Russian Revolution 1905 Flashcards
What was the immediate spark?
Bloody sunday
When was bloody sunday?
22 Jan 1905
What was bloody sunday?
A peaceful protest of 150000 workers hoping to bring a petition to the tsar led by Father Gapon, who had connections to “police socialism”, in ST Petersburg
What was the petition for?
Against harsh working conditions and high taxes
What happened on the day of bloody sunday?
Cossacks attacked the protesters w/out order by tsar and had 1k casualties
- Last occasion in which peasants approached tsar as “father”
Results of bloody sunday (regime)
B/c they turned upon their won workers, Nich was held the blame even tho he was not in the palace
Charque’s quote
Did more than perhaps anything else during the whole of the reign to undermine the allegiance of the common people to the throne
Military short term cause of war
Defeat in Russo-Japan war
- Increase of opps to the tsar, who was viewed as incompetent
- The war was important for in-testifying and worsening long term social + economic problems like food shortages, high prices, and unemployment
Long term social and economic cause of war
Witte’s industrialization drive in which led to bigger pressure on workers + peasants in terms of high taxes and low wages
- Worsened long standing problems + caused resentment which = tension, violence, and riots
Long term political cause of war
Refusal of Nich’s regime to make any political concessions towards representative government and less oppressive rule
- resulted in growing political opps to regime from middle class liberals and more revolutionary socialists
Post bloody sunday
A battle ship in which mutiny aboarded in June 1905
- Sailors refused their captains orders to shoot protesting sailors and took control of the ship and eventually spread to the army and navy
- Majority remained to regime
Peasant disturbances
Spread across Russia
- 3k+ of these needing the army to control them causing almost 300M roubles in damage
By the end of the year 2.7M had been on strike
- Railway workers strike in oct almost brought economy to standstill
Opposition group
Believed that time to force autocracy to change had come
- Kadets established by middle class liberals involved in zemstva at local levels
- St Petersburg workers soviet (worker’s council) established by Leon Trsutky + Menshivks in Oct, by the end of the year 50 had been established
How did Nich survive?
- Loyalty of army
- Rebels lacking unity
- Concessions
Loyalty of army
Police, army, strike breaker to restore order
- Trotsky arrested
- Strike in Moscow crushed, killing 1K
Police, army, strike breaker to restore order
- Trotsky arrested
- Strike in Moscow crushed, killing 1K
Peasants, workers, middle class liberals all wanted change but different things
- Most wanted concessions not revolution
- Lenin in London Stalin in Siberia
Granted to liberals and peasants which divided oppositions
- Nich made concession in Oct manifesto
- Promised legislative Duma, liberal freedoms of expression which helped split moderate liberals from revolutionaries and secure loyalty
- Made concessions cancelling redemption fees
Effects of revolution
- Loss of popular support for Tsar
- Duma established
- St Petersburg soviet
Loss of popular support of Tsar
State approved violence of bloody sunday which served to severe the bond between Tsar and his people
Duma established
Moderated original concessions by 1906
- Still represented possibility of development away from autocracy and towards limited monarchy
St petersburg soviet
Historians overstate and describe 1905 as a “dress rehearsal” for 1917
- Soviet lasted 50 days and strike on Nov was a failure