Robinson Laser Chapters Flashcards
Hair follicle is divided into two anatomic units - the infundibulum and isthmus
False -3 : infundibulum, isthmus and inferior segment .
Infundibulum includes the region from the hair follicle orifice to the sebaceous duct entrance
The isthmus includes the region between the entrance of the sebaceous duct and Ar rector pili muscle
3 layers of the hair shaft are Henle, Huxley and cuticle
False. These are the layers of the inner root sheath
Three layers of the 3 years of the inner root sheath are cuticle , cortex and medulla
False - these are the layers of the hair shaft itself
Hair features such as the amount of pigment and hair shaft diameter increase from LANUGO to TERMINAL hairs
Chemical depilatories contain thioglycolates that dissolve hairs by disrupting disulphides bonds
Tweezing and waxing provide temporary hair loss for several months
False. - weeks
Antiandrogenic medications including OCP and SPIRONOLACTONE have variable success in treating hirsutism
Vaniqa is 20% eflornithine hydrochloride
False 13.9%
Eflornithine inhibits ornithine decarboxylase reversibly
False - irreversible
A hx of keloids or hypertrophic scar does not preclude laser hair removal
If an active tan is present, or there is recent sun exposure -= laser treatment needs to be postponed for 2 weeks
False - six weeks
Patients with numerous lentigines should be aware that laser hair removal might result in permanent removal of these freckles
It is not necessary to damage stem cells in the bulge area at the interface of the outer roots health and connective tissue sheath
False - it is necessary
Telogen hair bulbs are pigmented and good active targets for light absorption
False non pigmented - not active targets for light absorption
Q=switched lasers produce instantaneous hair shaft vaporisation and a photo acoustic effect through delivering very short pulses
Shorter pulse widths allow for higher tolerated fluences for all skin types
False - longer
A smaller spot size <9mm allows for a greater likelihood photons can be scattered back into the incident collimated beam with result beam broadening
False, a larger >9mm spot
Temporary hair removal is possible with all devices at any fluence
A critical threshold fluence is not required to obtain long term hair removal
Sublethal laser doses induce catagen and telogen
True , thus may be possible to synchronise follicular growth to some degree using lower fluences
Once follicles are in early anagen, larger fluences with longer pulse durations can be used to destroy the follicle
Pigment changes occur after hair removal include hyper but permanent hypopigmentation
False - can have temporary or permanent hypopigmentation also
Leukotrichia can be temporary but not permanent after PIL and laser hair removal therapy
False can be permanent