Risk Flashcards
What is the purpose of the risk theme in PRINCE2?
The purpose is to identify, assess, and control uncertainty to enhance the project’s ability to succeed. It involves managing both internal and external uncertainties that can influence the achievement of project objectives.
How is risk defined in PRINCE2?
Risk is defined as an uncertain event that, if it were to occur, would have an impact on objectives. It is measured by combining the probability of a threat or opportunity with the magnitude of its impact on objectives.
What are the key steps in risk management in PRINCE2?
Risk management includes identifying and describing risks, assessing their probability, impact, and timing, planning and implementing risk responses, and communicating risk management activities to stakeholders.
What does risk exposure mean in PRINCE2?
Risk exposure represents the extent of risk that the organization is currently facing at a given moment. It reflects the set of current risks and their potential impact on project objectives.
What does a project need to define according to PRINCE2 for risk management?
PRINCE2 requires that every project defines its own risk management approach, covering risk identification, assessment, planning, implementation of risk responses, and communication of risk management throughout the project lifecycle.
How does PRINCE2 suggest evaluating risks in relation to business justification?
PRINCE2 requires projects to assess whether identified risks may have a material impact on the project’s business justification, in line with the principle of continuous business justification.
What documents are necessary for risk management in PRINCE2?
PRINCE2 mandates the creation and maintenance of a risk register and a document describing the risk management approach, including processes, procedures, and responsibilities.
What is the main role of the Executive in risk management in PRINCE2?
The Executive must ensure that the risk management approach is appropriate and manage risks related to the business case.
What are the responsibilities of Senior Users regarding risks in PRINCE2?
Senior Users must identify and manage risks that impact end users, including benefits and operational usage.
What is the role of the Senior Supplier in risk management?
The Senior Supplier must identify and manage risks related to project supply aspects.
What are the key responsibilities of the Project Manager in risk management?
The Project Manager is responsible for defining the risk management approach and maintaining the risk register.
Why is it important to align project risk management with organizational policies?
It is crucial to align risk management with organizational policies and processes to ensure consistency and allow the organization to assess the overall risk exposure of different projects. This includes adopting centrally defined risk management policies, standards, techniques, and tools.
What are the steps in the risk management procedure recommended by PRINCE2?
The procedure includes five steps: context and risk identification, assessment (estimation and evaluation), planning, implementation, and communication. Communication operates concurrently with the other steps.
Is the risk management procedure iterative?
Yes, all steps of the risk management procedure are repeatable. When new information becomes available, it is often necessary to repeat previous steps based on this new information.
Why is it important to understand the Project Board’s attitude towards risk?
Understanding the Project Board’s attitude helps define the acceptable level of risk for the project and influences the definition of risk tolerances.
How do you adapt the risk management approach based on the project?
The risk management approach should be proportionate to the project’s size and complexity, as well as the potential impact of risks.
How does risk management vary in projects of different complexity levels?
In less complex projects, the project manager directly manages risks, while in more complex ones, risk management may require a dedicated team.
What is the importance of assessing the potential impact of risks in a PRINCE2 project?
It is essential to assess the potential impact of risks to ensure that the risk management approach is appropriate, regardless of the project’s apparent size. This helps prevent hidden or underestimated risks from having significant consequences on the project’s success.
How should risk management be integrated with different project delivery approaches in PRINCE2?
Risk management should be flexible to adapt to the project delivery approach, whether it is agile or traditional, ensuring that risk review and communication methods are appropriate for the project’s cadence and format.
How can risk registers vary in different project contexts in PRINCE2?
In business contexts, separate risk registers may be needed for different involved parties. It is important to clearly establish who owns each risk, especially in projects with multiple stakeholders or contracts.
What is the function of a risk budget in a PRINCE2 project?
A risk budget is established to fund project risk responses. It should reflect the aggregated cost of all planned risk responses and include funds for unidentified risks.
What are the guidelines for managing the risk budget in PRINCE2?
The risk budget requires strict control. The project’s risk management approach should clearly establish how this budget is monitored and used, preventing inappropriate utilization.
What does “Identifying context” entail in the PRINCE2 risk management procedure?
It involves gathering project information to understand the objectives at risk. This includes assessing customer quality expectations, project complexity, and the organizational environment.
What are the key elements to consider in the risk management approach in a PRINCE2 project?
Key elements include customer quality expectations, the number and relationships of involved organizations, stakeholder needs, and the project’s significance, complexity, and scale.
When and by whom can risks be identified in a PRINCE2 project?
Risks can be identified at any time during project management and delivery by anyone involved in the project, in corporate or program management, by the customer, or other stakeholders. Identified risks should be recorded in the risk register as soon as possible.
What are the key aspects to express a risk clearly in PRINCE2?
Each risk should be described considering three aspects: the risk cause (the source or potential trigger), the risk event (the area of uncertainty in terms of threat or opportunity), and the risk effect (the impact on the project if the risk materializes).
What risk identification techniques are used in PRINCE2?
Lessons Learned Review: Examining past projects.
Risk Checklists: Lists of known risks from previous projects.
Risk Prompt Lists: Categorized lists to stimulate risk identification.
Brainstorming: Group sessions to generate ideas about risks.
Risk Breakdown Structures (RBS): Hierarchical analysis of risk sources.
What aspects should be evaluated in the risk estimation phase in PRINCE2?
In the risk estimation phase in PRINCE2, you should evaluate the probability of threats and opportunities occurring, the impact of each risk on project objectives, the effect on project and stage plans, the speed at which the risk could materialize, and how the impact may change during the project.
