Rooming a Patient Flashcards
Where can you find Less commonly used activities
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If you hover and do a jump scroll in documentation what will that do?
Allow you to see the documentation without documenting. If you double, click on the tab you will be guided to document.
What is chief complaint?
Reason for patient’s visit. There are speed buttons available based on department.
What are ways to create need chef complaints speed buttoms
Add new speed buttons with wrench, alphabetize, and delete speed buttons
or searching for the speed button and clicking the star
With the chief complaint, what else do you need to add?
Modality of care. If you do not have this, provider can not sign their visit
Vitals: Quick way to put in BP and height? True or false: pain score will be a range?
Bp: add a space between both numbers and height use f for feet and i for inches. True
What is Meaningful use is a part of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
providers need to
show that they’re using the technology in ways that can be measured
significantly in quality and quantity. There is certain data that we need to
capture in each office visit to comply with meaningful use measures. Mark as reviewed. Need to do this for tabacco use and allergies and vitals,history
What does field turned red
with an exclamation mark next to it mean?
visual notification that this
reading is outside the normal range for this item
True or false you can add any comments to any of the vitas?
True, there is a little paper icon
Where would you go to edit tobacco use for a patient
Vitals and click edit tobacco use hyper link or history under substance and sexual activity
What to click when putting in vitals that patient gives you from a video visit or telephone visit?
Vitals – Pt Reported section
What keyboard key to move forward and what keyboard key to move backwards?
hit the F8 key to go to the next section in our visit navigator. We
can also hit the F7 key to go back to the previous section.
Where can you find interpretation documentation?
in the rooming
tab and within the navigator for telephone encounters.
For interpretation document, what do you need to do to show that you are taking care of this documentation?
Click responsible.
Should you put in allergies before or after orders?
Before orders
How should ou document food allergies?
Type food first and then the allergy
What if you can’t find any allergy agent
Type unknown to be able to document still
What sections can you find in the history section?
Medical, surgical, family, tobacco screening
Where would you mark patient as adopted?
Family history on the top
How do you mark a medication not taking?
Med rec, click not taking, click x, click flag for removal, click reason
How do you add a new medication that a patient is taking?
Med rec, add medication. When adding a new medication patient is taking, make sure to click taking after filling out the info
Different medication icon for reporting?
Person: pt reported med
house: Provider prescribed med
Syringe: Medication administered in clinic
What do you click for patient’s pharmacy?
Select patient’s pharmacy under med rec tab
How to add multiple pharmacies
Send to multiple pharmacies and add pharmacy
What does the blue diamond indicate for a pharmacy?
That is the primary pharmacy
What will drive EPA?
Verifying a patient’s pharmacy benefits prior to placing any medication
orders. There is a verify pharmacy tab
If no coverage is selected, because the patient is unsure or you are unable
to verify will the EPA process initiate?
What is included in health Maintenace?
Health maintenance includes preventative items such as screening and vaccines
that are recommended to keep our population healthy. They are age and
gender specific. These are the care gaps that overdue
How often is health Maintenace updated?
Every night
What button addresses health Maintenace topics that was completed somewhere else?
Address topic, need to add a comment on where it was done.
How should you refuse when a patient refuses a health Maintenace topic?
Need to make a note about it
How do you change how often a health maintenance topic should be required.
Edit modifiers
If you address an allergy in the health Maintenace tab, do you need to also add it to the allergy list manually?
Health Maintenace: HM External Results do?
This is used to enter
exam, procedure, and test results obtained from Care Everywhere or
clinician progress notes. C
What should you enter in the provider field for HM external results?
What keyboard shortcut can you use to quickly jump between fields
when documenting vital signs?
Press the TAB key.