs
- Bridge x 1
- PriFly x 2
- Flight deck supervisor/petty officer x1 set each
- Flight deck officers x 1
- Crash Salvage supervisors 1
- LSE x 1/spot
Chap 10
NVD Ops/Mixed Ops
Simultaneous aided vs unaided operations within the control zone is authorized. However, simultaneous operations in the landing pattern is prohibited.
Aircraft commanders shall ensure their lighting configuration is configured to be visible to all aircraft in the control zone.
Chap 10
The USN MK 105 pendant should be used to minimize the hover height. The MK 92 is authorized. Chem lights should be used on the hookup points
Chap 10
Blacked out Flight deck operation limitations (FAVTACO)
F- Fueling operations A- Aircrew changes V- Vehicle movement T- Troop movement A- Aircraft movement C- Chocking and chaining of aircraft O- Ordnance operations
Chap 5
What is the call to launch?
When ready to launch, the Pilot shall call PriFly and report aircraft status, fuel state, and souls onboard.
Chap 5
Launch of helos with ship in a turn….
Launch of helos while the ship is in a turn should only be attempted with the approval of the ship’s CO or designated representative
Chap 5
EMCON night launch procedure
Weather for night EMCON launch procedure for Helo’s is 500’ above the normally prescribed Delta pattern and a min vis of 3nm with a well defined horizon
Chap 7
Emergency Marshall
The purpose of the emergency Marshall is to provide an established procedure for returning aircraft with lost comms
Chap 7
What shall be assigned to each aircraft for an emergency Marshall?
- Radial
- Altitude
Chap 7
Helo experiencing lost comms
A helicopter experiencing lost communications in IMCshall proceed outbound from the ship climbing or descending to the assigned emergency marshal altitude, then proceed directly to the assigned emergency marshal. During mixed operations helicopters shall remain outside of five miles at or above 2,200 feet when crossing the final bearing.
Helicopters shall squawk IFF code 7600. Holding pattern is a standard right-hand 2 nm racetrack with the outbound turn commencing over the assigned DME fix.
Chap 4
Basic Emergency procedures (SNACC)
S- Ship system fail N- NAVAID Fail A- Aircraft Systems Fail C- Crewmember injury or illness C- Comm Failure
Chap 7
Helo safety precautions
- Personnel shall not approach or depart a helicopter while rotors are being engaged or disengaged.
- Helicopters should not routinely be deck taxied on the flight deck.
- Helicopters shall not be towed or pushed while rotors are engaged.
- Ahelicopter shall not be flown over another aircraft on launch or recovery.
- Only spots that afford visual reference to the deck shall be used for night helicopter launches.
- Ensure adherence to launch and recovery spot limitations as defined in Appendix E.
- Personnel required to be in the area of operating helicopters shall exercise extreme caution and observe the signals/directions of the LSE or combat cargo representative as appropriate.
- Dual-engine helicopters shall not be intentionally hovered single engine over a deck spot. If topping checks cannot be performed in contact with the deck, they must be performed in flight at an appropriate altitude.
- Anyhelicopter parked Tail-Over-Water (TOW) should have cargo ramp (if so equipped) in full-up position.
- The APU shall be continuously monitored by a qualified person whenever it is in operation.
- V-22 and H-53 launch and recovery operations should not be conducted from spots immediately behind unsecured tail rotor aircraft. If V-22 or H-53 launch and recovery operations are required from spots immediately behind unsecured tail rotor aircraft, consideration should be given to securing the aircraft and blades with initial (four-point) tie downs and increasing the wind over the deck.
- Rotors of all helicopters shall be spinning at or above 100% Nr or folded and secured (crutched if capable) if H-53 or V-22 flight operations are being conducted on an adjacent spot. All H-53 helicopters should be spinning at 100% Nr, folded, or tied down if V-22 or H-53 flight operations are being conducted to the spot forward of its position.
- Helicopters landing behind engaged tail rotor aircraft shall not conduct cross-cockpit takeoffs or landings for LSE safety.
106 Ch 5
Wx mins for helicopter night EMCON ops
Shall be 500’ above the normally prescribed delta pattern, minimum of 3 NFM vis, well-defined horizon
Ch 5
Lost comms (only) during departure
W/ good TACAN or JPALS RELNAV, continue climb out on assigned departure radial.
