S506-Facility Search Plan Flashcards
S506-Facility Search Plan
Purpose- To prevent introduction of unauthorized and/or illicit materials into any department facility by conducting routine and unscheduled searches of inmates and inmate accessible areas
All areas of each facility should be searched at least quarterly
Searching of people and areas should be done with regard for the dignity of individuals and their property
Searches directed at solving a possible crime must be authorized by Superintendent or designee and require evidence preservation if found
Searches of inmates should be conducted at such times as:
- Searches of inmates should be conducted at such times as:Admission or re-entry
◦ Return to facility after work details
◦ Return to housing areas after contact visits, attorney visits- Return to housing area from programs, work details
Personal search of an inmate may include pat, frisk or strip, search of personal items
Search of area shall include
◦ Inmate rooms daily, occupied and unoccupied
◦ Housing unit areas and equipment
◦ All areas accessible to inmates (gym, recreation areas)
Regular searches of perimeter, entrances, parking
Regular search of all areas accessible by the public (elevators, visit rooms, lobby)
Each officer is responsible to visually inspect the areas that they are assigned to (document and report issues).
AS/OPS or SC will make provisions for announced, unannounced and random searches.
Food Prep area searched on an irregular basis but not less than one time per quarter. Report forwarded to AS/OPS through the SC.
All unit searches will be logged in the unit and Shift commander logs
Two objectives of searches
◦ 1. ID and seize contraband
◦ 2. Prevent escape
Care will be taken not to damage or disarrange inmate property
SC will notify Supervisors and those assigned to searches. Cease movement to/from
The unit supervisor will organize and direct the search process
Inmates will be strip searched and then moved to designated area leaving behind everything but their ID and the clothes they are wearing.
All security locks, door, hinges and bars will be visually inspected
Common areas will be searched at least once a shift by the Unit Officer, and thoroughly searched once a quarter
Shift commander will ensure a report is generated by the search supervisor and forwarded to the AS/OPS
When contraband is found and owner is known a disciplinary report will be generated, if owner is not known an incident report will be written
K-9 may be deployed inside the facility with authorization from the AS/OPS or shift commander as designee to inspect mail, common areas, staff areas, visits (document who authorized)
All vehicles entering and exiting will be searched
Only pat searches of visitors will be permitted
Searches of administrative areas will be conducted as authorized by the AS/OPS
Searches that result in contraband/rules violations shall be reported in writing to the shift commander
When search reveals suspected criminal activity the Shift Commander will be immediately notified and a report shall be made to SID and evidence handled per policy.
Seized contraband should be identified labeled and stored as necessary (form)
When inmate property is seized a receipt shall be issued
Contraband may be disposed of according to policy
◦ revent Contraband
◦ Detect weapons or escape devices
◦ Prevent trafficking
◦ Detect theft
◦ Discover health and safety hazards