S530- Transportation Plan Flashcards
S530- Transportation Plan
Purpose- To establish guidelines for the safe and secure transportation of inmates outside the institutions, and from one jurisdiction to another, under routine and emergency conditions
Use of private vehicles for transportation is prohibited
When transporting inmates the officers primary responsibility is the security and safety of the inmates in custody
All inmates under escort should be properly restrained
Should have all available information about prisoner
Only equipment authorized by sheriff and issued by the dept. is permitted for use when transporting inmates
Lights and sirens will not be used unless emergency then with prior notification of central control or transportation supervisor
Inmates shall not be informed of their destination or time of departure prior to leaving the facility
No inmate can make calls before leaving or any time before returning
No smoking in vehicles
Accidents, attacks, maintenance shall be reported
Male and females transported on separate compartments
Juveniles (17) and under may be transported in same vehicle as adults but separate compartments
Female and SHU juveniles transported separate compartments from other juveniles and may not be transported in vehicle with no officer observation
Civil commits transported I separate compartments
When male officers transport female inmates officers shall radio control and tell them mileage, location, time
Officers shall inspect vehicles prior to each use
Have all legal documents, operate safely, record info, file report, perform searches, use of restraints, maintain visual observations
Driver responsible to inspect security and emergency equipment
When parking they must choose a highly visible and secure area
Vehicle must be locked when not in use
In caged vehicles the escort officer must be seated in the front passenger seat and able to maintain a constant visual
One officer must stay with vehicle at all times when inmates are present
If possible you may use camera to supervise
Booking Supervisor, Records Supervisor, HAS shall supply, mitts, warrants, picture, medical reports
Booking supervisor shall receive and review all documents accompanying inmates
Transport officers will position themselves to ensure weapons are not within reach
All persons to be transported will be searched
Pre-arraignment detainees will not be strip searched without probable cause
Inmates being transported from other facilities will at a minimum undergo a thorough hand search
Officers may conduct more thorough searches including strip
Strip searches will be conducted in private with officers of the same gender
Personal property will only be in the possession of the transport officers
Personal property will not be moved without inventory done by sending facility
No inmate will be transported to any court without a habe, warrant, wms true copy in possession of transport officers
Inmate’s legal documents will be searched, but not read
Lavatory stops may take place only when absolute necessary and must use law enforcement facilities whenever possible (restraints in place)
Only 1 inmate allowed out to lavatory at a time
Inmate will be searched after lavatory use before allowing access to the vehicle