S503-Forced Cell Move Flashcards
S503-Forced Cell Move
Shift commander or designee will ensure that a minimum of six (6) officers are on duty that are trained and authorized to conduct FCM.
Purpose-To provide for the safety and protection of inmates and staff through the development and implementation of a standard approach to forced cell moves
Move Team:
◦ Move Team Supervisor: Control the execution of the move; ensure Move Team is assembled and ready
◦ Shield Person: Ensure proper use of shield and restraint of subjects torso
◦ Upper Extremities (L/R arm control/restraint): Assist with control of the subject’s upper torso, also responsible for to control and apply restraints to subjects arms
◦ Lower Extremities (L/R leg control/restraint): Assist with control of the subject’s lower torso, also responsible for to control and apply restraints to subjects legs
◦ Recorder: Ensures documentation of extraction/move process on camera
◦ Nurse: Ensure that staff and inmates receive proper care after a move is completed, all injuries are treated and documented, and that restraints are properly applied
Shift Commander/designee will ensure medical division is immediately notified.
Extractions and other forced cell moves including restraint chair need prior authorization from Shift Commander
Shift Commander/designee must consult with medical supervisor prior to FCM
Shift Commander/designee will make sure recorder and Move team leader are notified
The UOF will be implemented in a level of continuum based on the circumstances presented
Prior to FCM the Team Leader will attempt de-escalation to convince inmate to comply with orders.
Shift Commander/designee will notify engineering to have unit ventilated in case OC is used for the move
If inmate remains non-compliant the Shift Commander/designee will ensure that medical is notified a FCM is anticipated
Inmates behavior shall be recorded if safe while de-escalation is attempted
Shift Commander/designee must consult with medical supervisor prior to FCM to see if there are any contraindications to chemical agents
Move team will report to designated area in appropriate uniform and draw equipment
Move team supervisor/area supervisor will brief Shift commander on events
Move team supervisor will ensure team is properly equipped and briefed
Move team supervisor will identify all team members on video and give intro
Team leader will determine appropriate course of action for the extraction