S422-Special Management Housing Flashcards
Provide for the management of inmates classified to administrative segregation, special housing or disciplinary segregation
Inmates shall be placed in _________ when their continued presence in the general population poses a serious threat to staff and others
administrative segregation
Disciplinary segregation for a rule violation shall only occur after a hearing by the _____________
disciplinary Board
The appropriate committee shall undertake a review of the status of inmates placed in administrative segregation every ______ days for the first ____months, and at least once every _______days thereafter
seven (7)
two (2)
thirty (30)
Any inmate remaining in administrative segregation beyond ______ days shall be seen by a qualified mental health care professional for assessment
thirty (30)
The Superintendent shall review and approve the continuation of an inmate held in continuous confinement for more than _________ days.
thirty (30)
A correction officer shall personally observe all special management inmates at least once every _______ minutes on an irregular basis
thirty (30)
Inmates in __________ shall have reasonable access to legal and reading material.
special management units
No item or activity shall be withheld longer than is ________ to ensure the inmate’s safety and the well-being of the staff and other inmates
Only those officers who have met the selection criteria will be assigned to work __________ posts on a regular and daily basis.
special management housing
The unit officer shall maintain a permanent _______ in each special management unit
Before placement in , an inmate shall be screened by a qualified mental health Professional
Inmates in administrative segregation because of ____________ will be provided with programs and services conducive to their well-being.
behavioral problems
when an inmate is placed in administrative segregation by the Shift Commander, the action will be reviewed by the _____ within ________ hours
seventy-two (72)
Inmates requesting or requiring protection from the general population may be assigned to ____________
administrative segregation
Inmates in special housing are allowed to participate in as many of the programs afforded the ___________as possible
general population
Any inmate who believes that his safety is in jeopardy from other inmates may request special housing through either their assigned ________ or ___________
If it is determined that Special Management Housing is ___________, due to serious mental illness the inmate will be housed in either 61A or 55
The __________ may place inmates with serious rule violations in disciplinary detention only after an impartial hearing
Disciplinary Board
Any staff member who is either presented with a request for special housing, or who becomes aware that an inmate’s safety may be in jeopardy, will immediately report the information to the _____________
Shift Commander
The Classification Office, in _________ with the Office of Mental Health, will determine the need to house inmates separately from others
____________ will be provided to inmates that require maximum and close custody, have severe medical disabilities, are suffering from serious mental illness, are sexual predators, are likely to be victimized or exploited by others, or who have other special needs for single-housing occupancy
Single cell housing
A committee selected by the_________ will review the status of inmates assigned to administrative segregation housing unit every _______ days for the first two (2) months, and at least every ________ days thereafter
seven (7)
thirty (30)
Not more than ______ after initial placement and upon placement review the i/m must be advised as to what behavior and program goals will help get them out of less restrictive placement.
Continuous confinement of an inmate in disciplinary detention for more than thirty (30) days requires the review and approval of the ____________
The ________ will notify the Superintendent and obtain written authorization prior to the _________ day of confinement.
thirtieth (30th)
When housing in administrative segregation continues beyond thirty (30) days, the ADS/CAD will notify the _________ and request an evaluation of the inmate’s mental health.
Director of Mental health (DMH)
The ______, in consultation with supervisory personnel, will approve security staff post assignments for the special management housing units.
A correction officer will personally observe all special management inmates at least once every_____ minutes on an _________ schedule.
thirty (30)
In making the approval, the ______ will consider such factors as experience, training, job performance and skill.
Inmates confined to special management housing units shall receive daily staff visits from:
The Shift Commander and area/floor supervisors during their tour of duty.
The program staff when requested; and
Qualified medical staff unless medical attention is needed more frequently.
Inmates who are ________ will be transferred to the medical unit and placed under continuous observation
Inmates confined to special management housing units will be afforded the following basic items needed to maintain their health, personal hygiene and appearance opportunities to shave and shower at least ______ times per week
three (3)
Each special management unit will have a __________
log/activity sheet.
Placement in _________ is based upon behavior, nature of the offense, or threat to staff or others.
Medical items will be allowed on a _______ basis.
Tablets are a privilege and may be _________
While housed in DDU or on disciplinary status, inmates may receive _______, but magazines and newspapers are prohibited
Inmates confined to _________ housing units will receive the same meals as served to the general population or the special diet equivalent
special management
Inmates confined to special management housing units will have access to the following out-of-cell time for exercise and activities of daily living a minimum of_____ hours per day,_________ days per week, unless safety or security considerations dictate otherwise; _______ minutes to shower and/or utilize the telephone
two (2)
five (5)
Fifteen (15)
Inmates in disciplinary detention are only permitted to receive visits from the ___________
attorney of record.
All inmates escorted in and out of segregation units must be escorted by _________ officers.
two (2)
All inmates escorted within the facility from segregation units shall be restrained with _______ and ________
handcuffs and leg irons.
_________ shall be applied behind the back so the subject’s palms face outward away from each other.
The denial or withholding for cause of any usually-authorized item or activity is permissible when deemed necessary by the area/floor ________
When escorting a subject in handcuffs, the officer shall hold the inmate bodily in a ___________ escort hold and shall not hold the handcuff chain.
double ninety
Should the situation warrant the total removal of all personal items from the inmate’s cell, approval must be obtained in advance from the __________, or medical staff, unless there is imminent danger of self-injury by the inmate
Superintendent or designee
No item or privilege will be withheld as ________; privilege(s) will be reinstated or item(s) returned once the condition justifying removal has been resolved
DMH assigns someone to interview inmate and write report if confinement will be long an assessment shall be made at least every ______ months.