S100 Philosophy and Goals Flashcards
The Department’s mission is to ________ the laws of the commonwealth and to _____ and______ the citizens of Suffolk County.
serve and protect
Department is dedicated to strengthening public safety through________ and providing specialized _________ to all CJ Agencies
support services
Sheriff is committed to maintaining the safe secure custody and control of inmates while offering extensive
________ _______ to reduce _____________
rehab opportunities
Dept. has established long range goals and measurable objectives that are reviewed at least _________ and updated as needed
Dept. philosophy is to classify an inmate at a level of security consistent with public safety and provide a range of __________ program services
needs based
◦ ______________________________
◦ High quality training and support for staff
◦ Safely and humanely incarcerate inmates at appropriate level
◦ Provide inmate programs to create positive behavior change
◦ Emphasize reentry service to inmates
◦ Become accessible public resource to Suffolk county communities
Sound correctional policies, procedures, and programs