What techniques can be used to estimate risks in PRINCE2?
The techniques include:
Probability/Impact Grid: Assess risks by combining probability and impact.
Expected Value: Quantify risks by multiplying cost by probability.
Probability Trees: Visualize events and probabilities to predict outcomes.
Pareto Analysis: Rank risks by their impact on project objectives. These techniques help quantify and prioritize risks by severity and priority.
How does the Probability Impact Grid work in risk management in PRINCE2?
The grid contains classification values to qualitatively assess threats and opportunities. By combining probability and impact, you obtain a value that helps determine the severity of a risk and prioritize management efforts.
What is the Summary Risk Profile, and how is it used in PRINCE2?
It is a graphical representation of risks at a given moment, showing which risks exceed the tolerance threshold and require the attention of the project board. It helps visualize and monitor trends and changes in risk assessment.
What does risk exposure assessment mean in PRINCE2?
Risk exposure assessment determines whether the overall project risk level is within the organization’s risk appetite. If exposure is too high, control actions are necessary.
How does project justification relate to risk exposure?
According to PRINCE2’s principle of continued business justification, project justification must be evaluated in relation to risk exposure. Risk tolerance, set by the project board, guides the intensity of risk responses.
What is the difference between risk appetite and risk tolerance in PRINCE2?
Risk appetite is the organization’s attitude toward taking risks, while risk tolerance represents the levels of risk exposure beyond which specific responses are triggered.
What risk assessment techniques are used in PRINCE2?
The techniques include risk models such as Monte Carlo simulation and expected monetary value. These models allow for “what if” scenarios and aggregating expected values of multiple risks to understand the combined effect.
What does “avoiding” a threat and “exploiting” an opportunity mean in PRINCE2?
Avoiding a threat means removing the cause of the risk, making the situation certain. Exploiting an opportunity involves implementing the cause of the opportunity. This may entail costs to eliminate residual risks completely.
How can you “mitigate” threats and “enhance” opportunities in PRINCE2?
Mitigating a threat involves actions to change the probability and/or impact of the risk. Enhancing an opportunity means increasing the likelihood of its occurrence and/or boosting its positive impact. Both actions come with costs that need to be justified.
What does “risk transfer” entail in PRINCE2?
Risk transfer aims to pass part of the risk to a third party. Insurance is a classic example. It’s important to note that some elements of risk cannot be transferred, and the costs of transfer must be justified.
How can you “share” a risk in PRINCE2?
Risk sharing involves collaboration among multiple parties, typically in the supply chain, to manage the risk on a gain and loss-sharing basis. Not all risks can be fully shared, but it can be an effective way to promote collaboration in risk management.
What does it mean to “accept” a risk in PRINCE2?
Accepting a risk means ‘taking the risk’ that it will occur without modifying the residual risk. There are no immediate costs to manage the risk, but it should be considered whether the risk exposure exceeds the organization’s risk tolerance.
What does preparing “contingency plans” for risks involve in PRINCE2?
Preparing contingency plans means creating future action plans without taking immediate actions. Often associated with the acceptance option, these plans provide future management flexibility at a lower cost compared to more proactive strategies.
What does the “Planning” step involve in risk management in PRINCE2?
The “Planning” step involves identifying and evaluating appropriate responses to risks with the aim of reducing or removing threats and maximizing opportunities. Responses can relate to multiple risks and may lead to secondary risks.
What are “residual risks,” and when are multiple responses necessary?
Residual risks are those that remain after reducing a threat. If significant, they may require more than one response. It is important to assess the effect of risk responses on the project and costs.
How is the cost of risk responses evaluated in comparison to their impact?
The cost of risk responses should be balanced against the probability and impact of the risk. Use the expected monetary value to compare response costs with risk reduction.
How are risk responses integrated into project plans in PRINCE2?
Chosen risk responses should be incorporated into the appropriate plans. For significant risks, early warning indicators and risk management plans can be included.
What aspects should be considered in the impact of risk responses?
It’s important to consider the impact of risk responses on the project plan, the business case, and external entities such as senior management or the customer.
When and why should risk escalation be done in PRINCE2?
Risk escalation occurs when risks are beyond the project team’s capacity or significantly impact the business justification. Escalation is a best practice and should not be seen as a failure.
What does the “Implementation” of risk responses entail in PRINCE2?
Implementation involves executing planned responses to risks, monitoring their effectiveness, and taking corrective actions if necessary. It is crucial to identify and assign an owner and a responsible party for each risk.
What are the roles of a “Risk Owner” and a “Risk Action Owner”?
The Risk Owner manages, monitors, and controls all aspects of an assigned risk, including the implementation of responses. The Risk Action Owner carries out the response actions for a specific risk, following the directives of the Risk Owner.
Can you provide an example of a Risk Owner and a Risk Action Owner?
Risk Owner: The Sales Director is responsible for managing the risk of a key supplier’s failure. Risk Action Owner: The Procurement Manager prepares contingency plans by identifying potential alternative suppliers.
How is risk communication managed in PRINCE2?
Risk communication is ongoing and involves disseminating risk information both within and outside the project. Risks are communicated through checkpoint reports, highlight reports, end-stage reports, end-project reports, and exception reports.
Why is communication crucial in risk management?
Effective communication is vital for identifying new risks or changes in existing risks. A good communication network facilitates the detection of changes that may affect the overall risk exposure of the project.