Nicholas 2nd Flashcards
When did he come to power and why?
Came to power in 1894 b/c Alexander 3rd (his father0 had died (kidney failure)
Was Nich prepared? Why?
He was not, B/C he lacked confidence
What did Nich say in his diary in 1894?
” I am not prepared to be the Tsar. I never wanted to become one. I know nothing of the business of ruling”
What do the historians think of Nich’s preparation?
They agreed he was not prepared
- “Unwilling and unable to rule”
Hans roger quote about Nich
” Nicholas had no knowledge of the world or of men”
Trotsky’s quote about Nich
” Not fit to run a village post office”
Nich’s influence
Konostanin Pobedonostev
Influence on Nich
- Firmly connected to Tsarists conservative
- Wanted to keep autocracy as ordained structure of political power in Russia
- Believed democracy would lead to collapse of Russia
When was his coronation speech
In 1895
- Dismissed claims of democrats as “seamless dreams”
Some problems that he faced as Tsar
- Economic backwardness
- Needed to modernize + industrialize Russia to compete w/ other European countries
- Strong industrial economy necessary if it were to remain an important military power
National poverty
Backwardness + inefficient agriculture which failed to feed rapidly growing nor provide government w/surplus for national security
Peasant problem
- Land hunger, low income, debt, starvation
Threatened stability of of tsarist regime
Dangers of modernization
- Challenged tsarist regime and leader
- Calls for parliament and democracy caused by greater modernization
Key issue
How to get political benefits of economic modernization w/out making concessions to to opposition calls for political charge
Key aim
Modernize w/out social and extreme economic reform
- modernize w/out revolution
Inefficient due to MIR’s preventing innovation and lack of investment in agriculture technology
Industrial output
Increased during both reigns of Alexander 2 and 3 but low level
- Late industrial development is a result of underbanking system