S483- Inmate Visits Flashcards
inmate visits
To afford inmates the opportunity to receive visits from family and friends, and special visits from their attorney, clergy, or social service agency representatives, in accordance with the rules and procedures established by statute, regulation or standard
The ______________ may refuse admission to a person who has permission to visit if, in their opinion, such admission would be injurious to the best interests of the institution
A ________ accompanied by an adult is eligible to enter the facility provided the adult signs a statement, under pains and penalties of perjury, attesting to the fact that they are the parent or legal guardian of the minor or if the adult provides the ___________ or designee with a letter from the minor’s parent or legal guardian authorizing the adult to accompany the minor into the facility.
No one may visit an inmate temporarily confined in an outside hospital without the prior permission of the __________ or ________ Any question regarding such visits shall be directed to the.
Superintendent or designee
Shift Commander
An inmate who is paroled or otherwise released from any correctional facility must obtain the permission of the ___________ or designee before visiting any inmate still confined. Unless the former inmate is a relative of the inmate to be visited, such permission shall not be granted until six (6) months have elapsed from the date of release.
Before an inmate on any temporary release program may visit a relative or friend confined at the institution, they must obtain the permission of the ___________
Video or audio equipment shall not be brought onto the premises without prior ________
Only sentenced inmates housed at the Jail may have contact visits
All inmates are allowed ______ regular visits per week between Monday and Sunday, except those inmates serving a disciplinary sanction, on medical health observation, or restricted by order of the Superintendent
The Superintendent or designee may authorize special visiting arrangements with members of the inmate’s immediate family when:
◦ a visitor has made a special trip to see an inmate from a residential distance of greater than one hundred (100) miles from Boston;
◦ an inmate is in critical condition at an outside hospital, or is terminally ill;
◦ a member of an inmate’s immediate family has passed away; or
◦ In the opinion of the Superintendent or designee, other extraordinary circumstances exist to justify such special visiting arrangements.
Examinations by independent medical service providers and experts for inmates require the authorization of the _____ or designee
Attorneys shall be permitted to visit their inmate clients at all _________ hours
Paralegals and law students during regular visiting hours.
can visit
Attorneys, paralegals, and law students shall be required to show positive ID and valid credentials, and shall complete a ___________ form
visit request
Court-appointed interpreters will be allowed in the facility to assist attorneys and other legal representatives. Non-Court appointed will be allowed provided they have an appropriate letter of introduction from the attorney as well as a letter from an agency that employs them.
briefcases may not be brought into the visiting area, however, required papers, folders, laptops and notepaper are allowed in reasonable quantities – may be _______
Inmates who are foreign nationals shall have access to visits from a ____________ of their country of citizenship
diplomatic representative
Requests for a Diplomatic visit shall be processed by the Superintendent or designee. The requesting embassy/consulate with whom the Diplomatic Rep is associated with shall submit a letter of introduction to _________ Office
_____________ shall be required to show positive ID/Valid Credentials from their embassy or consulate
diplomatic representatives
Visits by law enforcement officers shall be handled with discretion and _______ to ensure the privacy of those involved
Law enforcement officers shall be required to show positive ID/valid credentials, and shall complete a ___________ form
visit request
Officers’ weapons shall be secured according to facility ___________ before admission
Location and conditions of such visits shall be determined on an individual basis at the direction of the ___________ or ______
shift commander or SID
A media representative is required to notify the lobby officer that they represent the media, show positive —-/____-, and complete a visit request
Prior to authorizing the visit, the visiting supervisor shall contact the ___________________
Office of Community & External Affairs (OCEA).
Inmates may _________ such visits
If the inmate agrees to the visit, they must complete a ____________ form
media consent
If the ___________ has determined that the institution is facing a health or other crisis, they may limit in-person visits as necessary to ensure the health and safety of staff and inmates
The Department publishes visit _________and provides to new inmates and a copy at visit desk.
All visitors will be required to complete a ___________ Form on the day of the visit and may be subject to a criminal records check as well as an ID check
visit request
Inmates are allowed up to _________ regular visits by family or friends per week (Monday to Sunday), with no more than ____ regular visit in any one (1) day.
Each regular visit may last up to _______ hour within the limits of scheduled visiting hours
Visitors may register up to _____ hour prior to a scheduled visiting period.
A sentenced inmate housed at the Jail may apply for a contact visit by filling out and submitting a contact visit request at least ______ business days prior to the requested date for contact visit. All requests submitted to Unit __________.
Video visits are provided by a -________ vendor.
