Directing a project Flashcards
What is the main purpose of the project direction process in PRINCE2?
To enable the project board to be responsible for the project’s success by making key decisions and exercising overall control, while delegating day-to-day management to the project manager.
What are the fundamental objectives of the project direction process?
The objectives include: authorizing project initiation and delivery, providing direction and control, ensuring project feasibility, and interfacing with corporate, program management, or the client.
When and how is the project direction process activated?
The process starts after the completion of the project initiation process and is activated by the request to initiate the project. It focuses on the activities of the project board, not the daily tasks of the project manager.
How does the project board manage in the project direction process?
It manages by exception, monitoring through reports and key decisions, and maintains two-way communication with corporate/program/client.
What are the key activities of the project board in the PRINCE2 project direction process?
The activities include authorizing project initiation, authorizing the project itself, authorizing a stage or exception plan, providing ad-hoc direction, and authorizing project closure.
What is the process for project initiation authorization by the project board in PRINCE2?
The project board assesses and approves the project brief, confirms the project definition, approach, and management team appointments. It must also review the outline business case and approve the initiation stage plan.
How does the project board approve the initiation stage plan?
The project board needs to understand the risks that impact the decision to authorize the initiation stage, secure or commit necessary resources, and ensure there are adequate reporting and control mechanisms in place.
What is the role of the project board in communication and logistics during project initiation?
The project board informs all stakeholders and hosting sites that the project is in the initiation phase and requests the necessary logistical support for the initiation stage.
What triggers the project authorization activity by the project board in PRINCE2?
The activity is triggered by a request from the project manager for permission to deliver the project. This can run in parallel with the authorization of a stage or an exception plan.
What requirements must be met for project authorization by the project board?
The project board must confirm the validity of the business case, the adequacy of the project plan and the approach to benefits management, the adequacy of project approaches and controls, and the establishment of benefit measurement and review mechanisms.
What actions are recommended for the review and approval of the Project Initiation Documentation (PID)?
The project board must confirm that the project definition is accurate and complete, that lessons from previous projects have been incorporated, and that quality and risk management approaches are sufficient. They must also approve the change control approach and communication management.
What does the project board do once the project is authorized?
The project board notifies corporate, program management, or the client that the project has been authorized. Additionally, they authorize the project manager to deliver the project or, if necessary, close the project prematurely.
When does the project board authorize a new project stage?
The project board authorizes the start of a new project stage after reviewing and approving the current end-stage report and the plan for the next stage.
What happens if an exception occurs during a project stage?
If an exception occurs, the project board may request an exception plan from the project manager. If approved, this plan will replace the current exception plan and become the new baseline plan.
What are the key elements that the project board must review in the end-stage report?
The project board must assess the project’s performance up to that point, examine deviations from approved plans, assess risk exposure, and confirm acceptance of the products delivered during the stage.
How does the project board proceed with the approval of a stage or exception plan?
The project board must confirm the validity and feasibility of the stage or exception plan, review and approve descriptions of new products, and ensure that the updated business case continues to demonstrate project feasibility.
What communication and decision actions does the project board take after approving a stage or exception plan?
The project board must communicate the project’s status to corporate, program management, or the client and inform other stakeholders. It may approve the plan and authorize the project manager to proceed, request a review of a rejected plan, or instruct premature project closure.
When might ad hoc direction by the project board be necessary?
Ad hoc direction may be necessary in response to clarification requests, conflict resolution, progress reports, external influences, individual concerns of project board members, or changes in the composition of the board itself.
How can the project board respond to changes in the project mandate from corporate or the client?
The project board can treat the change as a request for modification, asking the project manager to replan the phase or project, or it can halt and restart the project by triggering premature closure.
What is the role of project assurance in ad hoc direction?
Project assurance may be tasked with reviewing and evaluating actions, such as inspecting a change request to confirm that a proper impact assessment has been conducted.
What decisions can the project board make in response to escalated issues?
The project board can make decisions within its delegated authority on issues or concerns, change requests, or unmet specifications, considering whether an exception plan is necessary.
What communication actions should the project board take regarding project progress?
The project board should review progress reports to understand the project’s status and ensure it remains focused on business objectives, progresses according to the plan, and keeps corporate or the client informed, as defined by the communication management approach.
Why is controlled project closure important in PRINCE2?
Controlled closure ensures that project objectives have been achieved, assesses how the project deviated from its initial baseline, and confirms that the project has nothing more to contribute, preventing it from turning into day-to-day activities and losing focus on the original benefits.
What is the last activity of the project board before its disbandment?
Authorizing project closure, which may require the consent of corporate, program management, or the client. The project board may appoint project assurance to review and assess the accuracy of the end-project report.
What must the project board review before authorizing project closure?
The project board must review the original and current versions of the Project Initiation Documentation (PID) and approve the end-project report, understanding the actual project performance against its initial baseline and evaluating recommendations for future actions.
Which documents need to be confirmed and approved before project closure?
The project board must confirm that post-project benefits management is adequate and that the updated business case aligns with the current and projected project performance relative to the initial outline business case.
What communications should the project board make after approving project closure?
It should issue a project closure notification in line with the communication management approach and inform parties that provided infrastructure and resources that these can be withdrawn, specifying a closure date for project-charged costs.
How can roles be customized in the project direction process?
All activities are the responsibility of the executive, but the actual work can be performed by others. It’s important to keep the roles of the executive and project manager separate. Phase boundary decisions may require approval at a higher level than the executive.
What are the general considerations for tailoring in the PRINCE2 project direction process?
After approval to initiate the project, it’s important to maintain the integrity of the interface with the project initiation, phase boundary management, and project closure processes. The level of formality in decisions may vary, but it must always be explicit and traceable.
How is a simple project directed in PRINCE2?
The direction of a simple project tends to be less formal than that of a larger project. If the project is divided into two stages, there are no required phase boundary decisions except in the case of an exception plan.
What are the key considerations in directing projects using an agile approach?
In an agile approach, decisions must be quick, and the environment should promote self-management and empowerment. Emphasis should be on the quality and quantity of delivered requirements, with frequent and informal information flows.
How are project board roles selected within a project within a program?
The selection of individuals for project board roles is open. The executive may be the same person as the program manager. It’s crucial that there are no conflicts of interest, and responsibilities are clear in the program and project organizational structures.
How is project direction managed from a supplier perspective?
If the project is managed from the supplier’s perspective, the executive safeguards the interests of the supplier organization. A person may be appointed to act as a senior supplier on the client’s project board.