S134-Department Investigations Flashcards
Department Investigations
Outlines the procedures covering the operation of SID and its role in investigating any and all serious matters affecting the efficient operation of the department and the safety and security of its employees and inmates
_________is responsible for investigating allegations of criminal activity or serious staff misconduct within any dept. facility or property under its control
_______ shall be responsible for conducting _______ ________ into any actual or alleged incident brought to their attention
preliminary inquiries
An official formal investigation of a staff member conducted by an SID investigator into an actual or alleged serious incident involving violations of department policy, state law or regulation
Administrative Investigation-
- An official investigation conducted by SID for which a criminal complaint will be pursued if warranted
Criminal Investigation
- All employees, contractors, vendors, interns or volunteers
- Any staff member who oversees or directs the actions of another staff member/s
- An official inquiry conducted by a supervisor into an actual or alleged incident involving violations of Dept. Policy, state or federal law or regulation.
Supervisor’s Inquiry
All staff shall be responsible for taking appropriate action and immediately notifying the responsible supervisor of any staff misconduct _______ or _________ (______ or _______)
witnessed or reported (Verbally or written)
Staff must submit a report no later than the __________regarding any ________ witnessed or reported.
end of shift
Reports must detail ______ ________ of an incident and their actions in response to that ______
specific knowledge
All reports shall be written ______ from other staff.
Any questions shall be addressed to ________
_________ shall keep staff separate until reports are submitted or a ______ or manager deems it no longer necessary.
A supervisor shall conduct an _________ into reported misconduct then forward findings through __to the ____, who will forward to ______.
initial inquiry
The Superintendent shall notify the ________ and ________ as Necessary.
Sheriff and Special Sheriff
During an investigation the rank or position shall not supersede the ________________________________
SID shall have full access and may take any actions needed to conduct investigation (______ ________ ____________)
(reports, interviews, releasing staff)
The ______ _______ shall make available any staff member needed for ____
shift commander
The responsible supervisor must conduct an_______ ________ into all alleged incidents during their tour of duty
immediate inquiry
Inquiry should include ______ _______ ________ and other relevant information
reports, witnessed accounts, evidence
The supervisor shall document and forward their findings to the _______ __________
Shift Commander
____ shall be notified by phone during regular business hours of serious incidents or the _____ ______ # at all other times.
Duty Officer
Supervisors Inquiry may be ordered stopped at any time by the _______ if full investigative authority is assumed by _____
Any supervisors Inquiry involving the following shall require SID investigation:
◦ Criminal misconduct or corruption by an employee
◦ Death of an inmate
◦ Suicide attempt involving serious injury
◦ Sexual Misconduct
◦ Undue familiarity between staff and inmates
◦ Excessive force after review and referral by AS/OPS
◦ Use of force with serious injury to staff /inmate
◦ Significant amount or unusual type of contraband
◦ Any arrest made by deputy sheriff
◦ Serious disturbances-riot, hostage taking escape or serious attempt
◦ Fire or bomb threat
Gather and Review all reports and physical evidence
Make sure all reports are complete and then submit a summary report
At the Conclusion of the Inquiry the Supt shall direct the appropriate actions
Shift Commander Duties:
For an Administrative or criminal investigation to be initiated authorization must be obtained from the _______, _______, _______, _________
Sheriff, Special Sheriff, facility Superintendent or the General Counsel
All complaints or requests for investigation shall be reviewed by _______ who may refer to an investigator or the responsible supervisor
If criminal investigation is warranted the ____ shall notify the _________
After consult with the ______, ______, ________ they will as appropriately notify the DA’s office or other law enforcement agencies.
Special Sheriff , general counsel and the
All staff shall validate receipt of allegation by documenting the _____ and________ the written complaint
All allegations of inmate or staff misconduct shall be forwarded to the _________ who will determine need for __________ or SID investigation
supervisors inquiry
All staff have a duty to cooperate fully with an ___________
Confidentiality must be ________
All SID should be trained in ____________ Investigations
Sexual Abuse / Harassment
SID will not address _______,_______,_______,______
(class, disp action, appeals, medical, operational issues)
__________ notify staff of allegation, compelled to answer, entitled to rights under law