Visitors must comply with the vendor’s registration and scheduling ______________
An inmate may _______ to see a visitor
It is a felony in Massachusetts for any person to deliver any article whatsoever to an inmate without the permission of the _________ or designee
Any person who carries, or attempts to carry, any article into either facility without the express consent of the ________ is subject to arrest, prosecution and loss of visiting privileges.
A visitor’s personal effects (i.e. wallet, pocketbook, money, etc.…) are not allowed into the _________ perimeter
Visitors who are uncooperative, disruptive, under the influence, or otherwise unsuitable for admission to the facility shall be required to leave the building, and the __________ shall be notified
Shift Commander
Visitors are subject to a search at any time. Visitors who do not consent to such search will be instructed to leave the facility and are _________ from future visits
Visitors must closely supervise any ________ accompanying them on the visit
Smoking is not _________anywhere in the institution
Visitors and inmates may briefly ___________ at the beginning and at the end of a visit
Visitors’ and inmates’ ______ must be visible at all times
Visitors must be appropriately dressed and neat in ________
A visitor who appears to be under the influence of an intoxicating substance will not be allowed _____ into the facility
Anyone under the age of 18 is considered a minor and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, or someone with _______ permission from the parent or legal guardian
Rules for ______ visitation conduct and decorum shall generally align with those for in person visits
When an inmate is called to his visit he must be prompt or visit may be __________.
Applications to visit can be denied because
(less than 6months ago in penal, open criminal matters, convicted felon with stipulations, Victim.
An Applicant with SCSD history can submit written request to ______
Clothing must be worn in the manner for which it was intended at all times and all visitors must be ___________ dressed
The Department has established __________ requirements for visitor dress
Dress code rules for video visitation shall generally align with those for _______ visits
A visitor shall be required to produce current _________ identification such as a driver’s license
Each visitor must complete and submit a ____________ form which is returned to them upon approval.
visitor’s request
In accordance with the procedures set forth in S501, Security and Control, the visitor’s _____ hand is stamped for identification purposes.
Each visitor must be asked by the officer staffing the visitor registration desk whether they are in possession of a ________
All lawful weapons secured in ___________
central control
Prior to admission to the facility, ___________ must pass through a metal detector
A ________ of the person may be conducted with the consent of the visitor.
pat search
Visitors who refuse to be searched shall be required to leave, and may be restricted or ________ from future visits
The visitor shall be told that they may leave rather than ________ to the search.
An officer of the _______ as the visitor shall conduct pat-searches
same sex
If _______ is found, the visit shall be denied and the contraband seized
If contraband is of a serious nature (e.g. drugs, weapons, or implements of escape), the visitor shall be ________ and the Shift Commander immediately notified
Strip-searches and body cavity searches of visitors are strictly _______
A written report shall be written and filed with the _____ whenever a visit is denied or terminated because of a search or the discovery of contraband as soon as possible, but in all cases prior to the end of the officer’s shift
Contact visit rooms will be _____ prior to each visit period and each search documented in the visit log
At the jail Each prisoner shall be __________ prior to entering the contact visit room.
strip searched
Upon completion of a contact visit, the inmate shall be _________
If contraband is found during the strip search, the officer shall confiscate the contraband and submit a __________
Written report
The ___________ or visits supervisor may deny or terminate any visit when necessary
shift commander
In such cases, the visitor shall be directed to leave the premises __________
Visitors denied entrance or asked to leave shall be informed of the reason except when doing so would jeopardize institutional _______ or the safety of any person
When the reason for exclusion is something that clearly can be remedied (e.g.insufficient ID, inappropriate dress, etc.), inform the visitor s/he may return when the problem has been _________.
If it’s something that cannot be remedied the Shift Commander shall submit a report to _________
When a visitor’s access is suspended or restricted, the visitor shall be notified in _________ of the reasons for such actions
The visitor may file a written ________ of this action with the Superintendent.
The ____________ will provide a written decision in response to all appeals informing the visitor of his reasons.
Before an attorney or a public official is denied entrance, ____, ____, _____, or ______ shall be consulted.
the Sheriff, Special Sheriff, General Counsel or Superintendent
The attorney or public official may immediately file an appeal of their exclusion to the _________
The _________ will provide a written decision in response to all appeals informing the visitor of his reasons.
Once all visitors have left the visiting room, the inmates will be instructed to leave the visiting area and proceed to a location where they will be __________
A written —– of all other visitors to the facility shall be maintained listing the name, agency, and reason for the visit