- climb/descend to emergency marshal altitude
- proceed w/ emergency marshal instructions
Ch 5
Lost comms and NAVAIDS during departure (IMC)
- Continue prebriefed departure and DR to arc/intercept departure radial
- Climb on departure to lass assigned altitude
- At altitude, utilize DR and hold, conserving fuel and fly triangles in accordance with FIH
- Attempt contact with ship on survival radio (243.0)
- If contact made, comply with instructions. Else wait for join up and follow lead to recovery
- If at bingo with no join up, proceed to divert
- Ditch
Ch 5
Smokelight (different than ACS)
- Ship’s embarked squadron CO, det OIC, and PIC must all agree
- 180/2 nm astern of ship
- Pilot descends to 100’/40 KIAS
- Smokes dropped every 15 seconds
Ch 5
Spot 1 restrictions
Night approaches to spot 1 are not authorized
Right seat landings on spot 1 are not recommended
Ch 5
Ship’s maneuvering with helicopters on deck
Ship’s maneuvering with helicopters on deck and rotors turning shall be conducted in a manner so as to keep winds and deck motion within the operating envelopes of the aircraft. PriFly shall notify all aircraft on deck of impending ship’s turns.
Ch 7
Delta Pattern
Left hand turns oriented around the ship or as directed by PriFly/AATCC
Ch 5
Alpha Pattern
RH turns
300’/80 KIAS
Ch 7
During mix operations, helicopters conducting a Case III departure shall not climb on assigned departure radials until _____.
10 nm
3 nm during helo ops
Ch 5
AATCC Check-in
- C/S
- Position (bearing and range relative to ship)
- Altitude
- Fuel state (hours/min) of lowest a/c in flight
- Souls
- Ordnance remaining
- Other
“Center, Cutlass 700, marking your 160/25, cherubs 5, 3+00, 5 souls, Winchester.”
Ch 7
Landing a helicopter on a spot immediately in front of another helicopter _________.
Should be avoided whenever possible
Ch 7
What are the 3 non-standard helicopter landing patterns?
- Cross-deck
- Helicopter around stern
- Helicopter modified straight-in
Ch 7
Cross-deck approach
-Flown the same as a standard landing pattern except that the approach shall continue across the flight deck to assigned landing spot
Ch 7
Helicopter around stern appraoch
Used to land starboard spots
- Enter normal Charlie pattern
- Call abeam port quarters
- Descend to 200’ by the astern position (to avoid direct entry Charlie pattern traffic)
- continue up the starboard side to intercept an approx 45 deg angle to the spot and then straight in
Ch 7
Helicopter modified straight in
PriFly may approve a straight-in approach to the spot depending on the traffic pattern
Ch 3
Night Passenger Movements
Governed in accordance with CNAF
Ch 3
For helicopter/tiltrotor operations, the following flight deck lighting and optical landing aids are required as a minimum for night/IFR:
Who can the requirements be waived by?
Flight Deck: (SLODDR)
- Spot pad lights (red and white)
- Overhead floodlights (amber or blue)
- Deck edge lights (blue)
- Deck surface floodlights (white or red)
- Rotary beacon signaling system (red, amber, green)
- Low pressure sodium floodlights (amber)
Optical landing aids:
1. Waveoff light system
Can be waived by the LHA/LHD CO
Ch 4
When is positive control required for helicopters?
- Less than 500-1
- All UNAIDED flight ops between 30 min after sunset and 30 min before sunrise except as modified by the OTC or ship’s CO
(Not required for night DLQs if visible horizon exists) - Mandatory letdown in thunderstorm areas
- When supervisory personnel can anticipate wx phenomena that might cause difficulty to pilots
Ch 7
Unless otherwise directed by PriFly, during Case 1, flights shall proceed to and hold _____________ and _____________.
In the overhead Delta pattern
Plan their descent and break to meet the designated recovery time and maintain an orderly flow of traffic into the Charlie pattern
Ch 7
When approaching a spot immediately in front of a spot occupied by another helicopter ….
The final portion of the approach on the 45 deg bearing should terminate at a point directly abeam the intended landing spot. From this point, the final transition is flown by sliding sideways to a hover over the landing spot. Cross-cockpit landings SHOULD be avoided.
Ch 7
When a suitable divert field is available…
Aircraft shall not commence an approach if the reported wx at the ship is below minimums, unless the aircraft has sufficient fuel to proceed to the divert field in the event of a missed approach
Ch 7
What’s the purpose of an emergency marshal?
Provide an established procedure for aircraft returning with lost communications
Ch 7
An aircraft experiencing lost comms in IMC shall
Proceed outbound from the ship climbing or descending to the assigned emergency marshal altitude, then proceed directly to the assigned emergency marshal
Squawk 7600
Hold RH racetrack, 2nm legs, outbound turn over the assigned DME fix (70 KIAS/max fuel conserve)
At EEAT, commence descent to 500’ and proceed inbound to the 5 DME arc
At 5 DME arc, turn left arcing clockwise to the EFB and proceed inbound on the EFB and commence descent to MDA at the FAF (3 DME) (90 KIAS on approach)